
"NEXT YEAR . . . IN JERUSALEM ! " The Valley EXTENDS TO AZAL ! ~ Passover Preparation Meditation #5

A more ACCURATE depiction would have His+ Feet like BURNISHED BRASS, according to the vision of the Apostle John.

And His+ Feet shall stand in THAT DAY upon the Mount of Olives,
which is before Jerusalem on the east, and the Mount of Olives shall cleave in the midst thereof toward the east and toward the west, and there shall be a very great valley; and half of the mountain shall remove toward the north, and half of it toward the south. Zechariah 14:4
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And ye shall flee to the valley of MY* mountains; for the valley of the mountains shall reach unto Atzal: yea, ye shall flee, like as ye fled from before the earthquake in the days of Uzziah king of Judah: and the LORD my God shall come, and all the saints with thee. * in the Hebrew text.
Zechariah 14:5
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This “earthquake” of The LORD promises to be like no other earthquake produced by the movement of the earth’s Tectonic plates.

The Dead Sea fault runs ( according to earthquake maps )  

North to South . . . not East to West.

The notation on the Earthquake map of the World ( April 1995, National Geographic, The Earth’s Fractured Surface ) shows that the Dead Sea fault is a strike-slip fault formed when slabs of rock slide horizontally past each other.  

IMAGE above,  Courtesy of : https://thirdhour.org/blog/faith/dead-sea-healing-prophecy/

In contrast to that natural fault line,  this DIVINE MOVEMENT will split the Mount of Olives  from the East to the West when the Feet of The LORD JESUS CHRIST stands upon the Mount of Olives. The two parts of the divided mount will then move to the north and the south, respectively, forming a great valley.

This will be like NO OTHER EARTHQUAKE this world has ever known because The LORD’S Feet will produce it for a certain purpose. Verse 5 tells us that  purpose: 

People in Jerusalem will flee to safety through that great valley that is produced. That valley will reach unto AZAL or ATZAL. 

Scholars have not been able to definitely locate Atzal and have proposed various theories about its location. The most recent archeological finds indicate that Atzal is southwest of Jerusalem proper, around the area where the Valley of Gehenna meets the Kidron Valley. 

IF THAT IS CORRECT, then that east-west valley formed by The Feet of The LORD will be quite long. The Mount of Olives is a two-mile long ridge along the south-eastern rim of Jerusalem. It has three summits on it, all rising from the Kidron Valley.

Interestingly, the Hebrew states that the people “ will flee to the valley of MY mountains”. That is, The LORD has announced His+ historic ownership of the summits located on the Mount of Olives ridge.

And well HE+ might lay claim to it.

The LORD JESUS resorted to THAT MOUNT instead of staying in the city of Jerusalem . . . which refused to be gathered under His+ wings. 

THAT MOUNT received the great drops of blood fallen from His+ brow during His+ last agonizing night of prayer at the Garden on the Mount. 

The Resurrected LORD also ascended from THAT MOUNT as His+ disciples watched His+ Glorified Body ascend up to Heaven before their very eyes.

Yes, that SAME Glorified Body

which they watched eat broiled fish and honey,

ascended into Heaven from THAT VERY MOUNT,  the Mount of Olives.

Acts 1:12

That SAME Glorified Body in which The LORD invited Thomas to touch His+ hands and His+ side, to handle HIM+ and see , was lifted up before their eyes into a cloud. 

Human flesh can scarcely comprehend the power of The LORD because His+ Power transcends all that we could ask or think.

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Do we believe, then, with our minds or with our hearts ?  Or, are BOTH required to trust and believe ? 

Where are those “reins” located that Scripture talks about in the Psalms and what are they ? 


Oh let the wickedness of the wicked come to an end; but establish the just: for the righteous GOD trieth the hearts and reins.

So . . . our reins are able to be tested. . . and WILL BE  . .no, rather ARE BEING tested ( present progressive tense ) in the eyes of the Righteous GOD.

PSALM 16:7

I will bless the LORD, who hath given me counsel: my reins also instruct me in the night seasons.

Thus . . . our reins “talk” to us and give us counsel.

PSALM 26:2

Examine me, O LORD, and prove me; 
try my reins and my heart.

We see here that our reins are co-workers with our heart.

PSALM 73:21

Thus my heart was grieved [ Heb = embittered ],

and I was pricked [ Heb = pierced ] in my reins.

Our reins can feel bitter remorse and poignant regret.

PSALM 139:13

For Thou, THOU hast possessed (Heb = acquired) my reins:

Thou wilt weave (Heb: will weave together, will entwine) me

in my mother's womb.

Our reins are able to be acquired and indeed, possessed by another Greater than we are.

And in Proverbs 23:16 . . .

Yea, my reins shall rejoice, when thy lips speak right things.

Our reins feel emotions of joy,

and that when ( i.e., in context) the lips of our son

speak righteously. 

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It seems, then, our reins refer to our inner-most being, the real “I”.

Is the REAL “I” , then,  ready for The LORD to come and re-enter  history which will become a day of destruction, judgment , and death for much of mankind ?

O LORD, lead me in Thy+ straight paths.

Help me to be mindful of Eternity awaiting every Soul I meet.

Are we ready, then,  for our own unrighteous culture to crumble . . . for NO LIES to stand in the human race, no values to remain that go against GOD’S Word, no pet theories, no doctrines, nor traditions which negate the Words of CHRIST ?

O LORD, plant in me a hunger for Your+ Truth, Your+ TRUTH alone.

Are we ready for the hearts of man to be revealed ?


THOU+ knowest my down-sitting and my uprising

and art acquainted with all my ways.

Are we OURSELVES ready to be transparent, with NO HIDING PLACE from before His+ Eyes ?  That is, are we READY to have our thoughts projected upon a screen for all the world to see ?

O LORD, have mercy upon me !

LORD JESUS, I am not ready. Help me to forsake the distractions of this dead and dying world. Help me to live solely for YOU+ that I might rejoice and not be afraid when Your+ Feet stand on the Mount of Olives, bringing Judgment from Your+ Holy Mountain.

This I pray, O LORD JESUS, in Your+ Holy Name, asking YOU+ for mercy and strength to amend my life. Amen

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