Showing posts with label fear. Show all posts
Showing posts with label fear. Show all posts


Advent Meditation #23

Behold... The Lord, Whom+ ye seek...
shall suddenly come to His+ Temple...
Even the Messenger of the COVENANT
Whom+ ye delight in...

HE hath filled the hungry with good things; and the rich HE hath sent empty away. 
HE hath holpen His servant, Israel,
in remembrance of His mercy; 

As HE spoke to our fathers,
to Abraham,
and to his seed forever. 
Luke 1: 53-55

Blessed are they who do hunger and thirst after righteousness; for they shall be filled.

Bless GOD that HE has made a way to fill up the hungry of heart !  HE knows   who calls upon HIM in hunger, in thirst, in anguish of heart.  HE knows  ... and thus, HIS Holy SON+ JESUS knows.  His Beloved SON+ JESUS comes to those who call upon HIM+ in Spirit and in Truth, for The FATHER seeketh such to worship HIM.

What CHILD+ is this ?

GOD, Who at sundry times
and in diverse manners
spoke in time past
unto the fathers by the prophets,

Hath in these last days
spoken unto us by
Whom+ HE hath appointed
heir of all things,
by Whom+ also
HE made the worlds;

being the brightness of HIS glory,
and the express image
and upholding all things
by The WORD of HIS power, 

When HE+ had by HIMSELF+ 
purged our sins,
sat down on the right hand
of the MAJESTY
on High, 

Being made so much better
than the angels,
as HE hath by inheritance
a more excellent Name
than they. 
Hebrews 1: 1-4

The promises of The GOD Who cannot lie are more solid than anything our senses can experience or hearts imagine. 

Those promises are found in His Word and are made true by the Living WORD+ of GOD made flesh, Who+ dwelt among men, at the exact season appointed by The FATHER. 

Since only man is locked into a time frame on planet earth, The LORD's promises to Abraham were and are as living and valid as the day HE made them ! 


O Great and Magnificent LORD of HOSTS, we praise THEE and thank THEE for providing a way out of sin and darkness since the beginning of the transgression in the Garden of Eden. 

O LORD, my Life+, help me to trust in Thy fore-knowledge in things concerning my life on planet earth. 

Let my trust become so great that I lose all fear of the loss of everything... except the loss of THEE+, O Great SAVIOR+. 

Come and fill this little temple of my soul with THEE+ , Precious REDEEMER+, and make me ready to meet the last great struggle on planet earth... the world-wide persecution of  Christians.

Grant me Thy+ Grace ... enough Grace to look upon the Promises of GOD and to KNOW WITHOUT A DOUBT that Thy+ Kingdom will certainly be established by the power of Thy Right Hand ... that same Right Hand+ which hath gotten THEE the Victory ! 

Amen. Maranatha.
Come, LORD JESUS. Come.   


Advent Meditation #21

Behold, The LAMB+ of GOD!
The soldiers... plaited a crown of thorns
and put it about HIS+ Head...

And the mercy of HIM is
unto generations of generations,
to the ones having feared HIM.
Luke 1:50 ( literal Gk)

Fear is the assurance that GOD is bigger than I am. Fear is the assurance that I cannot hide my thoughts or motives from HIM.

Fear is the absolute assurance that HE is not going to excuse my disobediences just because HE loves me !

My parents loved me, but they exacted disciplinary measures when I needed to be corrected and WORDS were not bringing forth the desired obediences. 

HIS WORD does not always change us,
does it ?

His WORD will not change us if we refuse to be corrected by it. 

  • If we refuse to line up our lives according to HIS WORD...
  • if we set at naught the instructions HE has written in His inspired Word...
  • if we think HE will set aside His written Word and not hold us to obeying it...
  • if we think HE will excuse us from following the words of The Living WORD+ made flesh...

... then we are headed for disciplinary measures.

Those measures will not be comfortable nor will they stop until the corrections are thoroughly in-grained in us and we have developed the proper fear of GOD. 

As a matter of fact, every facet, every group, in the entire Christian church system will not be excused for teaching as doctrines ANY THINGS that go against HIS WORD or HIS SON+ 'S Words. 

And, there are many. 

JESUS said, " .... Be not afraid of them that kill the body, and after that have no more that they can do. 

" But I+ will forewarn you WHOM ye shall fear:  Fear HIM Who, after HE hath killed, hath power to cast into hell: yea, I+ say unto youfear HIM."

Luke 12: 4, 5 and Mt. 10:28 


Gracious and Most Merciful GOD, Our FATHER, extend Thy mercy unto me.

I acknowledge my transgressions and my sin is ever before me.

I have ignored Thy Word and refused to apply it to myself. I have refused to be changed by Thy Word and lightly tossed it aside.

I have done the things I ought not to have done and did not do the things I should have done, and there is no righteousness in me.

Behold, THOU desirest truth in the inward parts and in the hidden part THOU shalt make me know wisdom, which begins with the fear of THEE, O GOD.

O LORD, I call upon Thy mercy to wash me so that I shall be whiter than snow... then the bones which THOU hast broken may rejoice.

Cast me not away from Thy presence, and take not Thy Holy SPIRIT from me. Create in me a clean heart, O GOD, and renew a right spirit within me.

These things I pray in the Name of the Un-Blemished LAMB+ of GOD, Who+ taketh away the sins of the world.

Behold, The LAMB+ of GOD!
+  +




The GOOD news today is
that we have no fear.

HE+ promises to walk with us through the Valley of the Shadow of Death, the Valley of rejection, the Valley of loneliness.

HE+ can...
because HE+ has been through death…
....and back!
HE+ endured utter rejection from family, and His+ friends didn’t even stick with HIM+ through His+ strongest trial.
Plus, Our Savior – our dear, dear JESUS —saw His+ FATHER seemingly turn HIS FACE away from HIM+, the only-begotten SON+ in WHOM+ HE, The FATHER, was well-pleased… all due to my sin and the sins of the whole world.

THAT was the DEPTHS of the Valley of rejection, the Valley of loneliness. No-one on earth has had to embrace THAT kind of rejection, that utter abandonment of family and friends to embrace the loneliness to such a horrific degree.
So, we give thanks that HE+ made it through!

We give thanks because…
it wasn’t HIS+ fault.

HE+ covered for us, providing a cover of HIS+ own Blood. We hide underneath it, being grateful-to-tears for the shelter and safety HIS+ Blood brings us. Bless GOD that HE+ made it through to the end to say,
Now, we have no fear, of either Death ( read: “Life” ) or rejection ( read: “Companionship with JESUS” ) or loneliness ( read: “HE+ is right there beside you !” ).
If we embrace the cross, putting self-indulgence, self-pity, self-insistence to “death”, then HE+’S there, leading us unto fullness with HIMSELF+… and Joy follows !
If we accept the rejection and BLESS those rejecters in our hearts, forgiving them, guiding our minds and hearts to practice thinking
“Whatsoever things are lovely, … of good report… true…”
etc., of them….

then, HE+ anoints us with HIS+ great good approval. We have thus practiced HIS+ desire and example to love our enemies. Oh, how happy HE+ is when we do that !
HE+ is happy with US ! And, we will actually experience “the love of GOD being shed abroad” through our hearts, to our rejecters !
“These things have I+ spoken unto you, that My+ Joy might remain in you, and that your joy MIGHT BE FULL.”
Furthermore, if we embrace the loneliness appointed to us by HIS+ Sovereign Will, we will find that HE+ will meet us at the altar to join us to HIMSELF+ so that we will never walk alone.
No matter our condition of health, our situation of life, our position in (or out of ) family, we will NEVER be without companionship… the TRUE companionship of having someone to talk to in our hearts, having someone who knows us and loves us despite our character flaws and many failures.
(We know, of course, that being around other humans does not guarantee “companionship”, but rather, the communing of our hearts with one another is the fellowship  we hunger for. That is why so many find companionship with their little pets and thus, take great good care of their little 4-footed, fuzzy “heart-mates”.)
So, let us walk free of the torment of fear. Embrace the cross; for in so doing, you embrace CHRIST JESUS HIMSELF+, Who+ loves you dearly.
Embrace death to Self, for it will bring you LIFE in CHRIST.
Rejoice in rejection … for it will work in you great holiness.
Welcome loneliness; for inasmuch as you receive His+ ordained loneliness, you’ll receive HIS+ Companionship!
And then, when your sojourn upon earth is finished, the transition unto the Heavenly Kingdom will be utterly desirous… and you will hear,
“Well done, thou good and faithful servant; ENTER THOU INTO THE JOY OF THY LORD.”
Indeed, you have ALREADY been walking in that close JOY for many days with CHRIST JESUS as LORD of your life, through many rejections and much loneliness.
Then it will come to pass that the Valley of Baca … of Weeping… will be turned into a summit of total joy in Our LORD… when you see HIS+ welcoming face, full of love, glowing… coming towards you!

In the Name of The FATHER
Who created us,
and His Beloved SON+,
Who+ saves us,
and the Blessed HOLY SPIRIT,
Who sanctifies us.


Whom Shall I FEAR ?

... FEAR HIM+ !!!

Hear the Word of the LORD from Proverbs 19:9...

A false witness will not go unpunished,

and he who speaks lies shall perish.

A false witness is one who KNOWS better... but deliberately speaks bad things that are NOT TRUE. A false witness defames the character of someone and slanders or slays his victim with his tongue.

Everybody knows what happens to those who tell lies against neighbors, family, and friends. Estrangement occurs. A wall goes up. Hurt lies in the heart of the one being slandered so viciously.

For Christians, this happens regularly. Family members who have received a witness come under conviction by the HOLY SPIRIT. If they repent, we have won some to CHRIST. But if they don't, the phone lines and emails will be hot with false witnessing against the Christian's character.

Yes, we know how to pray: to forgive, to bind, to bless. Oftentimes, that makes the flaming tongues of hostility hotter. The LORD tells us to count it all joy because not only is it a battle for someone's soul... is it our proving ground, our testing. It is in the FIRE that our souls are weaned from ease and exercised in GODLINESS. That is when GROWTH occurs, for the faithful. And, that growth is TOWARDS THE LORD.

Yes, there will be judgment from GOD for those who provide a false witness against their fellow man, whether the false witness be in the courtroom, in the workplace, or in the family circle.

But, let's look at that Proverb once again, in a new light.

A false witness will not go unpunished,

and he who speaks lies shall perish.

Christians, take heed to your tongue.

Take heed about speaking half-truths about ME+ to others to make others "feel good" about you ... and about ME+.

I am not running a popularity contest. I do not change my Word in order to have people "come to JESUS" the soft way. Do not give the Salvation message backwards: You don't "receive ME+ "... I RECEIVE YOU...

if you are found acceptable to ME+ by your repentance,

if you are humble in your own eyes,

if you are sorrowful over your sins....

if you seal your vow to ME+ under the waters of baptism.

Remember: a false witness will NOT go unpunished, So, be mindful to represent the TRUE CHARACTER of GOD and not some fantasy about Who HE is and Who His SON+ is that is not based in Scripture but in man's confused image.

Remember: he who speaks lies shall perish. so be certain to speak of My+ judgment and My+ INtolerance of ALL sinful ways, as well as My+ love and forgiveness.

+ + +
And fear not them
which kill the body,
but are not able
to kill the soul.
But rather fear HIM+
which is able to destroy
both soul and body,
(the Lake of Fire).
Mt. 10:28

Yes, JESUS does love every soul, no matter how deep the sin. But, HE+ will deal with those who choose to love their darkness more than Light.

Do not fail to include this in your Gospel Message of Salvation. Do not be a false witness for CHRIST.

+ + +

In the name of The FATHER, Who created us,

The SON+, Who+ saves us,

and The Blessed HOLY SPIRIT

Who sanctifies us into a meet vessel,

worthy of HIS+ use.


Sister Judith Hannah+ + +