
AGE OF APOSTASY: What Do John Piper, Rick Warren, and the Current Pope Francis Have in Common ?

Commentary by Samson7Able

The VIDEO can be found on YouTube at the link under the picture. 
It is 8 minutes long.
Brothers and Sisters,
We are living in the End Times, in the Age of Apostasy.
The Apostle warned us, "Evil men and seducers shall wax worse and worse, deceiving and being deceived."
This brother, Jacob Prasch,  is speaking a warning to all serious Christians about this apostasy  and the ECUMENICAL movement which seeks to join all religions together into a world religion. 
The organized church system is heavily involved in this, including Baptists as well as Roman Catholics. "Ecumenism" --- a one-world religion -- is being promoted by the Pope, Rick Warren, and John Piper, among many other Christian leaders.
Wycliffe and its affiliate, the Summer Institute of Linguistics, along with United Bible Society have already signed an agreement with the Roman Catholic Organization to create a One World Bible.
Let us be aware and know by heart what JESUS has Taught and Commanded.  Deceivers are thick within the organized church and its popular leaders.

Judgment begins at the House of GOD. 
This is a head's-up.
The VIDEO can be found on YouTube at the link under the picture. It is 8 minutes long.

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