
Followers of JESUS:
Beware of the Deception of the Enneagrams of Personality Teaching which is making its rounds through the modern church circles.
This — and other — new age teachings are being ACTIVELY promoted by Richard Rohr, an apostate Franciscan priest in New Mexico.
What is SIN, to Mr. Rohr ?
“GOD is like a spinning top of love inside of every living creature. Everything grows from within. When you squelch that inner life force, I think that is the real meaning of SIN. “You” die.”
Let both grow together until the harvest:
and in the time of harvest
I+ will say to the reapers,
Gather ye together first the tares,
and bind them in bundles to burn them:
but gather the wheat into My+ barn.
Matthew 13:30, courtesy of Bible Gateway
Followers of JESUS:
Beware of the Deception of the Enneagrams of Personality Teaching which is making its rounds through the modern church circles.
This know also, that in the last days perilous times shall come.
2 For men shall be
lovers of their own selves,
covetous, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents,
unthankful, unholy…
5 Having a form of godliness,
but denying the power thereof: from such turn away…
Ever learning,
and never able to come
to the knowledge of the truth.
2 Timothy 3, courtesy of Bible Gateway
+ + +
This — and other — new age teachings are being ACTIVELY promoted by Richard Rohr, an apostate Franciscan priest in New Mexico.
However, the Roman Catholic archdiocese has not acted upon removing him from the Catholic communion and permits him all the privileges of a “priest in good standing,” according to a Roman Catholic website* which has protested to the Roman Catholic hierarchy for years against Mr. Rohr’s new age teachings .
You may Search for ” Richard Rohr & CAC” an article by Stephanie
Block on Catholic Media Coalition, a RC “watchdog” site, if interested
in reading more.
Rohr is “globally” renowned for his Center for Action and Contemplation
( CAC). He is dean of the Center’s Living School for Action and
Contemplation, in which he teaches a focus on understanding SELF … and
others … through the Enneagrams of Personality ( all 9 of them.)
Thus, Mr. Rohr has teamed up with Cynthia Bourgeault, a pseudo-Christian, and James Finley, a clinical psychologist in California who was a contemplative monk studying under Thomas Merton in the Trappist monastery in the Abbey of Gethsemane in Kentucky.
These three
have developed a Living School in the CAC in Albuquerque, NM, to
promote a strange version of “spirituality ” which is quite distinct from Christianity.
Why is it strange?
It is tied to the ancient occultic Enneagram Teaching … 9 personality types … which , if understood, can be psychically discerned so that a person can understand the Self and others’ Self.
Mr. Rohr’s philosophy and anti-Christian worldview is apparent in his many books available, using Christian terminology, albeit he CHANGES THE CONCEPTS of what these terms mean, as he does with salvation and sin.
Here are a few quotes by Mr. Rohr himself from a YouTube video which is restricted from being embedded here.
It is available by searching for : “Richard Rohr The Enneagram as a Tool for Spiritual Discernment.”
Non-resistance, according to Mr. Rohr,
“This is the ultimate over-coming of evil : to make evil show itself for what it is.”
[ By the way, this is Mr. Rohr’s way to overcome evil, just like Gandhi and Martin Luther King, he said. ]
Spiritual “discernment”, according to Mr. Rohr:
“When you get good at it, you read ENERGIES. That’s how [Helen] Palmer got into it; she told me herself. She was a psychic intuitively and she said you could train people to be psychic. Well, that’s what this was about. Initially, we ( Early Christians)** didn’t use this kind of word, but that is really what it was.
“We were training people to READ THE SOUL. And after awhile, you could pick it up by their body movements, by their gestures, by their face.
I mean, my god … And the more compulsive a person is , the more easy
they are to read. I’m a “one”. Here, I’ve known this dang thing for 30
years and I’m still a “one” .”
** [ Note: The “early Christians” Mr. Rohr references is really one
monk in the 4th century in Alexandria. See ENNEAGRAMS OF PERSONALITY on
Wikipedia.]What is SIN, to Mr. Rohr ?
“GOD is like a spinning top of love inside of every living creature. Everything grows from within. When you squelch that inner life force, I think that is the real meaning of SIN. “You” die.”
( end of quote).
+ + +
I am crucified with CHRIST:
nevertheless I live;
yet not I, but CHRIST liveth in me:
and the life which I now live in the flesh
I live by the faith of the SON+ of GOD,
Who+ loved me,
and gave himself for ME+.
Galatians 2:20
+ + +
And they that are CHRIST’S
have crucified the flesh
with the affections and lusts.
Galatians 5:24
+ + +
How does Mr. Rohr view the Fall of Adam, the Fall of mankind ?
“Who would have ever believed that the FALLING itself was the mercy of GOD ?”
What is Mr. Rohr’s Perennial Tradition that the CAC encompasses and promotes?
It is the recurring theme in all of the world’s religions and philosophies… the final goal is union with this Divine Reality.
? ? ?
Why does this strange, un-Biblical teaching of spirituality MERIT not only conferences, speaking engagements in churches and in “Christian” universities, seminars, classes both at CAC and many online …
. . . but also merits
Enneagram STUDY groups
using Mr. Rohr’s several books
on the Enneagram of Personality
in churches ( !!! )
of every sort *** ?
*** [ A quick search of Mr. Rohr on YouTube shows him speaking in a number of church settings and church conferences. Actually, it is quite popular among the liberal set of church-goers, even overseas. Also, Mr. Rohr or the CAC sends out a daily meditation to approximately 150,000 persons, according to their website.]
Does this strange teaching of spirituality have anything to do with CHRIST JESUS Who+ sent us The HOLY SPIRIT from His+ FATHER ?
? ? ?
The sad part of all this strange teaching is that Richard Rohr used to be the head of the New Jerusalem Charismatic Christian Community in Cincinnati, Ohio in the mid-1970’s. It was JESUS-centered.
But, after 11 years of working with the flock, Mr. Rohr moved to New Mexico to work with “another” flock.
Here is who is in that “other” flock now, as his co-workers:
1. Cynthia Bourgeault, teacher at CAC, an Episcopal “priest”-(ess), defender of the morality of homosexuals, who thinks:
the same time frame that the Biblical psalms were being composed, the
planet was also being graced with the Buddha, Lao-Tse, Zoaroaster, and
Plato: a quantum leap in human understanding and ethical vision.
~ From a posted article by Mrs. Bourgeault on GOOP.com. Link is added later in this post.
2. Phileena Heuertz, CAC Board member, yoga instructor
3. Michelle Scheidt, CAC Board member, doctoral student at Chicago Theological Seminary, who lists in her short bio at CAC that she and her spouse, Barbara Crook, live in the woods in Kalamazoo, MI.
4. Damien
Faughnan, CAC Board member, who is chairman of the Board for ILLUMAN, a
men’s spirituality group formed by Mr. Rohr for men to realize
themselves through ritual, image, story, and council ( yes, council ). The
rituals used come from Native American pagan rituals, one at least,
described as [ the men ] walking naked, on all fours , in a Native
American sweat lodge.
5. Other Board members of interest: Two women who were appointees to various humanistic committees of past president Mr. Obama and another lady who was lauded with the Soros Faculty Scholars Award.
6. Other
CAC Board members are business executives who are interested in
spirituality, plus Mr. Rohr himself, who is vice-president of the Board.
If you have not guessed by now…
Yes, it is a cult … a well-crafted, smooth-tongued, cult for the rather wealthy middle-class, using Christian terminology freely, spouting the “love of JESUS” profusely, all the while REJECTING the LORDSHIP OF JESUS CHRIST.
JESUS said unto them,
If GOD were your FATHER,
ye would love ME+:
for I+ proceeded forth and came from GOD;
neither came I+ of Myself+,
but HE sent ME+.
John 8:42
+ + +
Instead, it replaces true Christianity with man’s own “idea” of who GOD is.
Much of Mr. Rohr’s CAC activities are quite “new age” in flavor, as his maze / labyrinth, his solstice activities, and his Native American pagan rituals for men.
To their credit, some
traditional Catholics are and have been upset with Mr. Rohr’s teachings
for a number of years, but the RC organization has not responded to
their ( well-founded) complaints.
[ See link] http://FALSE TEACHINGS of Richard Rohr, Apostate Franciscan priest
+ + +
The LORD JESUS CHRIST told us to let the tares, the POISONOUS WEEDS, grow along with the wheat until HE+ sends forth the harvesters. Then, the poisonous tares are gathered out FIRST , tied into bundles, and thrown into the fire.
Who are these bundles growing alongside the wheat?
.Are they not these apostate pseudo-Christian groups who rob the Church of Christian terms and perhaps concepts… and apply them in a twisted, new way ?
The LORD was crucified ONCE for our Redemption.
And yes, Mr. Rohr, contrary to your teaching ( see linked article), the crucifixion WAS necessary for our individual Redemption. That, Mrs. Bourgeault, is why there were the animal sacrifices you disdained in the Old Testament.
See this Link: [ Cynthia Bourgeault Warps Scriptural Teachings]
OT sacrifices not only covered [ kippor = covering ] men from the consequences of their repented sins under the Old Covenant, but also showed us the pattern of what cleansing from sin would COST our Heavenly FATHER.
The LORD states plainly that HE takes no pleasure in the blood of bulls and lambs and goats ; HE takes no pleasure in the killing of those creatures which HE has made. Isaiah 1:11
It is too
bad that Mr. Rohr abandoned his first love of CHRIST. I heard him speak
about HIM+ weekly, for I was in those New Jerusalem Christian
households, a Protestant one, for New Jerusalem was ecumenical in the beginning. He had a passion for CHRIST back then, and could move crowds with his truly charismatic ways and words.
I wept …
when I discovered what this man is doing to CHRIST before the world, putting HIM+ to an open shame.
I wept …
when I thought of the countless THOUSANDS Mr. Rohr is now leading away ( with his same impassioned “silver tongue” ) from The LORD JESUS CHRIST … to this vague, universal “cosmic” CHRIST in the name of “enlightenment” ( i.e., satanic demonology), and fantasies of Self.
This man who once trained young Christians to love and obey CHRIST JESUS… now has become HIS+ enemy, forsaking the Way, The Truth+, and The Life; no man comes to The FATHER except through CHRIST, JESUS told us straightly.
.Therefore, my brethren
dearly beloved and longed for,
my joy and crown,
so stand fast in the Lord,
my dearly beloved.
Philippians 4:1, from the Apostle Paul
+ + +
It is not a “male ritual passage” that wounded men need, but a repentance from sin… and a new life in CHRIST JESUS.
It is not hot-air enneagrams that rejected, closed up persons need, but a humble coming to CHRIST Who+ said, “Come unto ME+ all ye who are heavy-laden, and I+ will give you rest.” The enneagrams only lead persons further away from CHRIST, for they are a lie.
persons into enneagrams will end up more confused, more empty, and less
satisfied with “self” than ever before as the law of sowing and reaping
take effect.
It is NOT more of Self, discovering Self, understanding Self, developing Self that sets the unhappy, confused person free, but the TRUTH+ that is only found in yielding one’s life unto CHRIST JESUS. That is what sets one free from all the unhappy things that happen to Self.
Mr. Rohr now teaches cosmic lies… from the “father of lies”, lies that are as old as the garden of Eden.
If you are toying with Mr. Rohr’s teachings, books, philosophy, or joining in with the CAC activities — and thousands are — you
are NOT becoming more spiritual; you are becoming more demonized. You
are dangerously becoming MORE HARDENED AGAINST CHRIST JESUS.
You are being GATHERED INTO A BUNDLE OF TARES TO BE BURNED. Repent now before you go beyond the point of no return. Un-harden your hearts, if you still can, and HEAR THE WORD OF THE LORD:
For if we sin wilfully after that we have received the knowledge of the Truth, there remaineth no more sacrifice for sins, but a certain fearful looking for of judgment and fiery indignation, which shall devour the adversaries.
He that despised Moses’ law died without mercy under two or three witnesses: Of how much sorer punishment, suppose ye, shall he be thought worthy,
who hath trodden under foot the SON+ of GOD,
and hath counted the Blood of the Covenant,
wherewith he was sanctified,
an un-holy thing,
and hath done despite unto the SPIRIT of grace?
For we know HIM that hath said, Vengeance belongeth unto ME, I+ will recompense, saith the LORD. And again, The LORD shall judge His+ people.
It is a fearful thing to fall
into the hands of the LIVING GOD.
Hebrews 10: 26-31
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