Worthy is the LAMB+... worthy is the LAMB+... worthy is the LAMB+ that was slain to receive power and riches and wisdom and strength and honor and glory and blessing! Blessing and honor and glory and power be unto HIM that sitteth on the throne and unto The LAMB+ for ever and ever. Amen.
Pentecost is Coming! A personal Pentecost...
Indeed, we are willing but the flesh is weak and does not want to die. So... how do we "make" ourselves "die to Self ?"
Passover Meditation #36 for the Lenten Season 2012
- NO OTHER human beings in this world can bear this kind of fruit except those who are willing to be trained, be discipled by Our LORD JESUS CHRIST.
- NO OTHER human beings in this world can glorify The HEAVENLY FATHER except those who do bear such fruit.
- NO OTHER human beings in this world can bear fruit that is accepted in Heavenly Places except those whose fruit comes from their attachment to Our LORD JESUS CHRIST.
Passover Meditation #31 for the Lenten Season 2012
Beating the Strongman... Step 1

[ The Epiphany Season continues to the Passover Season on the Christian Calendar ].
The Manifestation of the CHRIST Child to the Gentiles
or, Wise Men Seek HIM+
Beating the Strongman
Step 1
Our LORD JESUS CHRIST gives us the power
This is the first step in beating the strongman.
The GIFTS of the HOLY SPIRIT are to HIS+ credit; the FRUITS, however, are laid to our account, through the Grace and Mercy of The LORD. Not to use GOD’S gifts for His+ Kingdom’s work, to do His+ Will, is equivalent to burying what GOD has given us. Note this: HE+ did not give us His+ talents for our benefit, but for the Kingdom’s benefit.
The judgment the servant faced who buried the Master’s one talent entrusted unto him was exactly the same as the branches being cut off from the Vine+… by that very same Master and Husbandman. That servant of The LORD buried his Master’s talent and then absorbed himself in the doings of his own life. He did not trouble himself to be about his Master’s interests. He did not concern himself to work primarily for the one he called “master.”
GOD forbid that any of us take advantage of GOD’S grace and mercy toward us! We were not saved to “better our lives” for ourselves but to live for CHRIST JESUS our LORD.
Accepting this
is the first step in beating the strongman.
Do we have faith to believe that IF WE PUT the Kingdom of GOD first, that all things we have need of will be given unto us? [That IS the Word of The LORD, you know.]
Can we believe… have we trust in the fact that… our families will be well cared for IF WE do The LORD’S work first? If properly done according to the will of The LORD, not only will our young ones and spouses be rightly cared for, but they will be concerned about the Kingdom of GOD also, to the glory of GOD our FATHER!
Acknowledging this truth
is the first step in
beating the strongman.
Let us pray:
Dear LORD and Heavenly FATHER, In the name of Thy Beloved SON+ JESUS CHRIST, we ask for help to seek THEE first and Thy Righteousness. We do this in accordance with the Words of Thy SON+. Help us to turn away from the insistent cares of this life and focus only upon the VITAL, the ONE THING that Thy Beloved SON+ said was necessary. Grant us wisdom and strength to do this, according to Thy Will and leading, to the glory of Thy Holy Name. Amen.
+ + +
The EPIPHANY ~ His+ Manifestation
Year of Our LORD

Day of the Manifestation
of the CHRIST Child
to the Gentiles
Wise Men Still Seek HIM+
The Epiphany Season of the Christian Calendar goes from January 6 until Lent begins. We will share a few meditations throughout the Epiphany Season.
Let us pray:
O LORD, we beseech THEE mercifully to receive the prayers of Thy people who call upon THEE in spirit and in truth. Grant that we may both perceive and know what things we ought to do to please THEE, in both our outer man and inner. We thank THEE that THOU hast given us all the power we need over the enemy, for both the outer man and inner.
Help us to fulfill Thy Will, to the pulling down of strongholds and every high thing that exalteth itself against the knowledge of and obedience towards JESUS CHRIST, the Only Begotten SON and Eternal Word, Who+ lives and reigns with THEE and Thy Blessed HOLY SPIRIT, ONE GOD, now and forever, world without end. Amen.
<(((>< Now the GOD of Peace,
that brought again from the dead
that Great Shepherd+ of the sheep,
through the Blood of the everlasting Covenant,
Make you perfect
in every good work to do HIS+ Will,
working in you
that which is well pleasing in His+ sight,
to Whom+ be glory for ever and ever.
Hebrews 13:20,21
Yes, Our LORD JESUS CHRIST gives us the power to attain the spiritual fruit; it is our part to embrace the labor. Not to do so makes us slide into “easy” believism and “cheap” grace… which is a slide that only goes downhill. This is what Scriptures mean when it says to “walk worthy of the Lord unto all pleasing…” Col. 1:10
As ye know how we exhorted and comforted
and charged every one of you,
as a father doth his children,
That ye would walk worthy of GOD,
Who hath called you unto His+
Kingdom and Glory.
I Thess. 2:11,12
The fruits of the SPIRIT are NOT “given.” We labor to develop those spiritual fruits. We nourish our spirit with SPIRITUAL food. We weed out those hindering thoughts, motives, and actions. We TRAIN… yes, vigorously train… our thoughts to agree with Scriptures and not with our flesh, our family spirits, and this lying world system. We discipline our activities, pruning off important activities so that we have both time and energy for the VITAL work.
Sometimes we have to take a stick to ourselves during this discipline when we willfully break training. But… this spiritual training can be done and furthermore, The LORD EXPECTS us to sow unto the SPIRIT in this fashion. Indeed, there is no other way to sow to the SPIRIT but through a denial of the flesh.
The Husbandman looketh for … the gifts?
HE knows where those gifts are and where they come from: His Beloved SON+. The Husbandman looketh for the fruits in our lives, not HIS. Fruits are laid to our credit, through CHRIST, by the power of His+ HOLY SPIRIT.
Fruits, by the way, are NOT optional.
Fruits are either there or NOT THERE,
but fruits are not optional.
If fruits… that is, the result of our labors in the Kingdom of GOD, by the power of His+ HOLY SPIRIT… are missing, then we are definitely cut off from the Branch+ and thrown into the fire by the Husbandman. See John 15.
As we seek HIM+ during this new year, which promises to bring only more heartache upon the human race, let us diligently and with a determined discipline prepare ourselves for the fight… the “big fight”… not with flesh and blood but with spiritual wickedness in high places.
Believe me, the wicked ones aren’t going ANYWHERE without a fight.
Let us train ourselves, spiritually,
at least as well as Rocky Balboa did for the ring.
The stakes are much higher.
So are the returns.
In the name of The FATHER,
The SON+,
+ + +
For the Year of Our LORD, 2.20.08
Against thee, thee only, have I sinned,
and done this evil in thy sight:
that thou mightest be justified when thou speakest,
and be clear when thou judgest.
Psalm 51:4
We sin so lightly.
It is with a shrug we sullenly turn our face away from Truth and proceed on with “our” program. We don’t care if it hurts HIM+. As a matter of fact, we don’t even want to hear about it.
Have we ever had a friend… or worse, a family member… treat us like that?
When we proceed on, headlong and determined, to do something, achieve something, get something, or enter a job or situation… or alas, even a marriage… out of The LORD’S Holy Will, we sin. How do we recognize that it is sin? By the fruit.
Fruit, we see, is The LORD’S great blessing to us. Because human beings are dull of hearing and slow of heart to hear The LORD, we must learn through our senses. We are all tactile learners in this regard. We simply want our own way. Our conniving minds are well-practiced at reasoning out why what we want
Thus, HE+ blesses us with the fruit of our decisions.
Fruit gets our attention better than a sounding trumpet. Why?
The fruit of walking within His+ Holy Will helps us to grow.
Did HE+ say, “Seek ye first the Kingdom of GOD, and HIS Righteousness?” Yes, it does. Then we will make serving HIM+ our priority in every area. We will seek His+ Will and counsel before taking a step. We learn what His+ Will is by practicing, practicing, practicing our submission to HIM+, both through the written Word and listening in prayer.
Did HE+ say, “Take no thought for the morrow…”? Yes, HE+ did. Do we repent, then, of taking thought… constant thought… of what we are going to eat, wear, use, pay the bills with yesterday, today, and for many tomorrow’s ?
Does His+ Word say, “I will put no wicked thing before my eyes” ? Yes, it does. Then we will toss out all books, magazines, tv shows, dvd’s, and computer input which are wicked. Music which promotes the flesh must go also
Does His+ Word say, “Love your enemies,” or shoot them, Christians ?
Do we take heed to His+ Word
and follow His+ counsel?
It is His+ will that we do;
that is why it is written down for us…
so that we know what HE+ wants us to do!
Should HE+ then give us more direction
for our particulars in life
that IS ALREADY plainly written?
The fruit of listening to the counsel of our own flesh and heart and mind makes us sorrowful, angry, resentful, and bitter. It robs us of our peace in CHRIST. Then, we have many, many other battles to deal with before we get out of that ravine. Unfortunately for us, that ravine most often could have been avoided.
Spiritual fruit, good or bad, hangs around in front of our face, showering us with joy in the inward man or peppering us with constant consequences.
Against thee, thee only, have I sinned,
and done this evil in thy sight:
that thou mightest be justified when thou speakest,
and be clear when thou judgest.
Psalm 51:4
When we sin, when we disregard His+ plain Word to us, when we plunge headstrong into our own program, we hurt ourselves, yes.
HE+ loves us dearly. It is His+ Will that we be happy and satisfied. Our Precious Savior knows what will bring our greatest happiness. HE+ exhorts and warns us over and over again against grabbing for happiness and security our way. HE+ knows what will cause sorrow down the road for us. HE+ also knows what will produce good fruit, down the road.
HE+ aches with the heart of a good parent after a child who simply will not take heed, will not listen, will not receive correction. That parent doesn’t want the fruit for himself, but rather for the happiness and well-being of his child. When we don’t listen to GOD, we sin against His+ great heart of love for us.
The LORD JESUS CHRIST is indeed our Savior…
if we will let HIM+ save us from ourselves.
Against thee, thee only, have I sinned,
and done this evil in thy sight:
that thou mightest be justified when thou speakest,
and be clear when thou judgest.
Psalm 51:4