Showing posts with label Psalm 51. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Psalm 51. Show all posts


HE+ Shall PURIFY the Sons of LEVI


You are dust, and to dust you shall return.


and believe the GOSPEL+. 
+  +  +

Most HOLY and Most Merciful ABBA... 

We confess to THEE and to one another and to the whole communion of saints in Heaven and on earth and before Your Heavenly Host... 

that we have sinned
by our own fault

in thought, word, and deed; 

by what we have DONE
and by what we have

 As it is written:

Thou shalt love The LORD thy GOD, The ELOHIM, with ALL thy heart, with ALL of thy soul, with ALL of thy mind, and with ALL  thy strength.  

This is the first and great commandment.

So now, we confess to THEE, O LORD:
We have not loved THEE with our whole heart... 


we have set our hearts on other things, other persons, other loyalties. We are divided in our loyalty to THEE; only a "part" do we give to THEE, alas. 

Yes, we love THEE and Thy Holy SON+ JESUS,  ... but we have mingled our love of THEE with strange things that are NOT of THEE+.  We have placed strange fire upon Thy Altar, the altar of our hearts. 

Cleanse our hearts, O HOLY ONE+ of Israel, by the in-breathing of Thy Precious HOLY SPIRIT.  Help us to separate ourselves unto THEE+ during this season of the Preparation for the GREAT PASCHA, the Great Passover. 

O HOLY FATHER, HOLY ABBA... we ask Thy help to find all the leaven in our house, in our temple, that we may make an offering to you in Righteousness ... after we remove those hateful things from our midst.   

What? know ye not .  .  .

 that your body is the temple 

which is in you,
 which ye have of GOD, 
and ye 
are not your own?

For ye are bought 
with a PRICE+.

Therefore glorify GOD 

in your body, 

and in your spirit, 

which are GOD'S.
1 Corinthians 6: 19 -20
 +  +  +

 Create in me a clean heart, 
O GOD and renew a right spirit within me. 
Cast me not away 
from Thy+ Presence; 

and take not Thy HOLY SPIRIT
from me. 

Restore unto me 
the joy of Thy+ SALVATION; 
and uphold me with Thy free spirit.
Psalm 51
+  +  + 

Ashes to ashes,
 Dust to Dust
in sure and certain hope 
of the Resurrection
unto Eternal Life,  
+  +  +

Amen, and thankfully so !


Pre-PASSOVER Meditation ~ ~ ~ The Right Statutes of The LORD

Aurora Borealis / Northern Lights
Year of Our LORD 3.4.2014 at 5:52 p.m.
Tromso, Norway,
Photo by Harald Albrigtsen
Courtesy of 

The Invitatory: 
Ever Reigns on HIGH; 
O Come, 
Let us Adore HIM+.
Old Testament Lesson: Psalm 19: 1-3, 7- 8 
Scriptures courtesy of

The Heavens declare the glory of GOD; 
and the firmament sheweth his handywork.  

Day unto day uttereth speech, 
and night unto night sheweth knowledge. 

There is no speech nor language, 
where their voice is not heard.

+  +  +

The LAW of the LORD is perfect, 
converting the soul: 

the testimony of the LORD is sure, 
making wise the simple

The STATUTES of the LORD are right, 
rejoicing the heart: 

the commandment of the LORD is pure, 
enlightening the eyes.

QUIETUDE: A time to Reflect about His HOLINESS.


Holy, holy, holy, LORD GOD of Sabaoth;
Heaven and earth are full of Thy Glory;

Blessed is HE+ that Cometh 
in the Name of The LORD.

Hosanna in the Highest. 


2nd Lesson from the Old Testament: Leviticus 19: 1-3, 32
Scriptures courtesy of

 And the Lord spake unto Moses, saying,
Speak unto all the congregation of the children of Israel, and say unto them, 
Ye shall be HOLY: 
for I the LORD your GOD am HOLY.

                                                ~  ~  ~

Ye shall fear every man his mother, and his father, and keep MY sabbaths: I am the LORD your GOD.

~  ~  ~

32 Thou shalt rise up before the hoary head, and honour the face of the old man, and fear thy GOD: I am the LORD.

QUIETUDE: A time to repent for my lack of holiness in life-style, my lack of holiness before The LORD. 

Scriptures courtesy of

Psalm 51

Against THEE, THEE only, have I sinned, and done this evil in Thy sight: that THOU mightest be justified when THOU speakest, and be clear when THOU judgest.

Create in me a clean heart, O GOD; and renew a right spirit within me.

Cast me not away from Thy presence; and take not Thy HOLY SPIRIT from me.


The GOSPEL Lesson: Matthew 5:17
Scriptures courtesy of

The Words of Our LORD JESUS CHRIST ~ ~ ~ 

 Think not that am come to destroy the law, or the prophets: I+  am not come to destroy, but to fulfil.

+  +  +  

The WORD of The LORD. 


+   +  +

Meditation ~ ~ ~

The LORD JESUS CHRIST fulfilled the Law by being the perfect sacrifice, acceptable to The FATHER, for our sins. 

As HE+ lives ... and REIGNS ... in our hearts, HE+ helps us keep the other commandments and statutes (laws) of GOD  ... that is,  those things The LORD GOD orders humans to do to walk well-pleasing unto HIM. 

His Laws become "written in our hearts" now... if ... if .... if .... we live to please JESUS The LORD.

To do the opposite of those Laws constitutes sin.

As we work our way through Leviticus during this mediation, let us ask ourselves: 

Do we DO 
those things written 
that GOD takes pleasure in ? 

For instance, let's look at ONE SIMPLE commandment written in the LAW, from Leviticus 19:32. 

Do we rise up before the hoary ( white-headed) man? 

Do we teach our children to rise up before the elderly? 

How many years has it been since we have witnessed such outward respect towards an elderly person? 

What is the problem with keeping this simple and easy commandment of The LORD?    

The problem is this: 

  • We do not lay to heart the Word of The LORD.  

  • We do not lay to heart the keeping of HIS Commandments. 

  • We do not lay to heart the importance  of doing those things HE has told us plainly and clearly to do.

How much louder 
must HE speak 
to let us know 
HE means what HE says ... 
and says what HE means ?

Yes, the Heavens DO DECLARE the Glory of GOD. 

Do we ?    

HE Who made   those fantastic Northern Lights that move and undulate and crackle with frightening intensity in the Heavens,  also made rules to be followed by mankind.  

Those rules are for our benefit, to keep the human race safe from destruction by the enemy !  The rules teach us WHAT CONSTITUTES "holy" living before GOD, our LORD and our Maker.  

What about "Grace?"

Isn't "Grace" all that is needed 
to please GOD ?  

Isn't "Grace" enough ? 

Grace is what GOD gives to us; it is NOT how we serve HIM+.

Grace is NOT an excuse to neglect a HOLY walk. 

Enough "Grace?"  Yes, we have ENOUGH Grace from GOD to enable us to walk in His ways. 

Having therefore these promises, dearly beloved, let us cleanse ourselves from all filthiness of the flesh and spirit, perfecting HOLINESS in the fear of GOD. 2 Cor. 7:1, 

courtesy of

Let us pray:

Gracious Heavenly FATHER, I have sinned against THEE even while saying I was following JESUS!  

I repent with all of my heart for setting my own "standard" of righteousness... instead of  following Your rules and laws in my heart and in my behavior.  

O LORD, You clearly marked out in Your Word the way I should walk, to be well-pleasing unto You. I have not laid Your Words to heart. 

Forgive me for following the ways of this world instead of the ways of HOLINESS that You have instructed me to do in Your Word. 

Cleanse me, and I shall be clean. Wash me and I shall be whiter than snow. 

Create in me a clean, clean heart and renew a right spirit within me, O LORD. 

This I pray in The Name of  JESUS CHRIST our LORD, The Eternal SON+ and WORD+ of GOD our FATHER, through the Blessed HOLY SPIRIT. 


PSALM 51... Passover Meditations


Photo courtesy of

Deliver me from bloodguiltiness, 
THOU GOD of my salvation, 
and my tongue 
shall sing aloud 
of Thy righteousness. 

King David was in the midst of his repentance after his heinous murder of his faithful soldier Uriah, whom David had purposely killed in battle... in order to cover his own sin with Uriah's wife, Bathsheba. [ 2 Samuel 11:15 ] 

Most of us, however, are NOT kings, we are NOT in charge of battles for Israel proper, and we have NOT purposely set a trap to murder someone to cover our sin.... for which we give thanks.

But yet hearken: When we who know The LORD JESUS CHRIST  continue on doing those things HE+ has brought to our minds , that they are WRONG , have we not crucified The LORD afresh because we have that comfortable, "easy" grace that we can always count on, to cover our sin ?     

Is CHRIST indulgent of our sins ? 

Scripture states this: 

For it is 
for those 
who were once enlightened, 
and have tasted 
of the Heavenly gift, 
and were made partakers 

impossible... impossible... impossible

And have tasted 
the good word of GOD, 
and the powers 
of the world to come,
impossible... impossible... impossible 

shall fall away,
 impossible... impossible... impossible 
to renew them again 
unto repentance, 

they crucify to themselves

the SON+ of GOD 

and put HIM+ 
to an open shame.
Hebrews 6:4-6

O Heavenly FATHER, 
Gracious to the un-deserving 
and Merciful to those who repent, 
I hang my head in shame 
for taking advantage 
of Thy great goodness to me. 

Please, please do not take from me 
Thy blessed HOLY SPIRIT, 
and please renew a right spirit within me. 
Cast me not out of Thy sight ! 

For, I live for THEE. 
I live for Thy HOLY SON+ JESUS. 
art my life and my soul's breath. 

Help me forsake my human excuses 
and weakness of character.

Help me stand 
against my noxious self-indulgences.

Fortify me 
against my old, Adamic nature 
that wants to rule my life again. 

Purge me with hyssop, 
and I shall be clean; 
wash me, 
and I shall be whiter than snow. 

Make me to hear joy and gladness, 
that the bones which THOU hast broken 
may rejoice ! 

Break, O break, 
these bones of sin 
that I may walk well-pleasing unto THEE, 
O Righteous FATHER. 

Accept these, my imperfect prayers, 
for the sake of Thy Beloved SON+, 
The LAMB+ of GOD, 
WHO+ taketh away the sin of the world.




From Psalm 51
Adapted from The Book of Common Prayer
This picture was found in an old tract, perhaps a Chick Tract?
If any viewer knows where it came from,
please email me at the address in the blog header,
so I may give proper credit.
Most Holy and merciful FATHER, In the Name of Thy Beloved SON+, JESUS CHRIST, our LORD:
We confess to THEE and to one another,
and to the whole communion of saints
in Heaven and on earth and before Thy Heavenly Hosts,
That we have sinned by our own fault
in thought, word, and deed;
by what we have done,
and by what we have left undone.
We have not loved THEE with our
whole heart, and mind , and strength:
Against THEE, THEE only, have I sinned,
and done this evil in Thy sight.
We have not loved our neighbors as ourselves:
Against THEE, THEE only, have I sinned,
and done this evil in Thy sight.
We have not forgiven others, as we have been forgiven:
Against THEE, THEE only, have I sinned,
and done this evil in Thy sight.
We have been deaf to your call to serve, as CHRIST served us:
Against THEE, THEE only, have I sinned,
and done this evil in Thy sight.
We have not been true to the mind of CHRIST:
Against THEE, THEE only, have I sinned,
and done this evil in Thy sight.
We have grieved Thy HOLY SPIRIT:
Against THEE, THEE only, have I sinned,
and done this evil in Thy sight.
We see our past unfaithfulness to THEE and Thy HOLY WORD:
We confess this as sin, O LORD.
We see the pride, hypocrisy, and impatience in our lives:
We confess this as sin, O LORD.
We see our self-indulgent appetities and ways:
We confess this as sin, O LORD.
We see the times we have taken advantage of others:
We confess this as sin, O LORD.
We also have taken advantage of Thy Mercy, O LORD:
We confess this as sin, O LORD.
We admit to our own anger and temper:
I acknowledge my transgressions,
and my sin is ever before me.
And to our envy of those more fortunate than ourselves:
I acknowledge my transgressions,
and my sin is ever before me.
We see our intemperate love of worldly goods and creature comforts
and how we cling to worldly values:
I acknowledge my transgressions,
and my sin is ever before me.
We see our dishonesty in daily life and work:
I acknowledge my transgressions,
and my sin is ever before me.
We admit our negligence in prayer and worship,
and our failure to commend the faith that is in us.
I acknowledge my transgressions,
and my sin is ever before me.
O LORD, accept my repentance for the wrongs I have so foolishly done... for all false judgments, for uncharitable thoughts toward my neighbors... for not taking Thy WORD to heart ... for committing these sins which have so grieved THEE+ .
Cleanse me, O SAVIOR CHRIST, and create in me a clean heart and renew a right spirit within me.
Restore unto me the joy of Thy+ Salvation, and uphold me with a willing Spirit.
Almighty GOD, The FATHER of our LORD JESUS CHRIST... O THOU Who desireth not the death of a sinner, but rather that he may turn from his sin and live...
I thank THEE for pardoning me, as I truly repent .
I thank THEE for giving me through JESUS Thy SON+ the means of Grace and the hope of Glory.
And to THEE+, HOLY ONE+, I pray I will learn to please THEE+ and that the rest of my life hereafter may be pure and holy... so that at the last, I may indeed be welcomed into Thy+ Eternal Joy. Amen.
+ + +
In the name of THE FATHER,
both now and forever,



LENTEN MEDITATION 15 ~ ~ ~ The Fruits
For the Year of Our LORD, 2.20.08

Against thee, thee only, have I sinned,
and done this evil in thy sight:
that thou mightest be justified when thou speakest,
and be clear when thou judgest.

Psalm 51:4

We sin so lightly.
It is with a shrug we sullenly turn our face away from Truth and proceed on with “our” program. We don’t care if it hurts HIM+. As a matter of fact, we don’t even want to hear about it.

Have we ever had a friend… or worse, a family member… treat us like that?
Yes, most of us would sadly say.

When we proceed on, headlong and determined, to do something, achieve something, get something, or enter a job or situation… or alas, even a marriage… out of The LORD’S Holy Will, we sin. How do we recognize that it is sin? By the fruit.

Fruit, we see, is The LORD’S great blessing to us. Because human beings are dull of hearing and slow of heart to hear The LORD, we must learn through our senses. We are all tactile learners in this regard. We simply want our own way. Our conniving minds are well-practiced at reasoning out why what we want
"must certainly" be the Will of The LORD for our lives.

Thus, HE+ blesses us with the fruit of our decisions.

Fruit gets our attention better than a sounding trumpet. Why?
The trumpet blast is over and done with quickly, even though the blast may have frightened us or pierced our ears.
Fruit, however, is long-lasting.
That blessed fruit of our decisions
brings deep inner conviction to our souls.

The fruit of walking within His+ Holy Will helps us to grow.
This fruit comes about by taking heed to His+ Word.
We put into practice those things HE+ has told us, for instance, in Matthew chapters 5, 6, and 7. We make our activities to come into order with His+ Word.
What HE+ says in His+ Word
becomes our priorities in our lifestyle.

Did HE+ say, “Seek ye first the Kingdom of GOD, and HIS Righteousness?” Yes, it does. Then we will make serving HIM+ our priority in every area. We will seek His+ Will and counsel before taking a step. We learn what His+ Will is by practicing, practicing, practicing our submission to HIM+, both through the written Word and listening in prayer.

Did HE+ say, “Take no thought for the morrow…”? Yes, HE+ did. Do we repent, then, of taking thought… constant thought… of what we are going to eat, wear, use, pay the bills with yesterday, today, and for many tomorrow’s ?
rather we judge such Christians to be wise and prudent and yes, even Godly.
We do not say, “Wait a minute; he is breaking the Word of God.
He will reap the fruit of anxiety instead of Godly peace.
Let’s pray for him for he got tricked into listening unto man rather than unto GOD.”

Does His+ Word say
, “I will put no wicked thing before my eyes” ? Yes, it does. Then we will toss out all books, magazines, tv shows, dvd’s, and computer input which are wicked. Music which promotes the flesh must go also
… which might include some with Christian labels.

Does His+ Word say, “Love your enemies,” or shoot them, Christians ?

Do we take heed to His+ Word
and follow His+ counsel?

It is His+ will that we do;
that is why it is written down for us…
so that we know what HE+ wants us to do!

Should HE+ then give us more direction
for our particulars in life
that IS ALREADY plainly written?

The fruit of listening to the counsel of our own flesh and heart and mind makes us sorrowful, angry, resentful, and bitter. It robs us of our peace in CHRIST. Then, we have many, many other battles to deal with before we get out of that ravine. Unfortunately for us, that ravine most often could have been avoided.
It is with great bitterness to realize we did it to ourselves.

Spiritual fruit, good or bad, hangs around in front of our face, showering us with joy in the inward man or peppering us with constant consequences.

Against thee, thee only, have I sinned,
and done this evil in thy sight:
that thou mightest be justified when thou speakest,
and be clear when thou judgest.
Psalm 51:4

When we sin, when we disregard His+ plain Word to us, when we plunge headstrong into our own program, we hurt ourselves, yes.
But worse, we hurt the great heart of Our Heavenly FATHER and Our LORD JESUS CHRIST.
The Word was written for our good. When we do those things that HE+ wants us to do, those things plainly written and openly printed for all the world to see, then HE+ blesses us with all those things that money cannot buy.

HE+ loves us dearly. It is His+ Will that we be happy and satisfied. Our Precious Savior knows what will bring our greatest happiness. HE+ exhorts and warns us over and over again against grabbing for happiness and security our way. HE+ knows what will cause sorrow down the road for us. HE+ also knows what will produce good fruit, down the road.

HE+ aches with the heart of a good parent after a child who simply will not take heed, will not listen, will not receive correction. That parent doesn’t want the fruit for himself, but rather for the happiness and well-being of his child. When we don’t listen to GOD, we sin against His+ great heart of love for us.

The LORD JESUS CHRIST is indeed our Savior…
if we will let HIM+ save us from ourselves.

Against thee, thee only, have I sinned,
and done this evil in thy sight:
that thou mightest be justified when thou speakest,
and be clear when thou judgest.
Psalm 51:4