Showing posts with label discipline. Show all posts
Showing posts with label discipline. Show all posts


BREAKING through the LETHARGY Barrier...

Breaking Through the LETHARGY BARRIER...

How do we do it?

How do we Christians get the dead wood

out from between our toes...

and become full of life,
like hinds, leaping about on high places?

One step...

one verse...

one prayer...

one commitment...

one small, flesh-denying discipline...

seriously, undistractably done,

one at a time.

Well, why aren't we doing it?



There is a justifiable reason for those crises which come upon GOD'S people. Crises wake us up. Crises draw us closer to the LORD JESUS CHRIST and away from listening to the world's voices.


Do we Christians need


in order to get out of our lethargic stupor, our humdrum, tedious,

plodding along in our dutiful "service" to our LORD ?

If we gave our

spouses, children, relatives, and close friends

the same kind of priority-time devotion


would our family, marriages, and important relationships

thrive ?

Or rather, would they dry up and die?

Shall we pray for The LORD

to send some crises upon us...

because we cannot wake up

and draw closer to HIM+...

on our own ?

Is this what we NEED ?

No, we say, thinking of all the problems

that could befall us, our home,

our finances, our loved ones.

But I say, that unless we truly repent for filling our minds, our hearts, our hands, and our beings with the things and activities of this world,

we will indeed have some crises to deal with. HE+ will see to it.


Furthermore, HE+ seeks HIS+ own... zealously.

Get ready.

It is a fearful thing

to fall into the hands of The LIVING GOD+... Whose+ Hands is the breath of every living thing.

One step...

One verse...

One commitment...

One small, flesh-denying discipline...

seriously, undistractably done...

one at a time.

In the Name of The FATHER,

Who created thee;


Who+ saves thee;

And the blessed HOLY SPIRIT,

Who anoints thee.



The EPIPHANY ~ His+ Manifestation

The Epiphany

Year of Our LORD

Day of the Manifestation
of the CHRIST Child
to the Gentiles

Wise Men Still Seek HIM+


The Epiphany Season of the Christian Calendar goes from January 6 until Lent begins. We will share a few meditations throughout the Epiphany Season.

Let us pray:

O LORD, we beseech THEE mercifully to receive the prayers of Thy people who call upon THEE in spirit and in truth. Grant that we may both perceive and know what things we ought to do to please THEE, in both our outer man and inner. We thank THEE that THOU hast given us all the power we need over the enemy, for both the outer man and inner.

Help us to fulfill Thy Will, to the pulling down of strongholds and every high thing that exalteth itself against the knowledge of and obedience towards JESUS CHRIST, the Only Begotten SON and Eternal Word, Who+ lives and reigns with THEE and Thy Blessed HOLY SPIRIT, ONE GOD, now and forever, world without end. Amen.

<(((>< Now the GOD of Peace,
that brought again from the dead
that Great Shepherd+ of the sheep,
through the Blood of the everlasting Covenant,

Make you perfect
in every good work to do HIS+ Will,
working in you
that which is well pleasing in His+ sight,
to Whom+ be glory for ever and ever.
Hebrews 13:20,21




Yes, Our LORD JESUS CHRIST gives us the power to attain the spiritual fruit; it is our part to embrace the labor. Not to do so makes us slide into “easy” believism and “cheap” grace… which is a slide that only goes downhill. This is what Scriptures mean when it says to “walk worthy of the Lord unto all pleasing…” Col. 1:10


As ye know how we exhorted and comforted
and charged every one of you,
as a father doth his children,

That ye would walk worthy of GOD,
Who hath called you unto His+
Kingdom and Glory.
I Thess. 2:11,12




The fruits of the SPIRIT are NOT “given.” We labor to develop those spiritual fruits. We nourish our spirit with SPIRITUAL food. We weed out those hindering thoughts, motives, and actions. We TRAIN… yes, vigorously train… our thoughts to agree with Scriptures and not with our flesh, our family spirits, and this lying world system. We discipline our activities, pruning off important activities so that we have both time and energy for the VITAL work.

Sometimes we have to take a stick to ourselves during this discipline when we willfully break training. But… this spiritual training can be done and furthermore, The LORD EXPECTS us to sow unto the SPIRIT in this fashion. Indeed, there is no other way to sow to the SPIRIT but through a denial of the flesh.

The Husbandman looketh for … the gifts?



HE knows where those gifts are and where they come from: His Beloved SON+. The Husbandman looketh for the fruits in our lives, not HIS. Fruits are laid to our credit, through CHRIST, by the power of His+ HOLY SPIRIT.


Fruits, by the way, are NOT optional.

Fruits are either there or NOT THERE,

but fruits are not optional.


If fruits… that is, the result of our labors in the Kingdom of GOD, by the power of His+ HOLY SPIRIT… are missing, then we are definitely cut off from the Branch+ and thrown into the fire by the Husbandman. See John 15.

As we seek HIM+ during this new year, which promises to bring only more heartache upon the human race, let us diligently and with a determined discipline prepare ourselves for the fight… the “big fight”… not with flesh and blood but with spiritual wickedness in high places.

Believe me, the wicked ones aren’t going ANYWHERE without a fight.

Let us train ourselves, spiritually,

at least as well as Rocky Balboa did for the ring.

The stakes are much higher.

So are the returns.



In the name of The FATHER,
The SON+,
+ + +



Advent Day 4
The Journey Towards Bethlehem
Year of Our LORD, 12.4.2008

And might not be as their fathers,
a stubborn and rebellious generation;
a generation that set not their heart aright,
and whose spirit was not stedfast with God.
Psalm 78:8

How many times we flounder! How many times do we drop our Spiritual discipline? How often do we let everything and everybody take priority over our established quiet time with The LORD? We think holiness comes by good intentions, by biblical knowledge, or by osmosis, perhaps.

Or maybe… we haven’t even begun to embrace the discipline of commitment to a quiet time with Our SAVIOR JESUS CHRIST… that very ONE+ Who+ loved us and washed us from our sins in His+ own Blood. Our prayers and Bible reading are by happenstance… whenever I happen to feel like it.

Yes, Our LORD desires us to come to HIM+ whenever we feel like it… and whenever we DON’T particularly feel like it, also.

HE+ does want to see good intentions established in us… so much so that we will repent when we drop them aside.

Biblical knowledge is important so that we know how to walk in HIS+ ways…
and then DO them.

Furthermore, holiness does come by osmosis of sorts… our closeness to HIM+. Our oneness with our SAVIOR, our homologia, being of the same word, the same mind, the same thought… in total agreement with The LORD JESUS CHRIST ---about everything--- is the only path of holiness available.

Therefore, my beloved brethren,
be ye stedfast, unmoveable,
always abounding in the work of the Lord,
forasmuch as ye know
that your labor is not in vain in the Lord.
I Corinthians15:58

O Gracious Holy FATHER, I come to Thee ashamed of mine own lack of steadfastness. I admit am more steadfast on my job before the eyes of man than I am in the secret prayer chamber with Thee. I see I am more steadfast with my family and friends than concerned about what You will think of me. I have taken advantage of Thy Grace. I am sorry LORD+.

LORD, change me. I bring my slovenly discipline, which dishonors Thee, for correction. Your Word tells me that my Spiritual Labor is truly NOT in vain. Help me to bring Glory unto Thee, through the power of Thy HOLY SPIRIT, in the Name of Thine Incarnate SON+ JESUS CHRIST, Whom+ I call LORD and MASTER.

Amen. + + +



The Laws of Nature

Established by GOD;
…Kept by GOD

GOD does not cross the laws of nature.



In the natural scheme of events, we cannot willfully leap over a cliff and hope that HE+ will keep us from a bad landing. UNLESS HE+ SUSPENDS THE LAW OF GRAVITY JUST FOR US, we will land with a crash and likely be killed.

Yes, HE+ could send His+ angel to keep us, but we remember the Words of our LORD: Thou shalt not tempt the LORD Thy GOD.

Simply put, this law of nature means we cannot eat pizzas constantly and have The LORD lower our cholesterol! We cannot refuse to exercise our bodies and expect The LORD to make them work well. We cannot neglect to put gasoline and oil in our vehicle and expect The LORD to make it run for us.

We cannot ignore bad behavior out of our children and expect The LORD to give them a good character. Likewise, we cannot ignore sowing to the Spirit and expect The LORD to grant us closeness unto HIM+.

Now, this is NOT to discount miraculous deliveries from such things as come upon us, but in the normal run of events, the laws of nature are simply not suspended for human beings, including Christians.



Why is this ?



The LORD loves discipline… not punishment… but a discipline in our walk. This may come as a great surprise to most Christians; it certainly did to me! This disciplined walk functions as our training ground for spiritual things like: steadfastness, maturity, and spiritual warfare.



Why is discipline important ?



We have been raised to indulge our every desire, whim, and taste bud.

Our flesh demands to be served, both by the Adamic nature we inherited as humans and by the worldly culture we have inhaled.

Furthermore, this is true for every person on this earth NO MATTER how sophisticated or UNsophisticated his society may be.

Why should we be surprised? One reason is that we have been taught, in one way or another, that we are free in CHRIST… therefore, we don’t have to “DO” anything… just believe.

Yes, we are free in CHRIST: free to worship HIM+ without fear of the devil snatching us away … although we CAN WILLFULLY walk away of our own free will.

We are free from being defeated by the devil … if we hold fast to Truth in the inner man, agreeing with The Word in all things. We are free in CHRIST IF we walk in the Spirit, instead of our flesh. Our FATHER’S+ ears will not be deaf to our cry

We are free to deny ourselves, knowing CHRIST loves us… thus we are freed of self-indulging ourselves to make up for lost love which we feel we have missed.

We are free to walk away from the temporal pleasure of sin, knowing His+ Blessed HOLY SPIRIT will help us to live sin-free, victoriously.



we are NOT free from training ourselves

to follow HIM+ more closely,

more precisely,

and more fully.



This personal training, this personal discipline, is what is missing in this current church age.

This is NOT keeping the Mosaic Law, as talked about in Galatians. This is NOT earning or working to enter into His+ Salvation.

It is being trained, as any child is trained in the ways of its parents, in order to grow into productive, fruitful, and happy maturity.

It is a sad commentary that the military can train its personnel with more discipline than the church trains its soldiers for spiritual warfare.

It is sad that schools, colleges, and technical centers train their students to have more discipline, to pass the tests and achieve that certification, to work more skillfully on that job, than the church trains its newborns.

It is sad that high school and college bands and football teams demand more rigorous hours of rigorous training…. some, including diet and exercise workouts… than do the churches of the LIVING GOD.

Even Little League Baseball teams require training and practice by the youngsters before any baseball game gets played… not to mention the hours some of us have sat our little selves on the piano bench, training ourselves to please our parents!

Why then does the church think
it can omit the training and discipline
for its most serious
and most purposeful warfare?

Now, simply learning about training is NOT the same thing
as embracing the training itself.
Learning about how to do the Psalms,
how to pray,
or how to set aside time for The LORD,
as denying yourself your “free” time and
actually DOING the Psalms,
the prayer time,
the times of undistracted Quietness
before The LORD.

None of the ungodly armies of this world put a machine gun into the hands of untrained soldiers and send them into battle and expect effective warfare… else they likely will do more harm than the enemy.

We Christians must be trained
to use the spiritual weapons
of our warfare, also.

How and where
do we get this training?

We seek the LORD, first, as always we do.
Then, we let HIM+ show us how to discipline ourselves, what pleases HIM+.
HE+ will…. if we want it.

Next, we must be trained to discipline our own flesh, by the HOLY SPIRIT. This will involve giving The LORD SOVERIEGNTY over our time, our “pet” indulgences, our entertainments, our eating, and for some, even our sleeping.

Then, HE+ will put the spiritual weapons into our hands with the instructions of how to use them.

Right now, though, the majority of us are UNtrained and a number of us could NOT even be counted as “soldiers” in the Kingdom of GOD. We will fall at the beginning of a battle and at the rumblings of persecution.

Let us pick up HIS+ yoke;
it is easy and light.

HE+ is on the other side
of the double-tree yoke,
pulling it along with us.

The Apostle’s words from 1 Corinthians 9: 24-27:

Know ye not that they which run in a race run all, but one receiveth the prize? So run, that ye may obtain. And every man that striveth for the mastery is temperate in all things. Now they do it to obtain a corruptible crown; but we an incorruptible. I therefore so run, not as uncertainly; so fight I, not as one that beateth the air: But I keep under my body, and bring it into subjection: lest that by any means, when I have preached to others, I myself should be a castaway.

The Apostle’s words from Hebrews 1:21 :

Wherefore seeing we also are compassed about with so great a cloud of witnesses, let us lay aside every weight, and the sin which doth so easily beset us, and let us run with patience the race that is set before us…

Therefore, with angels and archangels,
and with all the company of Heaven,
we laud and magnify Thy Glorious Name,
Evermore praising THEE+ and saying:



Our training is to help us worship
with a heart full of... HIMSELF+!

Sister Judith Hannah
+ + +


><(((> eMAIL Fellowship Prayer schedule

><(((> For the eMail Fellowship <(((><
It is imperative that we start to train ourselves in CHRIST. This training will help us to abide in HIM+ throughout the day. Our training will bring forth growth, a closeness to CHRIST JESUS our LORD.
This training is called discipline. NO... we do not "spank" ourselves! It is the discipline of training our bodies, our souls, and our spirits to SUBMIT UNTO THE HOLY SPIRIT OF GOD. It yields TREMENDOUS spiritual fruit when we do this.
So, to begin, we will start with a SCHEDULE to help us RETURN TO GOD EVERY 3 HOURS, in an orderly way.
Now DO NOT PANIC! :) There are many a times I have missed my "return." When I miss a prayer stop or a RETURN unto The LORD, I am regretful and sorry... and I pick up my Self and RETURN UNTO HIM+ ...immediately... forthwith... lickety-split!
The RETURNS are NOT long. We can all fit them nicely into our work and responsibility schedules. Most of the prayer stops or RETURNS can be done in 5 minutes, through the day. The LENGTH IS NOT IMPORTANT: stopping your day to RETURN to HIM+ IS crucial.
Here is what we do at the Order of the GOOD SHEPHERD+ hermitage:

1. Individual Morning Vigil...
We start our day by reading and praying , usually with our cup of morning drink in our hand! We do this individually, quietly, and privately. We start thanking the LORD, lifting up our hearts to HIM+ as soon as our feet touch the floor... sometimes before our head comes off of the pillow.

2. We do morning prayer together...
Morning prayer may be long or short, depending upon our needs. At the very least, we return thanks together and the LORD'S Prayer that HE+ taught HIS+ disciples. Usually we also include a Psalm, a short reading from the Gospel and one from the Epistle. We may sing or recite the Gloria or Doxology. Sometimes we follow the Anglican Book of Common Prayer, but not always.

3. STOP OUR DAY at 9 a.m...
when The LORD was crucified. We thank HIM+. We may read Psalm 51 or do something else to show HIM+ we remember HIS+ great sacrifice for us miserable sinners, that we may enter into Life Eternal. We repent for ignoring HIM+ for so many years and even now, for ignoring HIM+ so many times... turning a deaf ear to HIS+ call to us.
HE+ heard the shofar blow at the time of the Morning Sacrifice in the Temple... knowing full well that HE+ was the Sacrificed LAMB+ of GOD.

4. At noon,
and return to The LORD, to thank HIM+ for enduring hanging on the cross for us. AT noontime, the sky was darkened across the earth on the day HE+ was crucified. We repent for our whinining and murmuring and impatience when things do not go our way.We ask HIM+ to help us to endure like HE+, our Example+, endured.

5. At 3 p.m., we STOP OUR DAY...
and thank HIM+ again, for HE+ said, "It is finished, FATHER. Into Thy hands I commit my spirit." We thank HIM+ for winning the victory... and granting to us that same victory over death, hell, and the grave. We repent that we so easily yield to doubts and fears of this present life, instead of keeping our eyes on the Victory HE+ gained for us. We rejoice in HIS+ victory, our victory which HE+ has laid up for us, ...
and the Truth in the WORD of GOD that tells us so!
6. We do evening prayer together...
This is usually a sufficient worship time, with Scripture readings, canticles, praises, thanksgivings, repentences, intercessions. We oftentimes follow the Anglican Prayer Book, with some modifications.
7. Before bed, we do a short compline...
(completion of the day) prayer, with thanksgiving and asking for a safe and healthy keeping through the night, that HE+ may wake us up to HIS+ morning Light.
This is the Schedule of RETURNS that we will use in the eMail Fellowship. If you cannot do ALL of them, then do one... but do it every day. Read a Psalm if you do not have a prayer book. RETURN thanks to HIM+. RETURN praise to HIM+. RETURN worship to HIM+. RETURN and repent as often as HE+ brings things to mind. This is our goal.
You will find yourself moving through your daily chores faster, easier, with more peace, than ever before... for HE+ blesses this kind of discipline... this kind of sowing to the Spirit. Our purpose is to TRAIN ourselves to continually sow to the Spirit.
Enter in and let us see what The LORD will do!
In the name of The FATHER, HIS Holy and
and the Blessed HOLY SPIRIT,
both now and forever. Amen.
Sister Judith Hannah
+ + +


The LONG and SHORT of it... VEILING for CHRISTIAN Sisters

Long Veils ....

Some sisters are simply NOT AFRAID ... they are not afraid of what anyone thinks of them... their head(s) belong to CHRIST. (This is what the good sister at says.)

They are not afraid to make a statement to this dead and dying world that JESUS CHRIST IS ALIVE AND WELL...


The exciting thing about wearing a head covering is the opportunities, the doors, it opens for the one wearing it... both literal doors and spiritual doors for witnessing.

And short veils...

My eyes fill with TEARS when I am asked by a stranger, seeing me in a store, to pray for him/her. One young woman came up and poured out her heart to me in the middle of a store... she was desparate to find a church where PERSONAL DISCIPLESHIP was available. She was hungry, and she wanted to grow... and couldn't find a place to be mentored.

Why couldn't she find a place? The normal MODERN CHURCH does not promote actual, personal, discipleship. It just does sermons, songs, and activities.

It is impossible to grow deeper in CHRIST JESUS without personal discipleship... and that lady knew it. She was nearly in tears.

What could I say? I simply re-directed her back to JESUS. The church will be accountable for not feeding the hungry, for the lack of discipleship.

We are NOT SAVED to get a good job, a good education, a good career so that we can support the church institutuion.

We ARE SAVED to begin our walk with The LORD... closer and closer every day, closer and closer in every way, forsaking the world's ways and looks and taking Our LORD'S WORDS AT FACE VALUE: HE+ MEANS EVERY WORD HE+ SAYS.

If Our LORD is calling you to a deeper sacrifice, a deeper committment, a deeper discipleship... go there with HIM+.

I can guarantee that you will walk alone, even in the midst of a church... but it will be with HIM+. You will not BE by yourself, however, because you will have joined THE UNDERGROUND CHURCH... in America, and in each and every land.

Sisters, cover your heads. Cover your daughters' heads. Cover your husband and family in prayer. Cover your elders and your church in prayer. Cover your neighborhood in prayer.

You will be amazed at the order, peace, and strength in The LORD that will descend upon you. You will be a light NOT SET under a basket. The LORD Himself+ will draw others to you for mutual strengthening, for witnessing, for fellowship, and then... for ministry.

Walk! Walk! Walk!

+ + +

In the Name of the FATHER, the SON+, and the HOLY SPIRIT,

both now and forever. Amen.


(A note for Tracy: thank you for your email.)

SISTERS: Always include your email address if you want a reply. If you don't, I cannot respond to your comments personally. The comments program on the blogspot always has "no reply" as the return address.

Sister Judith Hannah

Train up a child in the way he (she) should go...

...and when she is old, she will not depart the path.



Questions and Answers...

Question: How do we practice dying daily, putting our flesh upon the Cross?
+ + +
Answer: By exercising daily discipline. Like a serious athlete in training for a competion THAT HE IS DETERMINED TO WIN, we discipline our spirits as well as our bodies.
+ + +
Question: How do we discipline our SPIRIT ?
+ + +
Answer: We correct our spirit by the use of spiritual means. Thus, we use the Word of GOD to correct our wayward hearts. First, we must NOURISH our spirit. This nourishment is even MORE IMPORTANT than our daily food for our bodies. We eat 3 times a day and munch even more. Let us therefore DETERMINE to TAKE THE TIME and figure out a way to nourish our spiritual man.
+ + +
Some read the Psalms, 3 per hour, at the top of the hour. Some read 20 Psalms a day. Some read them outloud or learn to memorize them or sing them. Exercises like that bring one's heart into worship and praise. It nourishes the spirit. It cleans the air of the workplace, office, garden, home, or vehicle.
+ + +
Some cannot or do not read. So... they purchase Scripture tapes and listen to them as they work.
Whatever it takes, we need to find a way to NOURISH OUR SPIRIT deeply... daily.
+ + +
Secondly, we correct our spirit by repenting WHEN WE CROSS THE WORD OF GOD... when we do not do what it says. If The LORD says, "Take no thought for the morrow," then HE+ meant exactly that! We repent each and every time we find ourselves taking those anxious thoughts for tomorrow upon ourselves.
+ + +
Thirdly, we replace those thoughts ---EACH AND EVERY TIME--- with Scripture. That is the way we resist the devil... and he will flee from us.
+ + +
Let us pray:
LORD JESUS CHRIST, our Savior, help us with our weakness and lack of diligence in following THEE+. Help us to learn to sow to the Spirit daily, looking less to our temporal activities and more to the things which will remain. Grant us this discipline, Gracious LORD, Who+ knoweth our frame and our concerns. We praise THEE+ for Thy+ constant help for us in needs both great and small. We bless THEE+ and thank THEE+ for showing us the Way out of our darkness ... and into Thy+ marvelous light. In Thy+ Holy Name we pray.
+ + +
Sister Judith Hannah
+ + +