Showing posts with label prayer veil. Show all posts
Showing posts with label prayer veil. Show all posts



Let us look closely at the Word of GOD
to find out why we are wearing the head covering.

The instructions are found in 1 Corinthians 11: 1-16 and are given by The Apostle Paul to the Church gathered in Corinth… a wildly pagan Greek city of commerce, trafficking in everything, including the bodies and the souls of men.

Brazen women… bald-headed, shaven and shorn and uncovered… walked the streets openly, since one of the “temples” of pagan worship to Venus (basically, prostitution) was located in Corinth. To make matters worse, Rome ruled it, so the Roman soldiers were there, adding to the open debauchery.

In the midst of this environment, the Apostle Paul was sent. A church developed. Here is what the Apostle wrote to the young church.


11:1 Be ye followers of me, even as I also am of Christ.

11:2 Now I praise you, brethren, that ye remember me in all things, and keep the ordinances, as I delivered them to you.

Yes, the Apostle Paul delivered his instructions to the brothers, not to the sisters. Brothers were always in leadership positions in the Early Church. The brothers received these Apostolic ordinances and instructed the church in these ordinances.


11:3 But I would have you know,
that the head of every man is CHRIST;
and the head of the woman is the man;
and the head of CHRIST is GOD.

This next verse establishes the Spiritual foundation of Christian order, specifically, the order in the Christian church and home. The “one in charge” of every man is Our LORD JESUS CHRIST. That means that all men must answer to CHRIST our LORD. The governing authority of the woman is the man. And, the governing authority of CHRIST is GOD.

There is nothing complicated about this governing order. The complicated part comes about because our churches and homes are out of order.
. They are culturally and socially oriented instead of focused on CHRIST.
In other words, our homes and many of the modern churches are fleshly and worldly, doing things the “world’s way.” Their values are entrenched deeper in this world, deeper in this culture, than they are in CHRIST’S ways. Politically and socially correct values are emphasized rather than the Apostle's instructions for the Church.
Because of that, another problem exists. We sisters discover we have fathers, husbands, and pastors who simply are not submitted to CHRIST as their governing head. IN THIS CASE, a sister must seek the LORD and wait patiently and quietly before HIM+ to hear His+ leading on this.

It is hard to be a single sister, working and supporting yourself, and at the same time, trying to find a Christian pastor or Godly couple (as in a prayer group) in order to be under a governing authority. [It is wiser to meet or talk with a couple, rather than 1-to-1 with a brother.]
It is also hard to be a married sister, submitting to a husband who is not as concerned about Spiritual things as his wife.
Now…. having said that, we sisters do NOT need to get under a burden nor stress about this issue.
The LORD knows the opposition facing us. HE+ knows the dysfunctional families, disinterested husbands, and nonchalant pastors.
It is HARD for some of us to “find” a covering husband, father, pastor, or prayer-meeting couple in order to obey the Apostle’s ordinance here.
The LORD WILL NOT DESTROY someone who simply cannot find someone appropriately to function as a human “covering.” Again, go slowly and quietly before The LORD in this matter, covering yourself in prayer.

Since HE+ is the author, all authority comes from HIM+. As our Author, HE+ will provide everything needed for whosoever comes under His+ Wing… for the orphan who takes refuge in HIM+, for the single sister, for the widow, and for the married wife whose husband is not Spiritually-minded.

Our LORD leads the willing soul and protects whosoever comes under His+ Shelter. HE+ will become your over-covering and governing authority until HE+ sees fit to change your circumstances.
HE+ is able…
HE+ doeth all things well….
and, HE+ is in charge.


There is yet another danger that exists which has come up recently. This danger is coming from inside the flock of GOD….
“Head” does NOT mean “source of life” instead of governing authority in these verses or in ANY verse in the New Testament.
There is a popular movement afoot in the theological circles that is promoting this teaching. It has NO language support in Hebrew, Latin, Greek, nor English, as I have discovered. This particular teaching is taken from pagan Greek philosophers. The older, standard reference books all state HEAD means “governing authority” or one in charge. Some of the newer ones are putting out that HEAD means “source of life.” This is false.

The purpose of this false teaching is to nullify the governing order. that will weaken the church... and it does NOT NEED TO BE WEAKENED any further!
Yes, The LORD is the source of our life… but these verses are NOT ADDRESSING THAT ISSUE; they are addressing the governing order in the Christian home and church.
Indeed, it is the governing order for men and women everywhere, but only Christians recognize CHRIST as their HEAD; others, alas, will be accountable if they have heard of CHRIST and yet reject HIM+. Likewise, Christian men and women will also be in trouble who reject the governing order in the church and home.

We who are members of the Underground Church in America (regardless of whatever church or denomination we may or may not attend ) seek to follow the Apostle’s ordinances written in the Word.
It is delivered to us to keep us safe. May The LORD add His+ blessing to us all, as we seek to do His+ Will. His+ will is not mysterious; in many instances, it is plainly written for all to see. Some simply do not want it.
But thanks be to GOD... there's an Underground... an Underground Church full of unregistered, unorganized members rising up quietly who ARE determined to do His+ will to the best of their knowledge, to the best of their ability... regardless of their affiliation or non-affiliation with an institutional church.
That is the One, Holy, and Apostolic Church that exists without spots and blemish, that exists without schisms, that follows their CAPTAIN+ withersoever HE+ leads them... even to following the Apostle's ordinances which the mainline denominations have discarded. These include the head covering for sisters and the Christian governing order, for all.

[ to be continued ]


The LONG and SHORT of it... VEILING for CHRISTIAN Sisters

Long Veils ....

Some sisters are simply NOT AFRAID ... they are not afraid of what anyone thinks of them... their head(s) belong to CHRIST. (This is what the good sister at says.)

They are not afraid to make a statement to this dead and dying world that JESUS CHRIST IS ALIVE AND WELL...


The exciting thing about wearing a head covering is the opportunities, the doors, it opens for the one wearing it... both literal doors and spiritual doors for witnessing.

And short veils...

My eyes fill with TEARS when I am asked by a stranger, seeing me in a store, to pray for him/her. One young woman came up and poured out her heart to me in the middle of a store... she was desparate to find a church where PERSONAL DISCIPLESHIP was available. She was hungry, and she wanted to grow... and couldn't find a place to be mentored.

Why couldn't she find a place? The normal MODERN CHURCH does not promote actual, personal, discipleship. It just does sermons, songs, and activities.

It is impossible to grow deeper in CHRIST JESUS without personal discipleship... and that lady knew it. She was nearly in tears.

What could I say? I simply re-directed her back to JESUS. The church will be accountable for not feeding the hungry, for the lack of discipleship.

We are NOT SAVED to get a good job, a good education, a good career so that we can support the church institutuion.

We ARE SAVED to begin our walk with The LORD... closer and closer every day, closer and closer in every way, forsaking the world's ways and looks and taking Our LORD'S WORDS AT FACE VALUE: HE+ MEANS EVERY WORD HE+ SAYS.

If Our LORD is calling you to a deeper sacrifice, a deeper committment, a deeper discipleship... go there with HIM+.

I can guarantee that you will walk alone, even in the midst of a church... but it will be with HIM+. You will not BE by yourself, however, because you will have joined THE UNDERGROUND CHURCH... in America, and in each and every land.

Sisters, cover your heads. Cover your daughters' heads. Cover your husband and family in prayer. Cover your elders and your church in prayer. Cover your neighborhood in prayer.

You will be amazed at the order, peace, and strength in The LORD that will descend upon you. You will be a light NOT SET under a basket. The LORD Himself+ will draw others to you for mutual strengthening, for witnessing, for fellowship, and then... for ministry.

Walk! Walk! Walk!

+ + +

In the Name of the FATHER, the SON+, and the HOLY SPIRIT,

both now and forever. Amen.


(A note for Tracy: thank you for your email.)

SISTERS: Always include your email address if you want a reply. If you don't, I cannot respond to your comments personally. The comments program on the blogspot always has "no reply" as the return address.

Sister Judith Hannah

Train up a child in the way he (she) should go...

...and when she is old, she will not depart the path.



I Corinthians 11 Verses 1-16

Brothers and Sisters in Christ, it is time for this topic to be addressed. Although we started out as Christian sisters who met the LORD in every topsy-turvey way one could imagine... we soon found out that we didn't stay that way!

There is order in the church... Scriptural order that must be followed. It is not optional.

Although no-one will hold a gun to your head if you refuse the head-covering, one thing is sure to happen: the continued refusal of the veiling will accomplish a few things in your life that you DON'T want to happen, if you are a serious Christian.

1) It will weaken your prayers.

2) It will allow more struggles to come your way, more wrestling with the flesh, and more struggles with applying Truth and discipline to your own life.

3) It will cloud your discernment and greatly decrease your ability to know HIS+ will for your life.

4) Your witness will be greatly impaired; your Light for CHRIST will be under a bushel, as it were.

5) Not to mention: dishonoring your head ( the husband or father... whoever heads your home) AND CHRIST JESUS... because HE+ gave those words to The Apostle Paul as part of the GOD-breathed Scriptures for us to follow.
+ + +

For some, the passage is not clear in 1 Corinthians 11.

Here is why:

The key is how one reads his writings.

To get to the core, the kernel, of his basic instructions to the primitive churches, it is often necessary to set aside for a moment his sometimes elaborate reasonings and explanations. THEN, ONE CAN SEE THE CORE OF HIS INSTRUCTIONS.

The Apostle Paul was a very learned man. Throughout his letters to the primitive churches, the Apostle draws examples and parallels from the Old Covenant and Jewish history.

This is how he teaches. He also draws from the example of natural things, things in nature, which he assumes everyone would know.

Let us momentarily set aside those illustrations, allusions, and examples from the Old Covenant and from nature which the Apostle uses in 1 Cor. 11. Then, we can clearly see his basic instructions to the primitive church.

After we comprehend clearly the import of his directives, we will add the illustrations, etc., back into the reading to understand his reasoning behind his instructions.

+ + +

Be ye followers of me, even as I also am of Christ.

Now I praise you, brethren, that ye remember me in all things, and keep the ordinances, as I delivered them to you.

But I would have you know, that the head of every man is Christ; and the head of the woman is the man; and the head of Christ is God.

Every man praying or prophesying, having his head covered or veiled dishonoreth his head.

+ + +

But every woman that prayeth or prophesieth with her head uncovered or unveiled dishonoreth her head: for that is even all one as if she were shaven.

For if the woman be not covered or veiled, let her also be shorn: but if it be a shame for a woman to be shorn or shaven, let her be covered (veiled).

Judge in yourselves: is it comely that a woman pray unto God uncovered?

But if any man seem to be contentious, we have no such custom, neither the churches of God.

+ + +

The remaining the verses in this passage (from 1 to 16), including his examples and reasonings for this instruction, draw from the Old Covenant references and from nature.

Before adding his explanations back into his words, however, let us take a look at what is the gist of his instructions in this adapted reading.

We see here that he is re-establishing both his authority and his reason for writing this epistle to the primitive church.

The Apostle Paul then clearly and plainly states the way it is: If the brothers cover or veil their heads while praying or prophesying, it shows they are dishonoring the authority line which the Apostle just stated as fact.

If the sisters have their heads UNcovered or UNveiled during praying or prophesying, it also dishonors the authority line.

The Apostle goes on to give his directive to the sisters who will not cover or veil their heads: shave the hair off and go bald.

This is rather humorous!

If a sister refused to cover or veil her head and would rather show her head in the assembly, The Apostle says, in essence, “Well then, let her show her bald head instead and see if she is still proud.” Likely, any sister would hasten to cover her head appropriately, due to the shame of being bald-headed! That measure would have dealt effectively with any spirits of worldliness and pride lurking in the assembly.

[Now, this is not as improbable as it may sound. The Apostle had to deal with proud spirits amongst the various factions in that very church, the letter reveals, chapter 4. It is within reason to think that the sisters had been subjected to spirits of pride, also. ]

The Apostle Paul appeals to their sound judgment of propriety when praying to the Living GOD, the Maker of the Heavens and the earth: is it right that a woman pray to GOD uncovered (unveiled)?

Well, he answered this question earlier by teaching them that it WASN’T right to dishonor the authority line, so he assumes they know the correct answer: NO.

The Apostle addresses the issue of disagreement or contention with this set of instructions. His last remarks were in a question form: Is it right that a woman pray unto GOD uncovered ? He plainly says NONE of the primitive churches have such a custom… and that settles the discussion.

The confusion amongst modern readers is that the words: "such a custom" refers to Christian sisters praying uncovered or unveiled. The Apostle said neither we nor any other of GOD’S churches had a custom of sisters praying unveiled.

This is the reasonable understanding of verse 16; otherwise, it makes the Apostle Paul contradict himself from what he stated as facts and directives in the immediate preceding verses! We know that the Apostle Paul was NOT confused, but rather, the western church’s perspective might be in want.

+ + +
(To be continued)