Showing posts with label Guided Meditations. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Guided Meditations. Show all posts



Circuit Preacher, from

Know ye not that your body is
the temple of the HOLY SPIRIT,
which is in you,
which ye have of GOD,
and ye are not your own?

For ye are bought with a Price+:
therefore glorify GOD in your body,
and in your spirit,
which are GOD'S.
I Cor. 6: 19-20

For WHOM do you evangelize?

What are you promoting with your life? If you are promoting the life-style of your community, then you are being "your own."

What are you promoting with your conversation, your words? If you are promoting "what you think", then you are still being "your own."

When you realize that YOU have been bought with a PRICE+ ... a PRICE+ that you can never repay with all the riches of this world... you will realize that you indeed are NOT YOUR OWN MASTER.

In the days of the slave markets in the ancient Roman world, slaves would be auctioned off, standing stark naked so their prospective owners could ascertain the value of their purchased property.

The Christians, who refused to attend theaters, sporting events, public baths, and other places that revealed the flesh, would go to the slave market and purchase one of these poor fellow humans.

For CHRIST JESUS, of course, was the purchase made.

The Christian would quickly clothe the nakedness of the new-bought slave... and set him or her free. For the love he bore to CHRIST JESUS, the Christian and his friends would provide the newly-freed slave with the means to make a living and an abode. 

The slave was FREE ! 

There were no strings attached.

The slave could take
his freedom,
his wealth,
his provision, 
...and GO. 

The slave was free to live his life however he wanted to live it. 


the slave was welcome to attach himself to the Christian and find out WHY his life was being made so different from all the slaves he left behind in the slave market. 

As a witness for CHRIST JESUS, the Christians did this because... 

DID that 

set the captives 

  • Free from sin
  • free from serving self
  • free from being a slave of  human spirits and
  • free from the control of the demonic forces.
    Free to follow HIM+ alone


Response: O GOD, THOU knowest my foolishness: and my sins are not hid from THEE. I am NOT MY OWN; I am bought with a  PRICE+.

Before I was afflicted, I went astray: but now have I kept Thy+ Word+.

Response: O GOD, THOU knowest my foolishness: and my sins are not hid from THEE. I am NOT MY OWN; I am bought with a  PRICE+.

It is good for me that I have been afflicted; that I might learn Thy+ statutes.

Response: O GOD, THOU knowest my foolishness: and my sins are not hid from THEE. I am NOT MY OWN; I am bought with a  PRICE+.

I know, O LORD, that Thy+ judgments are right, and that THOU+ in faithfulness has afflicted me.
Response: O GOD, THOU knowest my foolishness: and my sins are not hid from THEE. I am NOT MY OWN; I am bought with a  PRICE+.


Worthy is The LAMB+ Who+ 
has guided my afflictions;
Worthy is The LAMB+ !

Worthy is The LAMB+ Who+ 
 sets me free; 
Worthy is The LAMB+ ! 

Worthy is The LAMB+ Who+ 
allows me to be HIS+ freed slave 
...or to follow my own way;
Worthy is The LAMB+ !

 Worthy is The LAMB+ that was slain
to receive power and riches and wisdom and strength and honor 
and glory and blessing. 

Blessing and honor and glory and power
be unto HIM that sitteth upon the Throne 
and unto The LAMB+ 
forever and ever


PASSOVER Affirmations....

Affirmations of Faith

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for worship during Guided Meditations.

O Earth, Earth, Earth...
Hear the Word+ of The LORD !

JESUS said, 
The Way, 
The Truth, and 
The Life; 

No man cometh 
except by ME+.  

O Earth, Earth, Earth...
Hear the Word+ of The LORD !

Neither is there Salvation 
in any other;
For there is no other Name+ 
under Heaven
given among men, 
whereby we must be saved. 

O Earth, Earth, Earth...
Hear the Word+ of The LORD !

That at the Name of JESUS
every knee shall bow, 
of beings in Heaven, 
beings in earth, 
and beings under the earth,

And that every tongue should confess
to the Glory of GOD The FATHER. 

O Earth, Earth, Earth... 
Hear the Word+ of The LORD !



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Dear Readers... I  STRONGLY advise you to develop and practice a DAILY DISCIPLINE of worship.... private, individual worship. 

You do NOT NEED a "group" to gather about you to do this discipline, nor do you need anything more than your Bible and a quiet, hidden nook where you will not be disturbed.... be it woods or barn, basement or attic. 

Don some sanctified garment that you have prayed over and sanctified for this use, asking The LORD to bless it. Head-coverings or hoods,  capelets or simple chasubles,  long dresses or skirts for the sisters; vests or tunics or a simple blanket-type chasuble or robe for the brothers. 

Change your position to standing, kneeling, bowing and even sitting, as you worship. Do the sign of the Cross in the air, on your forehead, across your heart, or from head to chin, or even over your mouth! Otherwise, do the "normal" sign of the cross at appropriate places as you are moved to do so when you pray. 

REMEMBER: The sign of the cross is ANCIENT and is not a sign of "group" membership in the high churches or low. The sign of the cross BELONGS TO EVERY CHRISTIAN. 

Obtain or make a simple wall cross and make a simple strand of Christian prayer beads to help you keep your place and memorize Scriptures as you go. Instructions are plentiful on the Internet. 

One person has made Christian prayer beads out of black and brown wooden beads from an old beaded car seat ! This involves 4 sets of 7 beads ( called "weeks' beads"), with 4 Cruciform beads to separate them.  

A string of smaller wooden beads, this time red beads and some green ones obtained for a dollar from a thrift store item, made the "opening and closing" beads and the Cruciform beads... where is said, 

  • " Worthy is The LAMB+ !"  ... said at  the 4 Cruciform beads 
and at the 3 opening and closing beads: 
  • "Blessed be The HOLY FATHER Who created us, 

  • and His HOLY SON+ JESUS CHRIST our LORD Who+ saves us, 

  • and The Blessed HOLY SPIRIT Who sanctifies us."
Follow some pattern of worship, like the OGS Guided Meditations: 

  • Open with Worthy is the LAMB+! and some set but short Scriptures of praise. [ The idea is for these opening words to be repeated reverently every day, not simply impromptu praises. ] 

  • Invitatory Bead... Come Unto ME+, all ye who labor and are heavy laden, and I+ will give you rest. 

  • 3 verses of Supplications... asking The LORD to bless your worship, such as "Let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be acceptable in Thy sight, O LORD, my strength and my Redeemer+. "

  • 3 verses of Repentances ... perhaps from Psalm 51 or the entire Psalm, or other verses that bring you into a spirit of repentance. The prayer beads are useful when doing an entire Psalm.

  • 3 verses of Affirmations of Faith ... such as "Neither is there Salvation in any other; for there is no other name under Heaven given among men, whereby we must be saved" and "At the Name of JESUS every knee shall bow..."

  • 3 verses of Exhorations ... such as "Be still and know that I AM the LORD."

  • 3 verses of Exaltations ... such as "My soul doth magnify The LORD and my spirit doth rejoice in GOD my SAVIOR+." 
These verses need to be PERSONAL to you, verses that have "spoken" to you in times of need, verses that you can easily commit to memory as you worship through the Guided Meditation every day.  I list these verses as an example of what we do at the OGS daily, to give you some idea of the KIND of verses you might include. 

Then move on to pray through out-loud 3 Psalms. OGS does Psalm 27, Psalm 116, and Psalm 23... but these are able to be changed, as per your leading of The LORD. 

After these items are finished, continue on in worship by using the 

  • Agnes Dei, 
  • St. Patrick's Breastplate, or the 
  • Te Deum.  
These are all very ancient hymns of the Christian church. The words are found on the Internet or on this blog in earlier posts. 

RENUNCIATIONS follow the ancient hymns.
Starting this section of worship with : 

"O earth, earth, earth ! 

Hear the Word of The LORD ! " 

 I John 2:15-17, Matthew 4:10, Matthew 16:23 are the verses which contain the very words of Our LORD when HE+ stood against the adversary. 

The last section involve 2 sets of ONLY the very WORDS of Our LORD ( as in a Red Letter edition of the New Testament ) .  The Beatitudes and John 14, using only His+ Words, are good places to start this section. They can be changed from season to season. 

We end this section with The prayer Our LORD taught His+ disciples, when the disciples said, "LORD, teach us to pray."

CLOSING:  A spontaneous prayer of Thanksgiving , by this time, will be pouring from  your heart and lips ! 

This worship through Guided Meditation is not long nor hard. It can be adjusted as per schedule needs, and can be done in parts at different times of the day.  It can be done morning, noon, or evening; late at night, or in the wee hours of the morning. 

It is IMPORTANT, however, that it be done meaningfully and individually. Groups or families can do it, but ...

can never, ever be replaced 
by group worship. 

This is the cost of discipleship and friends, if you do NOT WANT to pay it you will not be ready for what is about to take place on the face of the earth. 

Terrible, un-thinkable tribulation is about to be legislated by the "civil" countries that will make being a Christian one of the most dangerous identities to have. 

Unless, of course, you take the mark of the beast in order to keep _____ : 
( anything you might name ... keep your possessions, houses, lands, bank accounts, credit cards, social security, disability, cell phones, internet, education, health care, car license, insurance,  children.... )

Then, you will indeed avoid the persecution and grief that The LORD has promised is coming for Christians... the last Great Persecution of the Christian Church.   

Yes, you may avoid it until you die... but then, you will stand before the Judgment Seat of CHRIST.  

Eternity lasts a long, long time. 


BEHOLD, the LAMB+ .... #8 ... Supplications for the Guided Meditations

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Let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be acceptable in Thy sight, O LORD, my Strength and my REDEEMER+.  Psalm 19:14

O, send out Thy LIGHT and Thy TRUTH, that they may lead me and bring me unto Thy Holy hill and to Thy dwelling. Psalm 43:3

Cause me to hear Thy lovingkindness in the morning; for in THEE do I trust: 
Cause me to know the way wherein I should walk:
For I lift up my soul unto THEE. Psalm 143:8

Rubrics: During Guided Meditation,  recite these supplications 3 times,  as a prayer unto The LORD, after the Invitatory. They will position your heart to be ready to receive instruction from The WORD+ during the remainder of the Guided Meditation. 


BEHOLD, the LAMB+ ... #5

Preparation for the Passover Season

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Guided Meditations

Guided Meditations bring you into worship... private, individual communion with The LORD JESUS CHRIST.  If focused on The WORD and if the The Word of GOD is employed during the meditations, then you will enter into a closeness with The LORD that cannot be duplicated.  It is an intensely personal time... a time that exists between you and HIM+ alone.

Outline for Guided Meditations

Now, do remember that this is 
  • 1) not Bible-study time, 
  • 2) not Bible reading time 
  • 3) not simply "prayer" time, and 
  • 4) not even "quiet" time. 
Guided Meditation IS a time of worship, a time of LIVELY-THOUGH-QUIET (!) contemplation of The LORD:  Who+ HE+ is, His+ character, and Who+ HE+ is in relationship to you. 

In essence, through Guided Meditation time, you enter INTO HIS+ PRESENCE+. And there, you will be refreshed and have the restoration of your soul. 

Here is a schedule for a Guided Meditation. There are many ways to do it; this is only one schedule. 

(see previous posts for details)
  • Bless GOD: FATHER, SON+, and HOLY SPIRIT, and blessed be HIS Kingdom both now and forever. Amen 
  • In the Name of The FATHER, 
    The LAMB+ of GOD,
    And the blessed HOLY SPIRIT. 
  • Worthies: i.e., Worthy is the LAMB+
  • Psalm 93: The LORD reigneth ! HE is clothed with majesty... ( continuing to the end of it )
+ + +

(see previous posts for details)
  • Come Unto ME+, all ye who labor and are heavy laden...
  • or... Psalm 95
+ + +

+ + +
+ + +

  • Psalm 23
  • Psalm 27
  • Psalm 116
+ + +

6. AGNUS DEI ( see previous posts for details)
+ + +
7. The BREASTPLATE of St. Patrick
+ + +
+ + +
9.  The BEATITUDES from Matthew 5
+ + +
10.  WORDS of CHRIST from John, chapter 14 
(all the words spoken by Our LORD but not the narrative spoken by others) 
+ + +
11.  The DISCIPLES' PRAYER ( otherwise known as The LORD'S Prayer or the Our FATHER... ) 
+ + +

During Guided Meditation time do these items of worship slowly and prayerfully, emptying your mind and quieting your soul. Refuse to think of anything else while you are with CHRIST JESUS The LORD during this time. I find I need to repeat each item 3 x in order for it to still my soul.

If you should not have the time to finish, DO NOT RUSH TO DO SO... just prayerfully end your meditation and proceed to the pressing demands of the clock; HE+ knows your schedule better than you do ! Plan to have more time to do them tomorrow.

And lastly, in between items, short LAUDS, such as "Worthy is the LAMB+" , O Come, let us adore HIM+, O Great is THY+ faithfulness!,  should be said. 

During the Passover Preparation ( LENT) season, we do not use HalleluJAH, Alleluia, or Glory in our praises. 

I will post the details of the verses for those items which are starred. 

In the Name of The FATHER, 
The LAMB+ of GOD,
And the blessed HOLY SPIRIT. 


Behold, The LAMB+ .... #3

Preparation for the Passover Season

Photo by Sonomachristianhome. com
During "Guided Meditation" times, RESPONSES appropriate for the Passover Preparation Season, ( known as Lent ), are said in between the Psalms, Scriptures, and spiritual songs.  These are mini-phrases of worship.

It is customary during the Passover Preparation Season to omit the words "glory" or "HalleluJAH" in the praises. They are added back into the Christian praises on Resurrection Day. 

Here are a few responses appropriate for the season to add to your "Guided Meditation" booklet. It is good to memorize these responses and use them after Psalms, Scripture readings, or after rising from prayers or other items of worship.

Our GOD reigneth from the Tree*, 
O Come, let us adore HIM+ ! 

And the Government shall be 
upon His+ Shoulders, 
O Come, let us adore HIM+ ! 

Worthy is the LAMB+!
 Worthy is the LAMB+ 
that was slain!
O Come, let us adore HIM+ !

( or the longer version: )
 Worthy is the LAMB+!
 Worthy is the LAMB+ 
that was slain!

  Worthy is the LAMB+ 
that was slain 
to receive power 
and riches 
and wisdom 
and strength 
and honor 
and glory 
and blessing !

The Gloria is not used during this Passover or Lenten season. In its place, one can start the "Guided Meditation" with this opening, before the guided meditation begins:

Blessed be GOD: 

and Blessed be HIS Kingdom, 
for ever and ever. 
+ + + 

 * ... "reigneth from the Tree" was in the original verse of Psalm 96:10, according to the early Christian writer, Justin Martyr, Ante-Nicene Fathers, Vol. 1, chapter 73, "Dialogue With Trypho."  


Behold, The LAMB+ ... #2

Preparation for the Passover Season

Behold the LAMB+ of GOD 
that taketh away the sin of the world !

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The Invitatory

Come unto ME+, 
all ye that labor and are heavy laden
and I+ will give you rest, 

Take My+ yoke upon you 
and learn of me;

For I+ am meek and lowly
in heart.

And ye shall find rest
unto your souls.  

For My+ yoke is easy
and My+ burden is light. 

Matthew 11


This is the Invitation to Come to CHRIST and sit with HIM+ in stillness and quietness of heart. 

Pray this aloud, very slowly, with pauses between the phrases. 

Do this 3 x until His+ Invitation becomes REAL to you. 

During this part of your daily Guided Meditation,  lay down your burdens and your yokes of bondage, and see CHRIST HIMSELF+. 

Since it is an invitation, do this near the beginning of your Guided Meditation time this Passover Season, to start out your Time with CHRIST in stillness. 


Behold, The LAMB+ .... #1

Preparations for the Passover Season...
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During this Lenten Season we will be focusing on WORSHIP during times of Private, Individual Meditation... in order to draw near to The LAMB+ of GOD Who+ taketh away the sin of the word. 

In order to do this, we will learn to practice "Guided Meditation" during Quiet times of prayer. Recommended Quiet Times are early in the morning, 9 a.m., noon, 3 p.m. ( the hours of the Crucifixion ) and  / or 6 p.m. 

During this season, it is GOOD to practice fasting of some sort: fast some sleep times, some entertainments, some foods or days, fast from temporal activities and normal friendly "interaction" via emails or phone... in order to MAKE IT A PRIORITY to sit quietly with HIM+ Who+ is the LAMB+ of GOD. 

Thus, during this particular Season of the Preparation for Passover,  the posts will be about how to come into worship during devotional times within the individual prayer closet. 

The Guided Meditations may be printed out and made into a personal prayer booklet.  Each one is MOST effective if prayed aloud, very slowly, meditating on Who+ HE+ is. 

It is recommended that each Guided Meditation will be prayed through, contemplatively, 3 times. Spontaneous prayer, worship, and most likely, tears of healing will follow such a Meditation.

Psalms or other Scripture verses can be added at will. 

So, on this Ash Wednesday, our first Guided Meditation will be the familiar "spiritual song"... 

Agnus Dei... The LAMB+ of GOD. 

O  LAMB+ of GOD,  
Who+ taketh away the sin of the world...

have mercy upon us. 

O LAMB+ of GOD, 
Bearer of our sins... 

have mercy upon us. 

O LAMB+ of GOD, 
SAVIOR of the world... 

grant us Thy+ Peace.

This is to be repeated 2 X, slowly and reverently, pausing between the phrases, in order to become quieted enough to be aware of  His+ Presence.+  

The 3rd time through, replace US with "me",  OUR with "my" or your name. 

In The Name of The FATHER, 
and The Blessed 