Preparation for the Passover Season
Guided Meditations
6. AGNUS DEI ( see previous posts for details)
(all the words spoken by Our LORD but not the narrative spoken by others)
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Guided Meditations
Guided Meditations bring you into worship... private, individual communion with The LORD JESUS CHRIST. If focused on The WORD and if the The Word of GOD is employed during the meditations, then you will enter into a closeness with The LORD that cannot be duplicated. It is an intensely personal time... a time that exists between you and HIM+ alone.
Outline for Guided Meditations
Now, do remember that this is
- 1) not Bible-study time,
- 2) not Bible reading time
- 3) not simply "prayer" time, and
- 4) not even "quiet" time.
Guided Meditation IS a time of worship, a time of LIVELY-THOUGH-QUIET (!) contemplation of The LORD: Who+ HE+ is, His+ character, and Who+ HE+ is in relationship to you.
In essence, through Guided Meditation time, you enter INTO HIS+ PRESENCE+. And there, you will be refreshed and have the restoration of your soul.
Here is a schedule for a Guided Meditation. There are many ways to do it; this is only one schedule.
(see previous posts for details)
- Bless GOD: FATHER, SON+, and HOLY SPIRIT, and blessed be HIS Kingdom both now and forever. Amen
- In the Name of The FATHER,HIS HOLY SON+ JESUS,The LAMB+ of GOD,And the blessed HOLY SPIRIT.
- Worthies: i.e., Worthy is the LAMB+
- Psalm 93: The LORD reigneth ! HE is clothed with majesty... ( continuing to the end of it )
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(see previous posts for details)
- Come Unto ME+, all ye who labor and are heavy laden...
- or... Psalm 95
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5. THREE PSALMS- Psalm 23
- Psalm 27
- Psalm 116
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6. AGNUS DEI ( see previous posts for details)
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7. The BREASTPLATE of St. Patrick
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9. The BEATITUDES from Matthew 5
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10. WORDS of CHRIST from John, chapter 14 (all the words spoken by Our LORD but not the narrative spoken by others)
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11. The DISCIPLES' PRAYER ( otherwise known as The LORD'S Prayer or the Our FATHER... )
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During Guided Meditation time do these items of worship slowly and prayerfully, emptying your mind and quieting your soul. Refuse to think of anything else while you are with CHRIST JESUS The LORD during this time. I find I need to repeat each item 3 x in order for it to still my soul.
If you should not have the time to finish, DO NOT RUSH TO DO SO... just prayerfully end your meditation and proceed to the pressing demands of the clock; HE+ knows your schedule better than you do ! Plan to have more time to do them tomorrow.
And lastly, in between items, short LAUDS, such as "Worthy is the LAMB+" , O Come, let us adore HIM+, O Great is THY+ faithfulness!, should be said.
During the Passover Preparation ( LENT) season, we do not use HalleluJAH, Alleluia, or Glory in our praises.
I will post the details of the verses for those items which are starred.
In the Name of The FATHER,
The LAMB+ of GOD,
And the blessed HOLY SPIRIT.
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