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The 2nd CLEANSING of the TEMPLE Matthew 21: 10-17 |
" From His+ eyes went forth rays
which TERRIFIED them and
put them to flight."
So reads a marginal note of a 13th century manuscript of the Aurora, by Peter of Riga, The Gospel of the Nazaraeans, footnoted at Matthew 21:12.
See "Gospel Parallels" by Burton H. Throckmorton, Jr., page 154 ,5th Edition, 1992, Thomas Nelson, Inc., Nashville, Tn. 1992
[ The AUTHORITY of The MESSIAH+ was very evident in His+ Cleansing of the Temple, even to the religious leaders.]
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...and HIS+ eyes were
as a Flame of Fire;
+ + +
The first act The LORD JESUS did after His+ Triumphal entry into Jerusalem was to cleanse the Temple.
As a matter of fact, THAT is what HE+ went into Jerusalem TO DO !
HE+ drove out the BUYERS as well as the sellers of the livestock and doves and over-turned the tables of the money-changers.
This was PASSOVER week, and they were going about business as usual. No fear of GOD there. How UN- holy !
Jerusalem was swollen with visitors coming for the Passover, to celebrate GOD'S great deliverance of the Hebrews from Pharaoh. They were supposed to be mindful of GOD, not their pocketbooks.
Once the un-scrupulous merchants were driven out of the Temple, the little ones, the blind, the lame , the crippled and infirm --- those who could afford nothing --- came to CHRIST JESUS. HE+ healed them, it is written.
This was just a few days after HE+ raised Lazarus from the dead !
Prophecies that would identify HIM+ as the true Messiah+ were being fulfilled before their eyes... and the crowd went wild. All of Jerusalem was in turmoil.
The heavy hand of the Rule of Rome would soon be lifted, they thought. How glorious !
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Yes, the "Rule of Rome" would indeed be lifted... from their SOULS. The people who walked in darkness had seen a GREAT Light, The LIGHT+ of the world.
That LIGHT+ lifted the "Rule of Rome's" values from their hearts; they would no longer be slaves to the worldly system that rules the hearts of men from their pocket-books.
But, they would not. They willed not to be gathered as a hen clucks and gathers her chicks under her wings.
They did not WANT freedom from sin, but rather, freedom from Roman rule.
O Jerusalem, Jerusalem.... and JESUS wept. HE+ could see ahead THEIR coming agony, THEIR thousands of citizens crucified on the hills and roads outside of Jerusalem.
Yes, the earth-bound Roman rule was cruel and terrible.
Sin's rule is WORSE.
Roman rule only lasts
for a life-time.
Sins' consequences
last for ALL Eternity.
HE+ came to address them, first things first, and one at a time. First the Spiritual. Next will be the earth-bound rulers who pulverize His+ people.
Matthew 23: 37-38
Jerusalem, Jerusalem,
thou that killest the prophets,
and stonest them
which are sent unto thee,
how often
would I+ have gathered
thy children
even as a hen
gathereth her chickens
under her wings,
and ye
would not!
your house is left
unto you
+ + +
O WHOLE House of Israel, I+ have called to you to repent. I+ have called to you to remove the leaven from your midst, and ye would not.
What more can I+ do to save you from the sins that snare you ?
Those very sins will ENTRAP you in the coming evil determined upon this earth. You will not be able to escape because you will not even SEE THE EVIL COMING until it is too late.
No, I+ will not save America from judgement. I will not keep her from oppression SO THAT you can keep your wealthy life-styles, life-styles that are so far above other peoples of the earth.
Do you "sit as a Queen and will be no widow?" Think again. I have NEVER SPARED my people who ignore my Words.
I have NEVER SPARED my people who chase the world and call it "serving ME+."
Those I+ love, I+ rebuke and chasten.
Turn, turn from your worldly values. Separate from this world. Separate from this Camp of Korah... touch not the unclean money, the unclean flags, the unclean value system of Babylon the Great.
Serve ME+ in purity, with an UN-divided heart. Then, and only then, shall you see the Salvation of your GOD ... when HE is truly your Master.
Divided loyalties will not be able to stand. You CAN NOT --- are not even ABLE --- to serve GOD AND Mammon .
You will belong to Korah.
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Revelation 1: 13 -18
13 And
in the midst of the seven candlesticks one like unto the SON+ of man,
clothed with a garment down to the foot, and girt about the paps with a
golden girdle.
14 HIS+ head and HIS+ hairs
were white like wool,
as white as snow;
and HIS+ eyes were
as a flame of fire;
15 And HIS+ feet like unto fine brass, as if they burned in a furnace; and HIS+ voice as the sound of many waters.
16 And HE+ had in HIS+ right hand seven stars: and out of HIS+ mouth went a sharp
two-edged sword: and HIS+ countenance was as the sun shineth in HIS+ strength.
7 And
when I saw HIM+, I fell at his feet as dead. And HE+ laid HIS+ right hand
upon me, saying unto me,
Fear not;
I+ am the First
and the Last:
18 I+ am HE+ that liveth,
and was dead;
and, behold, I+ am alive
for evermore,
and have the keys of hell
and of death