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The 2nd CLEANSING of the TEMPLE Matthew 21: 10-17 |
[ The AUTHORITY of The MESSIAH+ was very evident in His+ Cleansing of the Temple, even to the religious leaders.]
Worthy is the LAMB+... worthy is the LAMB+... worthy is the LAMB+ that was slain to receive power and riches and wisdom and strength and honor and glory and blessing! Blessing and honor and glory and power be unto HIM that sitteth on the throne and unto The LAMB+ for ever and ever. Amen.
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The 2nd CLEANSING of the TEMPLE Matthew 21: 10-17 |
are the pure in heart;
for they shall see GOD.
as recorded by Matthew in chapter 5, verse 8.
Did HE+ mean what HE+ said, literally ?
So... how do we become "pure" in our hearts?
It is OBVIOUS that HIS+ Word here in Matthew 5:8 is given to us... albeit gently... as an INSTRUCTION: that is, it is something concrete for us TO PUT INTO ACTION, it is an activity for us TO DO, a directive from Our LORD JESUS CHRIST for us TO PRACTICE. The Apostles learned from HIM+ and were diligent to teach the Early Church so. Here are their words:
The Apostle John said, "And every man that hath this hope in him purifieth himself, even as HE+ is pure." I John 3:3
The Apostle Peter admonishes, " Seeing that ye have purified your souls in obeying the truth through the SPIRIT unto unfeigned love of the brethren, love one another with a pure heart fervently: " I Peter 1:22
The Apostle James said, " Draw night to GOD, and HE will draw night to you. Cleanse your hands, ye sinners; and purify your hearts, ye double minded." James 4:8
So... how do we go about making ourselves "pure?"
We know to flee from sin and youthful lusts. We know to abstain from EVERY appearance of evil. We know how be chaste and modest in our dress. We give NO reason for ANYONE to stumble by eyeing our flesh nor to stumble by coveting, on account of how we visibly present ourselves.
But, what about the whisperer, the accuser of the brethren?
Are we zealous to purify our thoughts
coming from the accuser against others?
Or, do we contemplate those accusing thoughts
and then AGREE with them ?
Many, many a Christian marriage
and untold numbers of churches
are floundering
because of the work
of the accuser going unchecked , un-stopped,
This "work of the accuser" gets a foothold when we get our feelings hurt. If we are ignored or snapped at, if we are blamed or held in disrepute, if our motives or our words are misunderstood... the accuser steps in to help us "discern" the truth.
How can the father of lies
help us discern ANY "truth" ?
Here, then, is where the Holy Scriptures step in to combat those lies, fortify our emotions, and help us INTERVENE against the wicked spirits , the spiritual "bullies" who are afflicting us and our loved ones [ by getting us to accuse each other ].
Thy Word is very pure:
therefore Thy servant loveth it.
Psalm 119:140
In essence, we turn our back on the accusing lies trying to get us to AGREE with them, and we proclaim His+ Word. (Use the Psalms or other Scriptures. One Christian struggling deeply with hurt had to forcefully read 17 Psalms before the accuser quit her presence ).
We REFUSE TO AGREE with the accuser, no matter how badly we have been hurt.
Why do Christians refuse to agree with the accuser?
We KNOW it is the evil one who uses unsuspecting flesh to hurt us. The evil one will then lay his evil working to the account of the "unsuspecting flesh". That person who was used to hurt us then has sin laid to his account.
Thus, we learn to "join with CHRIST" to fight the liars from laying siege to the person who brought us hurt or injury. We join with CHRIST to free that person from control of the wicked spirits lying to him/her. Yes, that very person who has done us wrong and is now being accused by our OWN hearts, we fight FOR, not against.
Once the Scriptures are " in the air", in our hearts, in our minds, and IN OUR MOUTHS, the distress and "need" to accuse the person who hurt us, will leave. We will be free and healed from the hurt and the love of CHRIST JESUS will be shed abroad.
With our mouths, we proclaim GOD'S HOLY WORD until His+ Word takes over our emotions.
With our mouths, we list all the RIGHT and GOOD things about the one who hurt us, making ourselves be fair.
With our mouths, we pray for GOD'S richest blessings to come to that person... all those things temporal and spiritual which will lead him to CHRIST or to a deeper walk.
Christians, let's do it!
Let's practice developing
a pure heart,
one that is pleasing unto
+ + +
In the name of The FATHER, Who created us;
HIS Holy SON+ JESUS CHRIST, Who+ saves us'
And their Blessed HOLY SPIRIT, Who+ sanctifies us.