Showing posts with label gold. Show all posts
Showing posts with label gold. Show all posts


Season of the EPIPHANY... The Day Star+

Where IS HE+...
the ONE+ born
KING+ of the Jews ?

For we have seen
the Day Star+ arise
in our hearts...

And have come
to worship HIM+
with our :


Does our worship of Our LORD JESUS CHRIST extend into our piles of gold ?  Does our worship of Our LORD JESUS control our mammon, our money, our funds ? 

Would others
by how we spend 
the funds

The LORD, in HIS+ goodness,
has entrusted to us ?

Does our witness
into our pocketbooks?
our purses ?
our wallets?

Do we avoid beggars or people with signs, asking for money or work ?


Do we collect aluminum cans for CHRIST and crush them to sell ...  in order to donate pennies to missionaries ...  while sitting on thousands in the bank, collecting interest ?

As the good Bishop said in Les Miserables, when observing a wealthy man dropping a penny into the alms box:   " Ah, there is the richest man in the province... buying a PENNY'S worth of Heaven ! " 

What we REALLY VALUE is what we scrimp and save for, where we spend the MAJORITY of our monies. 

Are we telling GOD that we want only one-tenth of HIS goodness, with our giving ?

JESUS paid it ALL...
all to HIM+ I owe.
Sin has left a crimson stain.
HE+ washed it white as snow.


O LORD GOD, THOU has made the Heavens and the earth and all the things therein; THOU+ hast need of nothing of mine. 

Heavenly FATHER, I have need of THEE. I have all need of Thy+ SON+ JESUS operating in me.

Help me manifest CHRIST JESUS with my monies.

I have need for THEE+ to control every penny that comes in my door... so Mammon does not control me through love of it ...or through fear.

I know, O my SAVIOR, that I cannot out-give THEE+.

Make me willing and un-afraid to turn the control over my funds unto THEE+.

Smite the fear, smite my worldly-wisdom, un-clog my deaf ears and re-kindle Thy+ zeal in my dull and fearful heart, for THOU+ doest all things well. 

For  Thy+ glory help me use the monies THOU+ hast given into my stewardship in a more sanctified way. 

This I pray, to the glory of GOD our FATHER; in the Name of Our Manifested SAVIOR JESUS CHRIST. Amen.  


The WORD+ Incarnate... the 9th Day of Christmastide

The New Jerusalem
has no Temple for the
and the LAMB+ are its temple.

O Come, Let us Adore HIM+ !

Such a fabulous city is this New Jerusalem, whose Builder and Maker is GOD, the city which Abraham looked for, a city which had foundations (Hebrews 11:10)  in the Heavenlies. 

Ahh.. those foundations are like no other foundations of any other fabulous city in either the ancient or the modern world.

This city wall has 12 foundations and on them were the names of the 12 apostles of The LAMB+.  These foundations were adorned with all kinds of precious stones. 

The 12 gates were 12 pearls of such magnitude that each individual gate was ONE PEARL! 

Furthermore, 12 Angels were stationed at the gates, one per gate.

Pure gold like transparent glass pave the streets of this fabulous New Jerusalem, which came down from Heaven as a bride adorned for her husband. 

Even more, her light was like a most precious stone, like a jasper stone, clear as crystal. 


O LAMB+ of GOD,  slain from the foundation of the world, JESUS CHRIST, the Holy CHILD+ born in Bethlehem at the time appointed by The FATHER,

We glorify THEE+ for Thy every act of Good Will purposed, planned, and carried out for mankind from the foundation of the world... in accordance with the Will of Our FATHER in Heaven. 

O HOLY FATHER in Heaven, help us so to agree with Thy Will that we may walk in unity this day with THEE, with Thy Holy SON+ JESUS, and with Thy Blessed HOLY SPIRIT... the three WHO point to the ONE, consubstantial, undivided Tri-Une GOD !