Showing posts with label diet. Show all posts
Showing posts with label diet. Show all posts


Building MUSCLE ~ Day 10 of the INCARNATION

Season of the INCARNATION
Day 10
Year of Our LORD,

Building Muscle

It is FASCINATING to watch a wise man work out.
He never… I repeat, NEVER… babies himself.

In all of my 61 years, I have seen exactly ONE MAN close at hand who seriously and intensely works his muscles like Rocky Balboa preparing for “the big fight.”

To the uninitiated, “working out” means to grab a few weights (barbells or dumbbells) and pump that iron up and down a few times before getting on with the important duties of the day. Nothing could be further from the truth. That would injure a person’s body and build more lies in his soul [ i.e., exercise doesn’t work for me].

In reality “working out” is exactly what Rocky did. A person embraces the discipline of training his body before he even looks at a piece of iron (a weight-lifter’s term). But in the end, the fruit of embracing this discipline is that his body trains him ! It not only trains the muscles, but it trains the reflexes, the focus, the thoughts, and ultimately trains the person to deny himself temporarily to achieve the long-term goal set before him.

I watch the meticulousness of each work out exercise he selects. Each one is thought through with great care. The goal is always in his mind and every exercise is tailored to DO A SPECIFIC JOB for that particular muscle group.

For example, his methods are tailored for specific purposes. Working out with weights in bench triceps dips and alternate dumbbell curls (to name only a few), this wise man changes his work out like a recipe.

· For strength only, he does 5 or 6 sets of 2 or 3 repetitions with the same weights, with 4 to 5 minutes of rest between the sets.

· For adding muscle size only, he does 5 to 6 sets of 8 to 12 repetitions with only 45 to 60 seconds (!) between sets, using the same weights.

· But, to build both strength and size, this wise man does 5 to 6 sets of 5 to 6 reps with 2 to 3 minutes of rest between sets.

Fascinating, isn’t it? If a man can follow such a well-plotted recipe to make his body build strength, muscle, and size, he must trust there will be a natural response to his work. He trusts because he is following the natural law of how his body works, how human bodies are created. This natural law is so sure, so very certain, that even non-Christians who follow it will reap the same fruits of muscle, size, strength, and endurance.

Furthermore, this Christian brother who works out monitors his diet meticulously. He purposely puts ONLY in him foods that will accomplish his goals: building strength, muscle, size, endurance and ultimately good health. He monitors both the kind and the amounts. He puts “additives” in his body’s fuel tank to boost his high octane food also, keeping ever in mind how he wants his body’s engine to run. He embraces the TOTAL discipline needed to achieve his goal.

Being led by The LORD to work out, he never whines, but rather is thankful that he has a body that can now endure training. He never feels sorry for himself but rather rejoices in The LORD Who+ has granted him another day to do HIS+ Will. He refuses to allow himself to yearn after delicacies because he is intent on Truth… both for the outer man as well as for the inner man. He is delighted to apply himself to the Task Assigned, …unseen and unsung as it is… to show his sincere appreciation to The LORD.

Furthermore, on his one day “off” of the week, he refuses to feed his flesh more indulgently, knowing it will only make the iron harder to pick up again. He walks in Truth.

[This is a true story to be continued]

Glory be to The FATHER, and to The SON+, and to The HOLY SPIRIT;
As it was in the beginning, is now and ever shall be,
world without end.
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