HE+ is despised and rejected of men;
a MAN+ of Sorrows,
and acquainted with grief:
and we hid as it were our faces from HIM+;
HE+ was despised,
and we esteemed HIM+ not.
Isaiah 53:3
Why would any man despise The LORD JESUS CHRIST Who+ never hurt mankind ?
Why would any man reject HIM+ ?
This is why:
Men loved darkness rather than light
because their deeds were evil.
+ + +
And this is the condemnation, that LIGHT+ is come into the world, and men loved darkness rather than light, because their deeds were evil.John 3:19
For every one that doeth evil hateth the light, neither cometh to the light, lest his deeds should be reproved.
John 3:20
But he that doeth truth cometh to the light, that his deeds may be made manifest, that they are wrought in GOD.
John 3:21
This is one SPECIAL LIGHT ! The LORD JESUS is the LIGHT of the world. HE+ brings Light with HIM+ when HE+ enters the room.
Christians do the same: they bring Light with them when they enter the room as well. That LIGHT is The LORD JESUS, the TRUE LIGHT which lighteth every man coming into the world. John 1:9
The powers of darkness which surround and inhabit worldlings can FEEL the power of the LIGHT of CHRIST entering into the room . . . and they do NOT like it.
So, for no reason at all, people react to someone who simply walks into their midst quietly bearing the LIGHT of CHRIST. They may say it is the way the light-bearer walks or talks or looks.
The worldlings really and honestly DO NOT KNOW why they react to that light-bearing Christian who comes into their midst.
They react because the spirit inside of them reacts.
This is called “spiritual warfare.”
Christians ALL bear the Light of CHRIST with them wherever they go. That is why The LORD sends them to be with tribes or neighbors or relatives !
The spiritually-minded Christian will realize WHAT is happening between the spirits. The spiritually-minded Christian will immediately realize the conflict of spirits.
He is able to bind the evil spirits. He is able to be pleasant to the person who is reacting to him without taking the insults or glares personally.
The spiritually-minded Christian will know that Isaiah 53:3 is occurring because evil spirits have made in-roads into that person’s mind, heart, soul, and spirit.
Thus, the spiritually-minded Christian will know how to pray for the Christ-rejecter’s soul.
Heavenly FATHER,
Help me to be aware of the conflict of the spirits taking place whenever I enter a room, a store, my workplace , or my training station.
Bring to my mind how and when to bind those evil spirits hindering someone’s Salvation.
Help me to forgive insults instantly and Know that it is the wicked spirit who is spitting at The HOLY SPIRIT inside of me.
Forgive me for being self-centered, and always concerned about licking my wounds from such an encounter. Rather, open my eyes to see the WAR going on between the evil spirits and the HOLY SPIRIT within me.
I ask Your forgiveness, dear Heavenly FATHER, for being more concerned with Self than with setting the captives free from the bonds of the satan.
Strengthen me to fight the good fight of faith and to take hold of Eternal Life as I reach out and bring the Light of CHRIST JESUS to the worldlings I meet.
In the Name of The LORD JESUS CHRIST , the LIGHT+ of the world, I pray. Amen.