Showing posts with label Heaven. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Heaven. Show all posts


HEAVEN ! ~ The Undefiled VIRGINS of Revelation 14:4


Revelation 14:4

What was a suitable Christian protocol at the beginning of his Calling is no longer suitable as he matures in CHRIST.



Courtesy of

no man 
hath ascended up to Heaven, 
but HE+ 
that came down from Heaven, 
even the SON+ of Man
which IS in Heaven ! 
Words of JESUS
before HE+ was crucified
and Resurrected, 
as recorded in John 3:13

Now that
what is it 
but that 
also descended 



the lower parts 

of the earth ? 

Courtesy of
that descended 
is the same also that ascended 
up far 
above all Heavens, 
might fill all things. 
Ephesians 4: 9, 10

... Go to MY+ Brethren and say unto them,  
I+ ascend unto MY+ FATHER 
and your FATHER   
and to MY+ GOD 
and your GOD. 
John 20: 17b

...What and 
if ye shall see 
the SON+ of Man 
ascend up where 
was before ?
John 6:62

My Brethren, 

You watch all things temporal but you need to watch things in Heavenly places. Times are changing. Soon, life will not continue on as it has been. Times are changing.  Take heed, lest your heart be over-charged with surfeiting and entanglements of your temporal existence. It will be gone in an instant. 

You do not need new "THINGS;" rather, you need an intense focus upon ME+.

In the days coming, I+ AM the only ONE+ Who+ will be able to keep you safe.

Discard the frivolous, the superficial, the external.... all those things which distract you from ME+. Burn them or give them away. Only you, My+ Brethren, can draw close to ME+. It is not given to those outside of ME+ to be able to draw close to Our FATHER WHO art in HEAVEN. 

Draw close to ME+... close to ME+... to ME+.  


Advent Meditations 2012

We are coming!
~ ~ ~ The All-Encompassing GOD ~ ~ ~
Luke 1:26-55

Meditation 5

30 And the angel said unto her,
Fear not, Mary:
for thou hast found favour with God.

31 And, behold,
thou shalt conceive in thy womb,
and bring forth a son,
and shalt call HIS+ name Jesus.

"You shall call HIS+ name JESUS..."
Neither is there salvation in any other: for there is no other name under Heaven given among men,  whereby we must be saved. Acts 4:12
 >>> No other way exists to enter Heaven.
Wherefore GOD also hath highly exalted HIM+, and given HIM+ a Name which is above every Name: That at the name of JESUS every knee should bow of beings in Heaven, and beings in earth, and beings under the earth:
And that every tongue should confess that JESUS CHRIST is LORD, to the glory of GOD the FATHER. Philippians 2:9,10.
JESUS said, " I+ AM the Way, the Truth, and the Life; no man cometh unto The FATHER, except by ME+."
Heavenly FATHER, O THOU Who has sent us a way out of this gross darkness, hear the cry of my heart for my un-saved family and my un-saved neighbors and friends.
I lay down all my hindering fears of rejection. Set me free, I pray THEE, to share Thy Salvation through JESUS according to Thy Divine Will and purpose for their life.
Grant me such a fervor for their souls that "Eternity With JESUS" is stamped  upon my forehead... and "Eternity Without HIM+" is stamped upon my eyes, with great sadness. 
Bring forth, O Gracious LORD, Thy convincing to the wayward and soul-lost ones.
I thank THEE, O LORD JESUS, for laying down all Thy+ fears in order to rescue me.


Only ONE Chair...

...And only ONE occupant at a time, is the rule.

I am the LORD:
that is My Name:
and My Glory
will I not give to another,
neither My praise to graven images.
Isaiah 42:8

This wonderful piece of Christian "art" will never be found in art galleries of the famous. It will, however, be found in the most important places, i.e... imprinted on the heart, mind, and spirit of those who follow CHRIST.


There is only one chair in the Throne Room of our hearts. Who will fill it during 2010 ? Who filled it during 2009 ?

Is it time to make changes? None of us are getting younger. All of us are marching ever onward toward that inevitable appointment with The Almighty. Since the Keys to life and death are TOTALLY in HIS+ Hands, is it time to make REAL changes in the Throne Room of our hearts?


The question is very simple, black and white: WHO RULES?


The answer is also very simple, black and white: Self or The LORD JESUS CHRIST?


Whichever one we serve here on earth in this life will be the determining factor of our eternal... unceasing... continual... without end... always and forever placement the instant we close our eyes in death. Rich or poor, sick or healthy, young or old, lazy or industrious, clever or not... the same rule goes for all.


Everyone KNOWS we cannot carry one little scrap with our soul and spirit as we fly away: not one dollar bill, not one degree, not one award nor certificate, not one license, not one piece of furniture, and not even one tiny thread of material to cover our nakedness.


Moreover, not one friend nor acquaintance, not one father or mother or brother or sister or wife or husband or son or daughter, will accompany us at that Time Appointed. Neither minister nor church group, be they ever so faithful, will stand at the judgment with us. Each one of us WILL STAND ALONE to render an account of what we have savored during our allotted years: Self ... or... The LORD JESUS CHRIST.


We will enter eternity covered only with one thing: The righteous Blood of The LAMB ... or ... our own stains of Self-rule. Yes, eternity DOES WAIT for us all; our entrance is really rather close. It is also quite certain.


But, through WHICH DOOR shall we enter eternity? The one that leads Heaven-ward ... or ... the entrance into perdition?


There is only ONE CHAIR

in the Throne Room of our hearts.

Who will rule:

Self ?

... or ...



Thankfully, no-one is ordained to go into perdition and no-one is ordained to go to Heaven. We can repent of serving Self and we can live to serve Our LORD... or... we can continue on serving Self, satan, and the things of this world.


HE+ will not force us

to follow HIM+.


And likewise,

we cannot force HIM+

to let us into Heaven.


Only one life,

'Twill soon be past;

Only what's done for CHRIST

Will last.


Say unto them, As I live, saith the Lord GOD, I have no pleasure in the death of the wicked; but that the wicked turn from his way and live: turn ye, turn ye from your evil ways; for why will ye die, O house of Israel? Ezekiel 33:11


The WORD of The LORD;

Thanks be to GOD!

+ + +

In the name of The FATHER

Who created thee;

And His Beloved SON+,


Who saves thee;

And the Blessed HOLY SPIRIT,

Who sanctifies thee.

