Showing posts with label Haggai 2. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Haggai 2. Show all posts


HE+ Didn't Come Here to Lose !

Advent Meditation # 8

JESUS 2nd Coming With Angels in Glory
picture courtesy of

HAGGAI 2:6 - 9
Courtesy of

For thus saith the LORD of Hosts; 
Yet once, it is a little while, 
and I+  will shake 
the heavens, and the earth, 
and the sea, and the dry land;

And I+  will shake all nations,
 The DESIRE+ of all nations
 shall come: 
and I+  will fill this house 
with glory
saith the LORD of Hosts.

The silver is mine, and the gold is mine, 
saith the LORD of Hosts.

The Glory of this latter house 
shall be greater 
than of the former, 
saith the LORD of Hosts: 

and in this place will
  give peace,

saith the LORD of Hosts.

Meditation ~ ~ ~

LORD GOD, YHWH ADONAI,  King+ of the Heavenly Hosts, Captain+of the Divine Armies of Angelic Beings, show Thyself+ once again! 

And, this time , O LORD, let it be known to the peoples of every kindred, tongue, people, and nation
exactly  WHO+ THOU+ art.

As THOU+ didst enter  into Thine+ Incarnation in order to die to set men free from satan's grip...
we long for THEE+ to re-enter planet earth with Thy+ Glorified Body to set aright the kingdoms of this world. 

Then, the kingdoms of this world is become the Kingdoms of Our LORD, and of HIS CHRIST!

And HE+ shall reign for ever and ever!
 HalleluJAH !

Come, O Come,
 and fill this Temple!

Come, O Come,
O DESIRE+ of all nations, 
and fill this Temple! 

Come, O Come,
and ransom captive earth,
still bound by Hell.