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JOHN 6:4 ~ WHERE Did
Michael Rood Find THAT GREEK Text He Quoted from MS 472 ?~ It was NOT in MS 472 !
Michael Rood’s
Problems with the Greek Text
in the Passover
Passage of John 6:4
In the previous post, we viewed MS 472 with the Greek text of John 6:4
in it, complete.
See JOHN 6:4 , The
PASSOVER Passage, FOUND in MS 472 ~ REFUTING Michael Rood . . . Point by Point
for more details and for
reference links to verify the information.
Also in that post, a researcher
with the INTF [ the late Kurt Aland’s Institute
of New Testament Research at Muenster, Germany ] confirmed that the John 6:4 text was indeed in MS 472.
He stated that the notation in
the apparatus of Nestle-Aland’s 26th edition which indicated that MS
472 omitted John 6:4 was AN ERROR.
He further stated that the error
was CORRECTED in NA 27th Edition and subsequently, the 28th Edition.
Did Mr. Rood CHECK the NA 27th or 28th
Edition at John 6:4 ?
Mr. Rood’s ENTIRE PREMISE of a
one-year ministry of The LORD JESUS CHRIST pivots on the removal of John 6:4.
Why ? Because John 6:4 provides evidence of
THREE stated Passovers during The LORD’S earthly ministry.
FACT in itself brings the length of The LORD’S ministry here on earth to at
least TWO YEARS, even in the most conservative way of counting. The
un-named feast of John 5:1 MIGHT BE YET ANOTHER PASSOVER which scholars have
debated for years.
WHY did not Mr. Rood verify that his information was correct ?
were definitely available and very likely, voices were raised pointing out the needed correction, for The LORD always sends us warnings when we are on the
wrong path, heading for destruction.
Let’s look at Mr.
Rood’s time line for research.
- 1979 ~ The NA 26th Edition was first published in 1979, revised in 1983, and printed for the twelfth time in 1991.
- 1993 ~ The NA 27th Edition which corrected its MS 472 error was published by 1993.
- 2012 ~ The NA 28th Edition was first published in 2012.
- 2013 ~ Mr. Rood’s Chronological Gospels was published in 2013.
there not TIME to check if his premise was correct in the 20 years between the
NA 27th correction and the publishing date of the Chronological
Gospels ? Instead, Mr.
Rood printed on page 9 of his Introduction re: Fatal Systematic Theology, this: ( copied verbatim )
“ Greek Manuscript # 472, an 11th century manuscript that was originally housed in Constantinople, may be the last in the line of manuscripts that maintained the accurate rendering of John 6:3-5.“In order to protect what remains of this ancient, mutilated, minuscule text, the manuscript is under lock and key at the Lambeth Palace Library in London.
“The text reads:
ανηλθενδε εις το ορος ο Iησους και εκει εκαθητο μετα τωνμαθητων αυτου επαρας ουν 'ο Iησους τους οφθαλμους καιθεασαμενος 'οτι πολυς οζλος ερζεται προς αυτον λεγει προς τον φιλππον ποθεν αγορασομεν αρτος 'ινα θαγωσιν ουτοι
"and went up into the mountain Iesous and there he sat with the disciples his having lifted up then Iesous eyes and having seen a great crowd is coming to him he says to Philip whence shall we buy loaves that may eat these ( word by word English translation)3 And Jesus went up into a mountain, and there he sat with his disciples (4) 5 When Jesus then lifted up his eyes, and saw a great company come unto him, he saith unto Philip, Whence shall we buy bread, that these may eat ? ( KJV)“The eight words ην δε εγγυς το παζσα ν εορτν των ιουδαιων (and the passover, a feast of the Jews was nigh ) are completely missing from this ancient manuscript. 2“ Verse and chapter markings are nonexistent in the ancient Greek texts, as is punctuation, but the following statement can only be made by using these modern conveniences: the entirety of verse four ( “and the Passover, a feast of the Jews was nigh” ) is nonexistent in the Lambeth Palace manuscript. The last words of verse three “ τωνμαθητων αυτου ” (the disciples his ) is followed by the first word in verse five " επαρας ” (having lifted up). The wording found in the modern Greek texts, ην δε εγγυς το πασζα ν εορτν των ιουδαιων (and the Passover, a feast of the Jews was nigh ) simply does not exist in the ancient Lambeth Palace manuscript. Those eight words were not expunged from the text, but rather, just as with all the first and second century texts, those eight words were never added.”
[ End of Michael Rood’s quote, verbatim .]
A Few Problems with Mr. Rood’s
1. Mis-spellings or Typo’s in the Greek words in Michael Rood's Greek verses,
highlighted in yellow.
3 ανηλθεν δε εις το ορος ο Iησους και εκει εκαθητο μετα των μαθητων αυτου
4 ην δε εγγυς το πασζα ν εορτν των ιουδαιων
5 επαρας
ουν ο ιησους τους οφθαλμους και θεασαμενος οτι πολυς οζλος ερζεται προς
αυτον λεγει προς τον φιλππον ποθεν αγορασομεν αρτος ινα θαγωσιν ουτοι
original and correct Greek text is printed below, with letters high-lighted,
showing the difference between what is found in MS 472 and others and what is
found on page 9 of the Chronological Gospels.
John 6:4 ην δε εγγυς το πασχα η εορτη των ιουδαιων
John 6:5 επαρας ουν ο ιησους τους οφθαλμους και θεασαμενος οτι πολυς οχλος ερχεται προς αυτον λεγει προς τον φιλιππον ποθεν αγορασομεν αρτους ινα φαγωσιν ουτοι
Yes, in the Greek text of MS 472, the word τον ( "the" ) is clearly printed in the Manuscript. But Mr. Rood omitted it. ( What Greek text was he viewing ? )
Mr. Rood’s Greek spelling errors may have come from switching back and forth from a Greek keyboard to an English keyboard. However, even a first-year Greek student would have caught most of these errors as mis-spellings or typo’s.
glaring is the ζ Xi INSTEAD of the χ
Chi found in PasXa ( Pascha or Passover ). Mr. Rood simply did not
check his work or his typist’s work, unfortunately for those who prefer accuracy.
problem, though, is that Mr. Rood DID NOT LOOK AT MS. 472 for himself.
Now to be fair, perhaps Mr. Rood did not travel to Lambeth Palace Library to view the manuscript. Also, perhaps
the INTF did not have it online until 2013 ?
So, if he did not SEE the manuscript, MS 472, for himself, HOW could he state so
adamantly what the text was within it ? To wit:
“ . . . the entirety of verse four ( “and the Passover, a feast of the Jews was nigh” ) is nonexistent in the Lambeth Palace manuscript.” and
“ The wording . . . simply does not exist in the ancient Lambeth Palace manuscript.”
Again, Mr. Rood did not check his work or have an
assistant editor to catch his errors or someone who knew Greek. He said:
“Those eight words were not expunged from the text, but rather, just as with all the first and second century texts, those eight words were never added.”
John 6:4 ην δε εγγυς το πασχα η εορτη των ιουδαιων
A first-year
Greek student would be able to count all NINE Greek words in this sentence.
then, we have Mr. Rood’s WILD statement about “ just as with ALL the first and second century texts, those eight
( sic) words were never added.”
to WHICH FIRST CENTURY texts are you referring, Mr. Rood ?
FIRST century Greek Manuscripts are extant? That is, which ones do we have, Mr.
Rood ?
66 is the earliest copy of John, from the 2nd Century which is the
earliest possible dating by scholars, although some date it a bit later.
Nestle-Aland’s 26th Edition states P 66 as “ca 200”, page 688, 12th
printing, 1991. We also have Papyrus 75,
which is 3rd century.
Mr. Rood
might be quite surprised to view what is in John 6 on those two TRULY ANCIENT
manuscripts. BOTH Papyri have John 6:4 in
P 75 has a broken up line, but the words "Pasxa and "feast" are clearly there. In P 66, the earlier papyrus, has John 6:4 in it . . . without even a mis-spelled word. THAT is quite a feat for P 66 !
P 75 has a broken up line, but the words "Pasxa and "feast" are clearly there. In P 66, the earlier papyrus, has John 6:4 in it . . . without even a mis-spelled word. THAT is quite a feat for P 66 !
we see that Mr.
Rood did not actually VIEW MS 472.
We see that his
Greek seems to be a little lacking for such basic errors to creep into his
re-typing of (supposedly) "that" verse in Greek .
When Mr. Rood
states, “the text reads . . .” , he is KNOWINGLY falsifying what the text of
MS 472 actually states because he never VIEWED that manuscript at John 6:4
which has that verse in tact, as shown in the photocopy of it.
ALAS, we see
that Mr. Rood re-wrote the KJV verses to omit John 6:4 WITHOUT A SHRED OF
The earthly
ministry of The LORD JESUS CHRIST could NEVER HAVE BEEN LIMITED to a one-year
term. Mr. Rood’s entire prophetic time-line rests upon a one-year term.
Thus, Mr. Rood
has built a huge business deceiving believers in CHRIST JESUS, across the
no man DECEIVE you
answered and said unto them,
Take heed that
no man deceive you. 5 For many shall come in My+ name, saying,
I+ am CHRIST; and shall deceive many. Matthew 24: 4-5
2 Timothy 3
3 This
know also, that in the last days perilous times shall come.
2 For men shall
be lovers of their own selves, covetous, boasters, proud, blasphemers,
disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy,
3 Without natural
affection, trucebreakers, false accusers, incontinent, fierce, despisers of
those that are good,
4 Traitors, heady, highminded, lovers of pleasures more than lovers of God;
5 Having a form of godliness, but denying the power thereof: from such turn away. . . .
4 Traitors, heady, highminded, lovers of pleasures more than lovers of God;
5 Having a form of godliness, but denying the power thereof: from such turn away. . . .
13 But evil men and seducers shall wax worse and worse, deceiving, and being deceived.
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