in Action ~
and Isaac
Father and Son UNITED ~
United in Action, United in Purpose, United in Will ~
And took
Avraham the wood of the burnt offering and he placed upon Isaac his son and he
took in his hand the fire and the knife, and they walked on, the two of them, together, as
one, united. . . . in Hebrew, below.
VaYalKu ShanayHem YaCH-Dav,
Here is the literal reading
of the last three words in Genesis 22:6 and 8,
“ And they walked on, the TWO of them, together,
as one, united.”
Genesis 22:7
And said Isaac to Avraham his father, And he
said, “My father.” And he said, “Here am I, my son.” And he said , “Here is the
fire and the woods, but where is the LAMB for the burnt sacrifice ?”
Genesis 22:8
And said Avraham, “ELOHIM will see to HIM, the
LAMB, for the burnt sacrifice, my son.”
And they
walked on, the two of them, together, united as one.
A Lesson in Spiritual Warfare:
How to WIN
Abraham knew the Voice of The ELOHIM.
Abraham was called the friend of GOD, James 2:23.
Abraham was called HIS friend because he set aside his own
plan for happiness through Isaac and embraced GOD’S plan in Genesis
22 . . . which was far greater than
having an heir for his temporal goods: his tents, flocks, and servants.
We see that The LORD blocked Sarah from
conceiving a natural child in the natural course of a marriage.
When Sarah and Abraham took matters into their own
to provide an heir, they created a nightmare situation that is still going on
today. That is, the descendants of Ishmael , a wild man ( Genesis 16:12 ), are
continuing to work havoc upon the descendants of Isaac.
“ … And they walked on, the two of them, together
as one, united” is how Isaac walked with his father Avraham.
The lad trusted his father. Isaac trusted his father’s judgment. He trusted his father’s love. Moreover, he trusted his father’s WALK with The ELOHIM, with GOD.
Isaac walked together, in harmony, in trust with his father . . . which is exactly how Avraham walked with his Heavenly father, The LORD. AS ONE. In complete harmony of purpose, in complete harmony of will.
Isaac may not have known yet what Abraham’s
obedience would mean for him. What Isaac DID know was how to walk in obedience
to his father Abraham.
Abraham, however , knew clearly what his
obedience would cost him AND YET HE STAYED IN HARMONY, IN ONENESS with The
Abraham and Isaac were UNITED, the ECHAD, the
plural “One”.
They were UNITED in love.
They were UNITED in trust.
They were UNITED in obedience.
They were UNITED to The LORD, The ELOHIM, the
ECHAD, the plural “One.”
Let us pray:
O LORD GOD, my FATHER and LORD JESUS CHRIST, YOU+ have not called me to do anything that YOU+ have not done, in order to walk in unity with Your+ Heavenly FATHER. HIS purposes were Your+ purposes. HIS Will was Yours+.
Where my will differs from Yours+, O Sovereign
KING+, my will must be abandoned . . . with joy . . . with total confidence
that YOU+ know best.
I love YOU+, LORD JESUS. I trust YOU+. I will obey YOU+.
I yield to THEE+, my Sovereign KING+. Henini --- here am I ---- do with me as YOU+
Will. I must stay unified with THEE+ ,
else I shrivel and die.
So . . . I renounce my sovereign self-will, here and now. Help me to rid myself of it, here and now. For Thy+ Name’s sake and for Thy+ Glory, O Righteous SAVIOR+, The LORD JESUS CHRIST. Amen.
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