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I+ have not yet ASCENDED to My+ FATHER |
~ Day 10, Meditations
[ The Resurrection Season was not limited to Resurrection Sunday. It lasted until Ascension Day. This Resurrection "season" was the 40 days and 40 nights the Resurrected LORD JESUS CHRIST spent with His+ disciples--- in His+ glorified body ---, teaching them things and opening their understanding unto the Scriptures which told about HIM+.
These Scriptures, of course, were the Prophets and Patriarchs and Psalms found in the Old Covenant because ... the New had not yet been written. ]
John 20:17
JESUS said unto her [ Mary Magdalene ],
Touch ME+ not;
for I+ am not yet ascended
to My+ FATHER:
but go to My+ brethren,
and say unto them,
I+ ascend
unto My+ FATHER,
and your FATHER;
and to My+ GOD,
and your GOD.
+ + +
There was a lot of movement ... A LOT of movement... going on between earth and Heaven during the days of His+ immediate Resurrection.
In this passage, we see the Resurrected JESUS meeting one of the Sisters of their company who came to the tomb bringing spices for His+ proper burial.
She was over-joyed to see HIM+ !
We will be too.
However, notice what HE+ told her:
"... I+ have
to My+ FATHER ... "
So, Our LORD JESUS had just arrived --- supernaturally --- from Hades / Sheol back to the grave and supernaturally re-entered His+ Body --- now glorified via Power from on High --- and was en route to the Heavenly realm to present Himself+ to His+ Heavenly FATHER !
HE+ had not yet returned unto His+ Heavenly FATHER when HE+ encountered this Christian sister outside of the tomb.
Notice this: The Apostle John's account focuses only on one of the three women who went early to the tomb to bring spices. THIS WOMAN, Mary Magdelene, was told "not to touch HIM+. "
The account in Matthew 28:1-9 mentions only two women ( Mary Magdelene and the other Mary )... and when HE+ met THEM, THEY ( notice the plural ) held HIM+ by the feet !
In Luke 24:10, three women are mentioned by name. This account has Joanna included in the women who followed HIM+ from Galilee.
In The Apostle John's account, HE+ gave her an obedience to perform: she was to carry a message to the disciples, an IMPORTANT message.
HE+ called them BRETHREN. HE+ told them HE+ was ascending to their FATHER and GOD... which was HIS+ FATHER and GOD !
HE+ reminded His+ followers that they remained His+ FAMILY. HE+ had told them much earlier that those who obeyed were "in the Family."
Matthew 12:47-50 ( See also Mark 3:31-35 and Luke 8: 19-21 )
Then one said unto HIM+,
Behold, Thy+ mother and
Thy+ brethren stand without,
desiring to speak with THEE+.
But HE+ answered
and said unto him that told HIM+,
Who is My+ mother?
and who are My+ brethren?
And HE+ stretched forth
His+ Hand toward His+ disciples,
and said,
My+ mother and My+ brethren!
For whosoever shall do the Will
WHO is in Heaven,
the same is
My+ brother,
and sister,
and mother.
+ + +
From Tertullian*** ~ "Against Praxeas" ( See notes below the quote).
“ JESUS saith unto her,
“Touch ME+ not,
for I+ am not yet ascended to My+ FATHER;
but go to My+ brethren” ...
(and even in this HE+ proves Himself+ to be the SON+; for if HE+ had been The FATHER, HE+ would have called them His+ children, (instead of His+ brethren),
... “and say unto them,
I+ ascend unto
My+ FATHER and your FATHER,
and to My+ GOD and your GOD.”
Now, does this mean, I+ ascend as The FATHER to The FATHER, and as GOD to GOD?
Or as The SON+ to The FATHER, and as the WORD+ to GOD?
Wherefore also does this Gospel, at its very termination, intimate that these things were ever written, if it be not, to use its own words,
“that ye might believe
is the SON+ of GOD?”
... ... ...
For these things certainly are NOT written that you may believe that JESUS CHRIST is The FATHER, but The SON+. ”
~ end of Tertullian’s quote.
+ + +
*** Ante-Nicene Fathers, Vol. 3., Tertullian, Part Second, # 7 Against Praxeas, chapter 25, page 621, from the edition: Hendrickson Publishers Inc., Peabody, MA, 2nd printing, June 1995.
*** Tertullian was a Christian apologist from Carthage, North Africa, c. 160-230. He wrote in Latin.
**** Praxeas taught the heresy that it was The FATHER Who descended into the virgin, was born and put to death, etc. , in an un-balanced effort to unify The FATHER, The SON+, and The HOLY SPIRIT, making the three as one person instead of one essence or substance. See footnote #1, chapter 1, pg. 597.
In contrast, the Early Christians said that The FATHER sent His+ Eternal WORD+, the SON+, to become human flesh for the suffering of death in order to redeem the human race. The FATHER did not leave Heaven.
+ + +
HOLY FATHER of Our LORD JESUS CHRIST and of us... yes, Our dear, Heavenly FATHER also...
We come to THEE through the Victorious Name of Thy SON+ JESUS CHRIST, Who+ loved us and gave His+ Life for us.
Thank YOU for the Resurrection Victory YOU gave as a commandment to YOUR SON+ JESUS in WHOM+ YOU were well pleased. YOU gave HIM+ the authority to lay down His+ Life and the authority to take IT+ again... as a commandment.
O LORD CHRIST, we have been born anew into Thy+ Royal Family. Help us so to walk in obedience that we may REMAIN in Thy+ Family , both now and forever.
Increase our faith. Help us to trust that Resurrection Power is there to keep us when lay down our Self, our lives unto THEE+. Help us to trust that same Resurrection Power that promises we will NOT be destroyed if we walk as YOU+ walked on earth, as an obedient SON+.
Help us not to fear embracing meekness, humbleness, and lowliness, knowing that YOU+, O LORD, have walked the valley of humiliation first and came forth VICTORIOUS.
Help us to embrace the humility of heart that is required of Thy+ Brethren, O CHRIST.
Then, we will know Thy+ Peace, as Thy+ Resurrection Power descends upon the meek and lowly of heart.
Yes, LORD, we want to be called "Thy+ Brethren" ... both here and in the Heavenlies.
In the glorious Name of our Resurrected LORD JESUS CHRIST... Whom+ death could not conquer and hell could not hold... we pray. Amen.
+ + +
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