The Journey Towards Bethlehem
Year of Our LORD, 12.12.2008
Lord ADONAI, my heart is not haughty,
nor mine eyes lofty:
neither do I exercise myself
in great matters,
or in things too high for me.
Surely I have behaved
and quieted myself,
as a child that is weaned
of his mother:
my soul is even as a weaned child.
Psalm 131:1, 2
When do we get in trouble? It is when we over-step our boundaries and erroneously enter into a battle… to revenge a “wrong” done by others to us or to evince our own “righteousness,” perhaps.
It is good to leave the battle… the revenge… to The LORD. Yes, we stand in our person for HIM+. Yes, we do HIS+ Way. And yes, we can expect discomfort to come for it. Our reaction shouldn’t be one of surprise but of a certainty that we are going to enter into a season of exercise. Our exercise is to behave and quiet ourselves, nestling in closer to the ONE+ Who+ came to restore what the locusts have eaten. HE+ will take care of it… if we leave the righting of the wrong in HIS+ hands.
It is good to leave the battle… the revenge… to The LORD. Yes, we stand in our person for HIM+. Yes, we do HIS+ Way. And yes, we can expect discomfort to come for it. Our reaction shouldn’t be one of surprise but of a certainty that we are going to enter into a season of exercise. Our exercise is to behave and quiet ourselves, nestling in closer to the ONE+ Who+ came to restore what the locusts have eaten. HE+ will take care of it… if we leave the righting of the wrong in HIS+ hands.
O LORD GOD, under Whose+ wings I have put my trust, help me guard my heart against all vengeful thoughts. Help me simply draw closer to THEE+, the Keeper of my soul, and learn to bless those who have hurt me that I might become like Thy Beloved SON+. I thank THEE, Holy FATHER, for sending HIM+ to be my Example as well as my Protector. This I pray in the name of The FATHER Who created me, The SON+ Who+ saves me, and the HOLY SPIRIT Who sanctifies. me. Amen
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