
Advent Day 23
Year of Our LORD,

being in the form of GOD,
thought it not robbery
to be equal with GOD:
(a thing to be held onto)

But made HIMSELF+
of no reputation,
and took upon HIM+
the form of a servant,
and was made
in the likeness of men:
Phil. 2:6-7



As the whole cast of Heavenly Host from above and the demonic host confined to the atmosphere of the earth watched in either glory or horror… The Prince of GOD …the True and Living Isra-El … became clothed with human flesh. The Bright and Morning Star, The Lily of the Valley, was indeed made in the likeness of men… not a pleasant proposition.

HE+ did this so that he could taste death for every man… for whosoever will come.

What a mighty GOD we serve! Not only that HE+ could do such a feat… but that HE+ would do it for such as we are.

O LORD our GOD, we praise THEE for doing for us what we could not nor would not do for ourselves. Help us to turn from Self so thoroughly that we will cast down our reputations and not look back. Like the Apostle Paul, may we count our reputations and all our achievements in the eyes of men as dung … because that is what they are in the eyes of GOD.

Help, us, O LORD, to become like Thy Beloved SON+ JESUS in Whom+ THOU wast well-pleased.

This we pray in the name of The FATHER,

Who created us,

His Beloved SON+

Who+ saves us,

and The Blessed HOLY SPIRIT

Who sanctifies us.


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