
Resurrection Season ~ ~ ~ Day 24
for the Year of Our LORD, 4.15.2008
How Shall We Never Taste Death?
…Or, GOD is NOT a man that HE+ should lie !

Verily, verily, I say unto you,
If a man keep my saying,
he shall never see death.
John 8:51

Let us examine how John 8:51 could possibly come about.

During that One Great Passover Season… which all Passovers pointed towards… there was a lot of movement going on in the spiritual realm!

First of all, our LORD moved from the land of the living into the confines of the dead. After HE+ preached the Gospel for three days and three nights to the spirits held captive in Sheol, a Great Movement took place: HE+ re-entered His+ uncorrupted Body of flesh, glorifying it with His+ Holy power.

Then, HE+ took the captive ones who belonged to HIM+ out of the heart of the earth and MOVED THEM INTO THE PARADISE OF GOD, WHICH IS IN THE THIRD HEAVEN. Some of these saints appeared unto many in Jerusalem. The saints did not yet have glorified bodies; it would have been their souls and spirits that were moved into the Third Heaven.

What could this portend for mankind, after HIS+ Resurrection and the Great Removal of His+ Body, the Church, from the confines of Sheol ?

Let us look at John’s records of Our LORD’S words.

Truly, truly, I say to you that an hour comes
and now is when the dead will hear
the Voice of the SON of GOD,
and the ones hearing will live.
(John 5:25 , Jay P. Green’s Interlinear Greek NT)

And I have other sheep which are not out of (ek) this fold. Those also it behooves ME+ to lead, to bring along, to conduct, and of My+ Voice they will hear and will become one flock, one SHEPHERD+.
For this reason, My+ FATHER loves ME+
because I, I lay down My+ Life in order that I may take it again.
John 10:16,17 ( OGS Expanded Greek and Green’s Interlinear)

Jesus said unto her,
I , I AM the resurrection, and the life:
the one believing into ME+
even though he die
yet shall he live.
(John 11:25, expanded Greek and Green’s Interlinear)

And then, for the second group NOT YET DEAD, let us look at the very next words of Our LORD:

And all the ones living and believing into ME+
would not ever die unto the age (forever).
(John 11:26, literal Greek)

Truly, truly , I say to you, the one hearing My+ Word
and believing the ONE having sent ME+,
has life everlasting
and does not come into judgment
but has passed out from death unto life.
(John 5:24 , Gk)

Truly, truly I say to you,
If anyone keeps My+ Word
he will not ever behold death
to the age (forever).
(John 8:51, Gk)

+ + +

Now Our LORD takes His+ New Covenant saints to Himself+ immediately, when the spirit and soul leaves the body of flesh. Although the bodies of flesh are buried, awaiting His+ Return to earth, their spirits are alive with Their LORD in the Paradise of GOD in the third Heaven. That is why JESUS said the New Covenant saints are passed from death unto Life and would NEVER SEE DEATH.

That is , their spirits and souls would
Rather, they would be taken UP to where HE+ is.
His+ saints, His+ Church, His+ Body,
would be with HIM+ …forever more!

+ + +

The Resurrection of JESUS CHRIST… the most life-changing event in human history!

+ + +

In the Name of the FATHER, and the SON+, and the HOLY SPIRIT

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