
Waiting on HIS+ Timing...

Waiting on The LORD to move... to change a circumstance or a situation... to restore a relationship, renew a marriage, or heal a broken heart. We wait on The LORD , sometimes patiently but more often, chafing to get on with the changes!

Here is a story to help us WAIT upon The LORD:
There were 3 little kittens who were the delight of their mistress. She herself was confined by her parents to a stone cottage to tend the fig trees in her father's grove. She was lonely but she loved her work... except for the mice. There was a small army of mice tending the figs also!

They also ate her flour, her clothing, and anything else they could sink their teeth into in her little stone cottage.

So she prayed to The LORD and asked for a cat. Instead, HE+ sent her a hawk, a raptor, who caught mice. That was fine.

But she was still lonely, having been banished to the cottage for about a year.  The LORD looked upon her loneliness and sent her 3 little kittens. Oh, what a joy those dear little kittens were to her heart! They played with her toes and played with each other, tumbling about her cottage freely. 

But there was ONE PLACE she did not want them to go: to her high window ledge, the one with bars across it. 

Why? The hawk, the raptor, sat on a tree limb close to the high window. She knew what the hawk would do to the kittens. 

She talked every day to her beloved kittens as she fed them and played with them, telling them to stay off the window ledge... although she knew, she KNEW that one of the adventurous ones was trying to climb his way to the ledge to see out.

Oh, how those darling kittens hated to be confined to the cottage! Oh, how badly they wanted to scamper outside, to explore. 

They had NO IDEA that the raptor was there in the tree, ready to pounce on them and devour them for sport. 

Suddenly, The LORD spoke into her heart... telling her to REMAIN where she was until HE+ moved her. She couldn't see the ones lurking in the shadows to destroy her life... but HE+ could. 

She understood! Her love for the well-being of her beloved kittens made her understand WHY The LORD confined her... for her own well-being against foes she could not see nor would understand. 

[Adapted from EIGHTH SHEPHERD, Bodie and Brock Thoene, A.D. Chronicles. Some things changed so that I would not reveal the plot of the story!]
But they that wait upon The LORD shall renew their strength, they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run and not be weary; and they shall walk and not faint.  Isaiah 41 




...begins in the inner man.

Do not begin to think your testimony to the outside world begins with your words or your deeds towards them.
A true witness begins in the heart... your heart... as you line your heart up with My+ Words.

You must learn to stand against your fears... which are all lies from the adversary and the tormenting spirits.

You must learn to "tell" the unseen forces that YOU will not believe them anymore. You must learn to shut the door to the unclean voices clamoring for you to mis-trust ME+, saying "HE+ will not take care of you-ou-u!" There are no ... NO, NONE ...  others who can thwart My+ plans for your life if you walk in My+ Will.

Your fear casts aspersions upon My+ Character, but  I+ always have and always will  take care of My+ Sheep.

Do not cast aspersions
upon My+ Name;
I+ never forsake My+ own. 

I+ do not lie to you.

I+ will always guide you and care for your every need... the needs of your heart and mind, as well as the needs of your physical person. 

Is not My+ eye upon the littlest sparrow? Do not agree with the adversary against ME+ and question My+ integrity towards you.

How can you doubt My+ care of you, after so many years? Do not hurt My+ heart so. 

+  +  

GOD has in these last days spoken unto us by HIS SON+
WHOM+ HE has appointed Heir+ of all things,
by WHOM+
also made the Ages;
being the Radiant Splendor of HIS Glory,
and the express image of HIS Essence,
and upholding all things by the Word of HIS Power,
when HE+ had
purged our sins,
sat down


Then having a Great High Priest
WHO+ has passed through the Heavens,
JESUS, the SON+ of GOD ,
let us
hold fast our confession.

For we do not have a High Priest
not being able to sympathize with our weaknesses,
but One+ WHO+
was tempted in all points like we are,
yet without sin.

let us come near with confidence
to the Throne of Grace
that we may receive mercy,
and find Grace to help in time of need.


The Path of No Regrets....

There is no way around it: You MUST pick up daily discipline in order to grow. Otherwise, you will be vigorously tossed about by all the daily trials that beset you. Yes, trials DO come to every Christian every day. But, if you establish a daily discipline in your daily routine , your walk will become much smoother in spite of the trials.  

And he that taketh not his cross,
and followeth after ME+
is not worthy of ME+.
Matthew 10:38

How do we "pick up our cross" if we have no persecution?

We do it by applying DISCIPLINE to ourselves. 

Discipline does not mean that we beat ourselves with whips and cords. No, it is far more of an endurance trial than that.

Discipline entails self-denial of "softening" pleasures. It entails replacing time spent in worldly activities with GODLY pursuits. It means submitting our daily schedule to HIM+ to embrace prayer stops at 9 a.m, noon, and 3 p.m. It involves submitting our reading material to HIM+, replacing much of it with The Word of GOD.

Discipline involves stopping ourselves at the doors that say, "No Trespassing -- This Concern of Yours Will Be Handled by ME+.

This is the way the serious disciple of CHRIST JESUS learns to make HIM+ LORD... truly LORD...  of his life.

Let us learn to practice discipline.

It is the one path of
no regrets.

+  +  +


A Funeral for the UN-SAVED...

...is a hard one to engineer, much less endure.

What do you do when a family member stoutly REFUSES to forgive others for real ( or imaginary ) wrongs ? What is there to be done when the counsel of FORGIVENESS as CHRIST forgave us... is despised and repudiated? When the glare of hatred emanates from the eyes of the begrudger ?


You can but pray for the sinner... and eventually, hurt for the grievous and UN-NECESSARY hurt caused by unforgiveness.

When sudden death claims that begrudger, you are only left holding the hurt... the hurt of your own heart, the hurt of the begrudger, the hurt of the person begrudged-against, and the HURT of the LORD, Who+ loves them all.  

GOD is not mocked; His Word still stands as the ultimate TRUTH. No-one... yes, no-one... escapes the Judgment. And the judgment is this: That CHRIST has been rejected.

YES... When someone refuses to forgive , he/she is rejecting CHRIST JESUS, the author of forgiveness, the living example of forgiveness.

Forgiveness is forgiveness when we pardon someone who has done us wrong, not when someone has done us "right."

So, is a pile of rusty metal taken, perhaps, without permission, worth losing your soul FOR ALL ETERNITY ?

Correctly, then, there is no funeral service for the person holding the grudge. That, however, does not allow anyone in the family to bury their remains. And so, only hurt remains... with no opportunity for healing.

+  +  +
In the Name of The FATHER, Who created thee;
Who+ saves thee,
And the Blessed HOLY SPIRIT,
Who sanctifies thee
and brings the conviction
of the sin of Unforgiveness
to our hearts.


A WORD from The LORD...

The days are close at hand
when sorrow shall fill this land.

MY+ people are drowning
in a sea of goods,
in a sea of lies.

Their hands are filled with pleasures
and their hearts are full of Self.

No-one shall see GOD
if he does not do MY+ Will.

Gadgets, conveniences, eye-pleasures
are consuming the thoughts of MY+ people.

Learn to live simply.
Learn to sit quietly
in MY+ stillness.

I am the TRUE LIFE...
not modern conveniences !
+  +  +

A Word from Sister Judith Hannah:

Throughout the month of July, I have been away from the computer to minister to my Mother, who has been diagnosed with Congestive Heart Failure.  Although there is no known cure, dietary changes can enable a person to live more active with a better quality of life.

Changing dietary patterns is not a welcome effort, however, amongst the elderly !

I am thankful for the prayer support I had during the time I spent in my childhood home and thus, was kept victoriously during the various spiritual battles that occur in such a setting; my birth family is not saved.  

I glory in The LORD'S  great salvation... so rich and freely given... to every person who humbles himself and repents, whether rich or poor. What a treasure we've been given, in these earthen vessels of ours!

~ ~ ~




Come, O Come
and fill the temple!
O, fill the temple
with the glory of The LORD !

We are hungry
for YOUR+ Touch;
We love YOU+
very much;
We live to proclaim
The Name of JESUS.
Forgive us , LORD,
for grieving YOU+
and set our hearts anew
with the fire and flame
of Pentecost. 
Come, O Come and
fill this temple... 
O, fill this temple
with the glory 
of The LORD. 
+  +  + 

[Whose temple are you ? ]


The Coffee Bubble... ILLUSION... FACT... or, TRUTH ?

Which one do you choose ?
It makes a difference
in how you live,
how you relate to others,
how you are with CHRIST JESUS.
Here is a Mother's Day story which illustrates this point.
There once was a little girl, old enough to walk but not quite old enough to talk. She was young enough to need a high-chair when she was at the table.
Her Dad was gone; her mother worked. She and her mother lived in a chicken house... remodeled into one room, a bath, and a kitchenette. On workdays, the mother would take her little girl up to the "big house" nearby where an elderly woman would watch children for working mothers. They would all sit at breakfast with their Moms, usually toast and coffee.
One day, the little girl noticed that her little friend was having the best of times at the table, as her friend's Mom would stir her coffee. Looking closely, she saw that her friend and mother were playing a delightful game.
Her friend's Mom would stir her coffee in just the right way to form a BUBBLE ! Then, she would spoon that BUBBLE into her daughter's mouth... much to their own delight, with much giggling and sweetness.
Oh, how that little girl wanted her Mom to do the same thing with her! The little girl was sure there was something delightful in the BUBBLE that made her friend and mother laugh and play.
Finally, after much tapping and gesturing, the little girl let her Mother know what she wanted... a BUBBLE, too! So, the Mother stirred her coffee with vigor, produced the desired BUBBLE, and spooned it up to her daughter with the words: "Is that what you wanted?" And then, the Mom quickly returned to eating her toast and coffee. 
The little girl was crest-fallen. She didn't understand it. Her BUBBLE was bitter-tasting. There was no laughter, no fun, nothing special about her BUBBLE at all. She never bothered Mother again for another BUBBLE.
This story is true, I know, because that little girl was me.
The problem, you see, was the difference between illusion, fact , and truth.
The illusion was that the BUBBLE was in itself delightful. The fact was that the little friend and her mother were delighting in each other.  The TRUTH was that my Mom loved me too, only she was not able to communicate it via the BUBBLE in the coffee cup, as her mind was on the troubles of the day. 
Dear ones, fight illusions. Illusions are really fanatasies. They are NOT BASED IN TRUTH. They come from the father of lies. Good ones, bad ones, accusative ones... stand against them all.
Dear ones, watch out for facts. They may be true ... but they are NOT THE CONCLUSION OF THE MATTER.
Look only at the TRUTH, through JESUS CHRIST our RISEN LORD. HE+ tells us how to arrange our thoughts, our mind, and our emotions. HE+ tells us through His+ Word to think on things lovely, of good report. HE+ tells us to hold no accusation in our hearts against anyone... not even our enemies.
Those who hurt your heart are taken in a bad illusion themselves. Pray for them, that they might not be blinded by the enemy and miss CHRIST JESUS their SAVIOR... the only Savior available to mankind.
And last, but not least, do not covet another person's BUBBLE...  because it is just that: a bubble, an illusion.
+  +  +


The 40 Days of the Resurrection Season...

"I+ am risen
and am still with thee."


RESURRECTION... The Great Night...

Up from the grave...
...death, hell, sheol, Hades...
Arose !
The Firstborn+ from the dead !
Death hath no dominion
over HIM+ !
The LORD JEHOVAH said unto my Lord Adonai+,
Sit  THOU+
at My Right Hand,
until I make
Thine+ enemies
Thy+ footstool.
+ + +

Amen and HalleluJah !
Come, LORD JESUS, come!



We remember the scourging HE+ unjustly received from Pilate's hand, after being mocked , slapped, and beaten by the Temple guard... and then Herod's men... and then by the Roman soldiers, giving HIS+ back to the smiters  and HIS+ cheeks to them that plucked out the hair.
Recalling that HE+ hid not HIS+ face from shame and spitting, we thank You that by HIS+ wounds we are healed. We remember the chastisement of our peace was upon HIM+.
Thank You for Your Beloved SON+, Whose most noble head bore the crown of thorns and which same sacred head was struck with a reed, HIS+ face with hands and fists.
We remember HIS+ refusal of the mixture of the myrrh and wine, fulfilling HIS+ word to HIS+ disciples that HE+ would no longer drink of the fruit of the vine until HE+ drank it new with them in HIS+ FATHER'S Kingdom.
And Who+ , at the 3rd hour of the ancient day, bore the wood of the cross through Jerusalem to Golgotha, and was nailed to the wood of the cross and lifted up from the earth, as HE+ had foretold, that HE+ might draw all unto Himself.+
We thank You that at this time HE+ uttered those words, "FATHER, forgive them for they know not what they do" ... while nearby, soldiers cast losts for HIS+ garments.
We praise You and thank You, HOLY FATHER, for Your Beloved SON+, The LAMB+ of GOD, Our Savior JESUS CHRIST, Who+ takes away the sins of the world, Who+ make a full, perfect , and sufficient sacrifice for the sins of the whole world... for everyone who comes to HIM+ in repentance and truth.  Amen.
+  +  +
Order of the GOOD SHEPHERD+ Prayer Book



from the  GOSPEL EXPRESS Mennonite Prison Ministries CD
"Echoes of Joy" song

Your only SON+
no sin to hide,
but you have sent HIM+
from Your side
to walk upon this guilty sod
and to become
Your LAMB+ of GOD.
Your gift of love,
they crucified.
They laughed and scorned HIM+
as HE+ died.
Your humble KING+
they named a fraud
and sacrificed
Your LAMB+, O GOD!
I was so lost
I should have died,
but You have brought me
to Your side
to be led by
Your staff and rod
and to be called
a son of GOD.
Sweet LAMB+ of GOD.
I love Your HOLY
O wash me in
Your Precious BLOOD
+  +

Passover... the Cost

O LAMB+ of GOD, Who+ takes away the sins of the world... have mercy upon us.
O LAMB+ of GOD, Bearer of our sins... have mercy upon us.
O LAMB+ of GOD, Savior of the world... grant us Thy+ Peace.
~ ~ ~
from the 6th Hour Prayer Stationg (noon)
We thank THEE that at this hour of HIS+ patient suffering, THOU didst send forth darkness to cover the whole earth, as a sign that could not be overlooked nor ignored by anyone.
We see THY perfect mercy as THY SON+ took the repentant thief into Paradise with HIM+ that very day, granting him Life while HE+ Himself+ was dying for our sakes as the perfect Passover LAMB of GOD.

+  +  +



For the humiliation HE+ endured for our sakes, we give THEE thanks.... and also for the answers that HE+ gave to those who accused HIM+ wrongfully.
We thank THEE for the times HE+ gave no answer at all  to HIS+ accusers, as a LAMB+ led to the slaughter and as a sheep before his shearers is silent.
~  ~  ~
O my people, put to death your desire for acclamation and praise; that desire will lead you astray.
Seek MY+ face, not the face of man. If you turn your flesh from seeking man's smiles and TURN YOUR DESIRE FOR APPROVAL UPON ME+, you will have the true wisdom which cometh from Above.
You will have that peace which no man can take from you.
You will have that abundant joy which turns every slight, every hurt, every rough word spoken against you into a glorious jewel for your crown.
Learn from ME+ as I rode the colt into Jerusalem to receive MY+ crucifixion, not my acclamation. 
Your greatest victory comes AFTER you have picked up your cross and died unto Self.
Practice it,
practice it,
practice it
. . . . .


Pascha Meditation

Lenten Meditations from the Order of the GOOD SHEPHERD+ morning prayer station at the 9 O'clock hour... the hour of the morning sacrifice in the Temple.

Thank you, O HOLY fATHER, that Your Beloved SON+ , as the perfect SON+ of GOD, revealed Your power... saying I AM... causing the armed band of men to fall to the ground backwards.
Yet, HE+ did not use this great power for HIMSELF+, revealing HIMSELF+ to be the obedient and perfect SON of Man... still loving HIS+ disciples to the uttermost, HE+ requested the armed men to "Let them go" ... and thus, HIS+ frightened disciples could flee away.
Our Gracious and Merciful LORD carried it all on HIS+ back. In the midst of the garden terror, HE+ showed HIS+ great power ... what HE+ had the power and authority to do... if HE+ had so wanted. But instead, HE+ agreed with HIS+ FATHER upon the plan to rescue man from the grip of satan. Nothing could veer HIM+ from this plan... not even HIS+ own well-being. Like a good parent, HE+ protected HIS+ spiritually sleeping, helpless, disloyal, and ineffectual disciples with HIS+ authority even in the midst of HIS+ own anguish.
Are we like HIM+ ? Are we growing into HIS+ image and likeness as we work for the Kingdom? May Our Dear LORD JESUS help us to mature as HIS+ disciples matured, that HE+ died not in vain.
+ + +


PASCHA Meditation

These meditations are from the 3rd Hour Prayer Station (9 a.m.) of the Order of the GOOD SHEPHERD+
Heavenly FATHER, we come before THEE to remember the 3rd hour of the ancient day, the hour of the Morning Sacrifice in the Temple... that same hour that your Beloved SON+ , The LAMB+ of GOD that takes away the sins of the world, was offered up on the cross for our sakes.
We thank THEE for the great drops of blood HE+ shed in the garden of Gethsemane, after praying all through the night... then facing the men who had come with swords and clubs to violently take HIM+. (...to be continued...)
Can we even imagine the immense physical anguish Our LORD endured when HE+ sweat great drops of blood in the garden that night? It is a true medical condition that happens to the human body when great distress comes upon a person. Can we imagine the  terror HE+ voluntarily embraced, knowing full well EXACTLY WHAT HE+ SAID "YES" to ... in order to deliver us from the grip of satan, hell , and the flesh?
Let's put our mind to it. Let's put some thought onto what Our LORD embraced for us... and then , let's thank HIM+ every morning at the 9 O'clock Hour that HE+ steadfastly and determinedly DID what HE+ set out to do: to deliver us by the means of HIS+ own death and resurrection. Bless GOD! We could not deliver ourselves. 
+  +  +  


The CURE for Spiritual Sleep...

A Cure for Spiritual Sleep

This topic is so important that it bears repeating. Most of us are SLOPPY when it comes to discipleship. No military commander would let such sloppy discipline be established by his troops.  We neglect it and fall flat on our faces.  Even so, we must get up and work at discipline, PRACTICE IT, repenting for putting our sleep, our comfort before our disciplined worship towards The LORD. Let us ARISE AND GO FORWARD! The LORD LOVES discipline.
+  +  + 
How do you "cure" the condition of spiritual sleep ? [Assuming you love the LORD and have entered into the Covenant through Holy Baptism and Communion, you are then able to put this into practice.]
Spiritual discipline awakens the soul. It becomes watchful, on a spiritual level.
The first step is to submit the physical body to a spiritual life. 
Flesh must become
subject to the Spirit.
If you don't rule over the flesh,
your flesh will rule over you.  
Thus, you must put into practice those things which will bring your flesh into submission:

>>> Make the flesh a wee bit uncomfortable. Walk in the cold or rain or snow, if you must, while you pray or recite Psalms or Scriptures. Do something. 
>>> Pray outloud. Clean the atmosphere around you, as it were. Find a room... attic, cellar, or other place where your eye will not be tempted to think of temporal duties or things.
>>> Change physical position.  Get on your knees with nothing to lean on. Stand. Walk. Make the sign of the cross as you mention HIS+ Name in your prayers. Raise your hands, your arms. Kneel as the knights did, on one knee, with their arm and fist across their body and heart, pledging their fidelity to their king.
>>> Pray the Scriptures. Chant the Psalms with an easy one or two-note chant of your own making.
.>>> Keep the 9, noon, and 3 o'clock prayer stations. Set an alarm to remind you. If you have children, call them into order at that time: stop your and their activities for a 5-minute prayer station.
It will teach them to honor The LORD, that HE+ comes before temporal activities... a valuable training! When they are old, they will not forsake your training.
The Prayer Stations:  Recall the time of HIS+ crucifixion, for us. Recall how the world was darkened at the noontime hour. Recall HIS+ Words at 3 p.m.: FATHER, forgive them for they know not what they do. Give thanks, give thanks, give thanks... and repent of any sins The LORD brings to mind.
[ Email me if you would like copies of the prayer stations we use here. They are Scriptural in nature, recalling what happened at those 3 hours. We also have worship Scriptures from Revelation. To do these stations takes less than 5 minutes, but they become anchors for your day, recalling you to CHRIST'S side every 3 hours. ]
>>> Set aside the 6 p.m. hour for prayer and meditation with HIM+.

>>>> Relate to all through CHRIST JESUS our LORD. Do not allow carnal nor simply "natural" interactions with others. Be pleasant, but redeem the time with your attitudes and words. Pray even as you interact with them.  
>>> Do what you can and HE+ will meet you there.
Awake, Sleeper!
+  +  + 
Practice discipline.
Practice discipleship.
Practice putting your priorities in order to please The LORD.
+  +  +  



Ahh, spiritual sleep.  
Such sweet repose
instead of spiritual warfare...
a dangerous condition for all !
If you sleep a spiritual sleep , you will join the ranks of several mentioned in Scripture, such as  the 5 un-wise virgins who were unprepared for the coming of the Bridegroom+.
You also join the ranks of the disciples of CHRIST who would not fight their sorrow of heart nor weariness of body to stay awake and keep watch with Our LORD before HE+ entered into HIS+ Passion, HIS+ Sacrifice for us.
.~  ~  ~
Now, an aside: In ancient times, the bridegroom and his bride had entered a covenant, a betrothal, a contract involving BOTH parties, that they would be joined into one new unit.  This was a very serious contract. If the bride had played the harlot before the wedding day, she was supposed to be stoned.  If the bridegoom did the same with another woman, it was likely that the bride's parents would have stopped the contract.
But if both parties did their part and were faithful, the covenant would be fulfilled. According to our Pastor's sermon on Sunday, in the Hebrew culture, the bridegroom was usually away from his birth home, building a house for his new bride and the family to come.
The bride knew the "season" that he would be coming, but she and her wedding party did not know the exact hour. I believe it usually was at the fall of evening. She simply had to be prepared at all times for his arrival as the "day" drew nearer and nearer. Also, her bridesmaids had to be ready for whenever the bridegroom appeared.
Usually, a spotter would be watching. He'd announce: "The bridegroom is coming! He's coming! "  Then came a flurry of excitement as the bridal party gathered their things, fixed their garments, trimmed their lamps to await the bridegroom's party at their doorstep. When the bridegroom arrived, they all moved in joyous procession lit by torches and lamps to the place prepared with the wedding canopy and feast established. 
That is how it will be when Our Divine BRIDEGROOM+ comes for HIS+ Bride, the called-out ones, the sanctified ones, who have remained Virgins (undefiled by the world), prepared solely for HIM+ and HIS+ New Life. When we are spiritually sleeping we are in danger of missing the call that "the BRIDEGROOM+ cometh!"

~ ~ ~
A Cure for Spiritual Sleep
How do you "cure" the condition of spiritual sleep ? [Assuming you love the LORD and have entered into the Covenant through Holy Baptism and Communion, you are then able to put this into practice.]
Spiritual discipline awakens the soul. It becomes watchful, on a spiritual level.
The first step is to submit the physical body to a spiritual life. 
Flesh must become
subject to the Spirit.
If you don't rule over the flesh,
your flesh will rule over you.  
Thus, you must put into practice those things which will bring your flesh into submission:

>>> Make the flesh a wee bit uncomfortable. Walk in the cold or rain or snow, if you must, while you pray or recite Psalms or Scriptures. Do something. 
>>> Pray outloud. Clean the atmosphere around you, as it were. Find a room... attic, cellar, or other place where your eye will not be tempted to think of temporal duties or things.
>>> Change physical position.  Get on your knees with nothing to lean on. Stand. Walk. Make the sign of the cross as you mention HIS+ Name in your prayers. Raise your hands, your arms. Kneel as the knights did, on one knee, with their arm and fist across their body and heart, pledging their fidelity to their king.
>>> Pray the Scriptures. Chant the Psalms with an easy one or two-note chant of your own making.
.>>> Keep the 9, noon, and 3 o'clock prayer stations. Set an alarm to remind you. If you have children, call them into order at that time: stop your and their activities for a 5-minute prayer station.
It will teach them to honor The LORD, that HE+ comes before temporal activities... a valuable training! When they are old, they will not forsake your training.
The Prayer Stations:  Recall the time of HIS+ crucifixion, for us. Recall how the world was darkened at the noontime hour. Recall HIS+ Words at 3 p.m.: FATHER, forgive them for they know not what they do. Give thanks, give thanks, give thanks... and repent of any sins The LORD brings to mind.
[ Email me if you would like copies of the prayer stations we use here. They are Scriptural in nature, recalling what happened at those 3 hours. We also have worship Scriptures from Revelation. To do these stations takes less than 5 minutes, but they become anchors for your day, recalling you to CHRIST'S side every 3 hours. ]
>>> Set aside the 6 p.m. hour for prayer and meditation with HIM+.

>>>> Relate to all through CHRIST JESUS our LORD. Do not allow carnal nor simply "natural" interactions with others. Be pleasant, but redeem the time with your attitudes and words. Pray even as you interact with them.  
>>> Do what you can and HE+ will meet you there.
Awake, Sleeper!
+  +  +