Showing posts with label Paschal Lamb. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Paschal Lamb. Show all posts


The GREATEST 3 Days and 3 Nights... The SIGN of JONAH... for Good Friday

His+ 4th Cry from the Cross:

After this JESUS, knowing that all things were now accomplished, that the Scripture might be fulfilled , saith,

I+ thirst.

Behold, and see, if there be any sorrow, like unto My+ sorrow...

His+ 5th Cry from the Cross:

And about the ninth hour, JESUS cried with a loud voice , saying

lama sabachthani ?

which is being interpreted, My God, My God, why hast THOU forsaken ME+ ?

Behold and see, if there be any sorrow, like unto My+ sorrow...

O Gracious Heavenly FATHER, Who didst give Thine Only-Begotten SON+ to the death of the cross so that I may live, receive my worship and adoration of THEE and Thy Precious SON+ JESUS CHRIST.

O FATHER, I am so sorry for my sin,  for my wayward ways that have made it necessary for me to have a Paschal LAMB, an unblemished sacrifice, before I could be re-united with THEE ... before I could come home.   

I thank THEE for calling me home to you, unto Thy Heart. I thank THEE for giving Thy dear SON+ JESUS CHRIST for my sin. I am totally unworthy of The LAMB of GOD coming to my dwelling.

I praise THEE, I worship THEE, I give thanks to THEE for Thy great glory, O LORD CHRIST, O LAMB of GOD that taketh away the sin of the world, have mercy upon me.



from the  GOSPEL EXPRESS Mennonite Prison Ministries CD
"Echoes of Joy" song

Your only SON+
no sin to hide,
but you have sent HIM+
from Your side
to walk upon this guilty sod
and to become
Your LAMB+ of GOD.
Your gift of love,
they crucified.
They laughed and scorned HIM+
as HE+ died.
Your humble KING+
they named a fraud
and sacrificed
Your LAMB+, O GOD!
I was so lost
I should have died,
but You have brought me
to Your side
to be led by
Your staff and rod
and to be called
a son of GOD.
Sweet LAMB+ of GOD.
I love Your HOLY
O wash me in
Your Precious BLOOD
+  +

Passover... the Cost

O LAMB+ of GOD, Who+ takes away the sins of the world... have mercy upon us.
O LAMB+ of GOD, Bearer of our sins... have mercy upon us.
O LAMB+ of GOD, Savior of the world... grant us Thy+ Peace.
~ ~ ~
from the 6th Hour Prayer Stationg (noon)
We thank THEE that at this hour of HIS+ patient suffering, THOU didst send forth darkness to cover the whole earth, as a sign that could not be overlooked nor ignored by anyone.
We see THY perfect mercy as THY SON+ took the repentant thief into Paradise with HIM+ that very day, granting him Life while HE+ Himself+ was dying for our sakes as the perfect Passover LAMB of GOD.

+  +  +


The Crucifixion at Passover.... 2000 years ago

The Crucifixion at Passover…

This year… this year… Passover and the Crucifixion of the True Passover Lamb, the LAMB OF GOD Who+ takes away the sin of the world, fall right in line with the timeframe found in Scripture.

This connection of Passover to the Crucifixion is crucial for the understanding of the events of Holy Week.

Passover this year started on Wednesday evening at the time of the evening sacrifice of the Passover lamb in the Temple… at 3 p.m.

Our LORD JESUS CHRIST was our Passover Lamb. Thus HE+ would have died at 3 p.m. Wednesday--- crying out--- “
It is finished, FATHER! Into Thy hands I commit My Spirit.”

That means HE+ would have been crucified for us at 9 a.m. Wednesday [not Friday] morning… the time of the regular morning sacrifice in the Temple.

The Last Supper would have fallen on Tuesday evening. His+ agony in the garden, sweating drops of Blood, would have happened Tuesday night. Peter would have denied the LORD Tuesday night and the other disciples would have fled then. Our LORD’S unjust trial would have been early Wednesday morning.

The Jews who were anxious to crucify The LORD were likewise anxious to get His+ body down from the cross before Passover so as not to “defile the land.”

That’s when Joseph of Arimathea… a rich merchant… obtained the body of JESUS. He and Nicodemus wrapped it in a linen cloth and 100-weight of myrrh and aloes, and laid His+ body in a new tomb. And left it there as the HIGH HOLY DAY of Passover was drawing nigh. (John 19).

COUNT: Wednesday night--- one night.

The HIGH HOLY DAY of Passover on Thursday… was considered a High Sabbath… no work was to be done. And certainly, no dead body was to be touched. The grieving sisters rested on Thursday.

COUNT: Thursday--- day one.

After Thursday came… Thursday night.

COUNT: Thursday night--- two nights

Friday dawned.

COUNT: Friday day--- day two

Friday was the day of preparation for the normal weekly Sabbath on Saturday. We read that the grieving sisters prepared spices for His+ body “…on the day of preparation” which came before every Sabbath.

COUNT: Friday night --- third night

Then came the regular Sabbath on Saturday and the sisters “rested” because it was the Sabbath. [Luke 23:56]

COUNT: Saturday--- day three

The timeframe this year of the crucifixion coincides precisely with the Jews’ Passover timeframe… exactly as it happened in the Scriptural accounts in the Gospels.

By evening of the Jews’ Saturday Sabbath, The LORD JESUS CHRIST AROSE FROM THE REALM OF THE DEAD.

The Sisters and the Disciples did NOT see HIM+ until early Sunday morning, a little before dawn ! [John 20:1]

But they were not allowed to touch HIM+ until after HE+ had ascended in His+ glorified Body to His+ FATHER Who is in the Heavens, hallowed is HIS Name!

Bless GOD!
And, blessed be HIS Kingdom, both now and forever.


Yes, we do join with the church world at large to commemorate the crucifixion of Our LORD JESUS CHRIST on “Good Friday” … but we don’t count the 3 nights and 3 days HE+ was in the heart of the earth in that same, erroneous way, unconnected for the most part to Passover.
This year, the accuracy of Scripture
is able to be seen
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