Showing posts with label YIELDING. Show all posts
Showing posts with label YIELDING. Show all posts



Passover Meditation 
for The 2017 Preparation Season
to commemorate
The Great --- and FINAL ---Passover

is Sacrificed for us,
let us keep the feast... "
Romans 5
+  +  +

JESUS  said,
" All authority is given unto ME+
in Heaven and in earth."
Matthew 28:18



Blessing and Honor and Glory and Power belong unto THEE and to Thy HOLY SON+ JESUS CHRIST our SAVIOR+ Who+ loved us and gave His+ Life for us... that I might love HIM+ and give my life , in love, to HIM+.

My life belongs to THEE+ . Forgive me, O LORD, for not giving it over to THEE+ as I should.

Forgive me, O LORD, for with-holding my "all" from THEE+, for "protecting" my interests instead of DOING THY+ WILL at all times.

THOU lookest upon the inner man as well as the outward behaviors. I can hide nothing from Thine Eye, for ...

 THOU Who 
created the eye,  
shall HE not see ?

Forgive me of harboring anxiety and thus, un-belief. I think I must work out everything on my own, overlooking  Thy+ willingness to help me ... if I submit my life unto THEE+.

THOU+ ALONE can bring forth victory in those things on this earth which are so important to my heart, both in relationships and in temporal matters. 

I cry to THEE+ to help me root out anxieties that accompany my grasping what  I want --- be they friendships, positions, or material goods.  I know this grasping causes the sin of unbelief to bring oppression into my soul.

Change me, O LORD. Make Thine interests become mine; I know all my interests are in clear view before THEE+. 

Help me to value what is most important to THEE+. 

Help me to turn from those things THOU+ dost hate.

Turn my heart to things ETERNAL of Thy+ Kingdom; remove from me my love --- and anxieties --- over things temporal.

I know THOU+ wilt allow me to have whatsoever draws me closer to THEE+ , O Righteous SAVIOR+ JESUS CHRIST  because THOU+ art my happiness.

Therefore, O Gracious LORD, I yield "my" interests unto THEE+.

And with that, I yield to THEE+ all things --- and all persons --- causing me anxiety, concern, and worry. Even all those nameless anxieties floating around inside of me, I bring under Thy+ LORDSHIP.

LORD, I believe
help THOU+ mine unbelief !

With all the thanksgiving and praise that is within me, I BLESS THY+ HOLY NAME, LORD JESUS !

+   +  +
THOU+ hast turned for me
my mourning into dancing:

THOU+ hast put off my sackcloth,
and girded me with gladness;

To the end that my glory
may sing praise to THEE+,
and not be silent.

O LORD my God,
I will give thanks unto THEE+ 
for ever.
Psalm 30: 11-12

Amen and amen.


" WHO+
gave Himself+ for our sins,
that HE+ might deliver us
from this present evil world,
according to the will of GOD
and our FATHER. "
Galatians 1:4