ADVENT 1 ~ There’s Coming a Day !
Abraham Saw It !
Your father Abraham rejoiced to see MY+ Day:
and he saw it, and was glad.
Words of The LORD JESUS , recorded in John 8:56
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How did The LORD JESUS CHRIST know that ?
How did HE+ know that Abraham rejoiced when HE+ came to earth ?
Abraham saw “the day” The SAVIOR+ came to earth incarnate, was crucified, and Resurrected never to die again. “The Day” … meaning the entire course of The MESSIAH’S + pilgrimage upon earth, it seems.
How did The LORD JESUS know that gladness and rejoicing transpired within Abraham’s bosom ?
HE+ tells us how:
JESUS said unto them,
Verily, verily, I+ say unto you,
Before Abraham was,
I+ AM.
John 8:58
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HE+ knew Abraham because our LORD JESUS CHRIST was with The FATHER from the Foundation of the earth. HE+ was part of The ELOHIM ~ The Divine, Plural, 3-in-1, unified GODHEAD. HE+ was The WORD+ with GOD.
The LORD JESUS was part of The ELOHIM in Genesis which created man and this world .
So when Abraham worshipped The ELOHIM, The LORD JESUS was included in Abraham’s worship.
Whenever Abraham built an altar and worshipped, The ELOHIM, The LORD JESUS was also worshipped because HE+ was an intrinsic, fundamental part of THE ELOHIM.
HE+ knew Abraham’s heart when The ELHOHIM called Abraham away from his family to follow HIM --- the Divine ECHAD, the Divine, Unified ONE.
Has HIS+ ability TO KNOW the hearts of men changed ?
Does HE+ know your heart today?
Hasn’t HE+ ALWAYS known it ?
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Yes, LORD JESUS, YOU+ know my heart also . YOU+ knew me in my Mother’s womb.
YOU+ know what makes me happy and what makes me afraid.
YOU+ know when I’m thankful and when I am NOT. YOU+ know me when I am anxious and tied in a knot inside of my heart.
O LORD JESUS, forgive me for my lack of trust when the “unknowns” come, for YOU+ are my Shepherd+; I shall not want.
Forgive me for my unthankful spirit, for I DO LOVE YOU+, LORD JESUS; YOU+ alone are my life.
Help me to change my ways and to become more pleasing to YOU+ in the thoughts of my heart. . . for YOU+ understand my thoughts afar off. ( Psalm 139:2).
Like Jeremiah, before I , too, was formed in the womb, YOU+ knew me .
Grant me a clean heart, O LORD JESUS, and renew a right , TRUSTING, spirit within me.
To YOU+ I bend the knees of my heart now, during this remembrance of Your+ first Advent.
Thank YOU+ for calling me to be Yours+.
In Your+ Holy Name, LORD JESUS CHRIST, I lift this prayer to you.
Amen and amen.