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Revelation 12:5 And she brought forth a MAN CHILD+, Who+ was to rule
all nations with a rod of iron: and her CHILD+ was caught up unto GOD, and to His
throne. ...
+ + +
Isaiah 11:1 And there shall come forth a rod out of the stem of
Jesse, and a BRANCH+ shall grow out of his roots:
2 And the SPIRIT of the LORD shall rest upon Him+, the Spirit of wisdom and understanding, the
spirit of counsel and might, the spirit of knowledge and of the fear of the LORD;
3 And shall make Him+ of quick understanding in the
fear of the LORD: and HE+ shall not judge after the sight of His+ eyes, neither
reprove after the hearing of His+ ears:
4 But with
righteousness shall HE+ judge the poor, and reprove with equity for the meek of
the earth: and HE+ shall smite the earth: with the rod of His+ Mouth, and with
the breath of His+ lips shall HE+ slay the wicked.
+ + +
A Rod of Iron ? An unbreakable Sceptre is the picture. All
nations will stand in fear of this Unbendable Rod… and the ONE+ wielding it.
The demons ruling Herod knew
this; Herod could sense their agitating out-rage.
“Kill that Babe! Kill that Babe!” they cried, whipping up Herod to order the
slaughter of the little innocents of Bethlehem by his demonized men of war.
The marvel is
that The LORD
from slaughtering them !
How great and unfathomable
is The FATHER’S love for mankind, for while we were yet sinners, CHRIST died
for us .
+ + +
CHRIST, THOU+ Who+ wast born to give men life, consecrate me to Thy+ use, for
Thy+ purpose.
Help me not to grieve nor
hurt Thy+ long-suffering heart anymore.
I thank
THEE+ for Thy+ great mercy to terrible sinners, of whom I am the chiefest.
Help me not to sin in thought, word, or deed
anymore, for there is nothing hid from Thy+ eyes.
I consecrate my heart to
THEE+, O dear Long-suffering SAVIOR, because I love THEE.+
Help me to love
THEE+ to the utmost.
In The Holy Name of JESUS, I pray.