Found in the Bible ?
YES, it is.
What is NOT found
in the Bible is . . . the English translation of that specific GREEK WORD because the
term “homosexual” itself did not enter the English language until 1897,
according to the Oxford English Dictionary. [ For page references, see below.]
according to the Oxford English Dictionary. [ For page references, see below.]
The Greek word for homosexual is arsenokoitai, Strong’s # 733. It comes from two Greek words: arsen #730 = which means MALE ( as strong for lifting) , and koite #2845 = a couch, by extension cohabitation, by implication, the male sperm.
BAGD, page 109,
tells us this Greek word, arsenokoites , used to mean a
male who practices homosexuality, pederast, sodomite.
Arsenokoitai is cited from this early literature:
Its associate word, arsenikos, page 109, is found in writings from the 3rd century BC ( Callim Epigr 27 ); the papyri: P Lille 1, 10 ; Oxyrhynchus Papyrus 38.7; Papyri Graecae Magicae 4, 2519; and 2nd Clements 12:5.
[ Note: GENDER is in focus in BAGD, not age . ]
[ Bauer-Arndt-Gingrich-Danker, 2nd Edition.
University of Chicago Press: Chicago and Longon, 1979.]
Arsenokoitai is cited from this early literature:
"Bardesanes in Eusebius, Pr. Ev. 6, 10,25. -- Anthological Palatina (1864-72) 9, 686, 5 and Catalogus Codicum Astrologorum Graecorum ( I A.D.) , VIII 4 p. 196, 6; 8 arrenokoites. --- arsenokoitein Oracula Sibyllina 2.73) " 1 Cr 6:9; 1 Tim 1:10; Polycarp 5:3. Compare Rom 1:27.
Its associate word, arsenikos, page 109, is found in writings from the 3rd century BC ( Callim Epigr 27 ); the papyri: P Lille 1, 10 ; Oxyrhynchus Papyrus 38.7; Papyri Graecae Magicae 4, 2519; and 2nd Clements 12:5.
So, the word "homosexual" has been in ancient writings and extra-Biblical writings for a long, long time.
[ Bauer-Arndt-Gingrich-Danker, 2nd Edition. University of Chicago Press: Chicago and Longon, 1979.][ Note: GENDER is the focus, not age . ]
In addition to the prohibitions found in 1 Corinthians 6:9 and 1 Timothy 1:10, we note that BAGD cited the letter of the famous Early Christian Bishop of Smyrna , Polycarp ( 65 AD - 155 or 165 AD), Pol 5:3, Polycarp to the Ephesians.
In this letter, Polycarp precisely quotes 1 Corinthians 6: 9-10. Yes, this is the same Polycarp who knew the Apostle John, Irenaeus, and Ignatius and was brought into contact with many who had seen CHRIST. ( Adv. Her. iii.3; Euseb. Hist. Eccl, iv. 14). Introductory Note to Epistle of Polycarp to The Philippians. pages 31-32.
Ante-Nicene Fathers, Vol. 1, American Edition, 2nd printing, 1995, a reprint of Christian Literature Publishing Company 1886, Hendrickson Publishers, Peabody, MA, 1995. ISBN 1-56563-087-4.
“Homosexual” would NOT have been used in the King James Version because the term simply did not exist in the English language at that point in time.
The KJV simply
translated arsenokoites as “abusers of themselves with mankind ” BECAUSE "homosexual" was not yet a word in English !
[ The term “fornicators” was used in the KJV for unlawful and unholy male-female sexual behavior outside of the covenant of marriage. ]
[ The term “fornicators” was used in the KJV for unlawful and unholy male-female sexual behavior outside of the covenant of marriage. ]
When homosexual
was forged together, some considered it a spurious hybrid term. [ See the OED reference
notes below.]
It originated from the Greek “homo-“ which means same or same kind, plus the Latin “sexus” which means “either of 2 divisions of organisms distinguished respectively as male or female.”
It entered the
English language through the specialized field of psychology, naturally enough,
as the fields of psychology and
psychoanalysis were being developed in Germany and Austria at the time of the
Freudian era which focused on aberrant, abnormal sexual experiences [ Sigmund Freud,
1856-1939 ] .
In short, homosexual was mentioned in specialized psychological
studies focusing on aberrant and abnormal sexual behavior in the late 1800’s
and thereby entered the English
However, it would have taken some years to enter into the general public’s vocabulary.
However, it would have taken some years to enter into the general public’s vocabulary.
Even the
Oxford English Dictionary did not have that word listed in the full volume, but
in the Supplement at the back of the edition in reference here. The available OED edition used for this article was published in 1971 and
had its 3rd printing in 1973.
Perhaps this explains why the term “homosexual”
was not found in the KJV
or other Bibles for years.
HOWEVER . . . the BEHAVIOR was described very accurately in the HOLY SCRIPTURES --- in both Old and New Covenants --- as "men lying with men as with a woman".
In the Apostle Paul's first chapter of Romans, he includes as well women lying with women.
GENDER, again , is the focus, not age.
The definition and SERIOUS CONSEQUENCES of
HOMOSEXUAL behaviors are found in both the Old Covenant and the New.
It is men lying with the same gender of persons. It is men exchanging the natural use of the woman to lie with another man. It is women exchanging their natural function to lie with same-gender people.
There is a LIE being FORGED and bandied about the internet.
This lie states because the term “homosexual” is not found in Scriptures, that this behavior must be okay with The LORD; old Christianity 'must not have understood' that Greek word correctly !
As a matter of
fact, this FORGED LIE states that the Bible has been mis-translated through the
ages: that the prohibitions were simply against men lying with young boys ( ! ) in an abusive way . . . instead of men lying with other adult men.
Is this TRUE ?
Has the Bible been "mis-translated" through all the ages ?
Has the Bible been "mis-translated" through all the ages ?
Let us look carefully at the Hebrew Scriptures found in Leviticus 18:22 and Leviticus 20:13. There are three words in focus in these verses.
In the Hebrew, two words which are fundamental to all languages and dialects are:
· Man = “ISH” and
· Woman = “ ISH-SHA” .
third word in question in these two Leviticus verses is the Hebrew word “ZAKAR” which refers to ALL MALE beings. It includes baby boys being circumcised on the 8th day [ ZAKAR in Genesis 17:12 ] as well as adult men [ ZAKAR in Genesis 1:27 ].
AGE is not the
issue with this
Hebrew word ZAKAR;
Simple enough.
The translation of Leviticus 18:22 thus states:
Thou ( addressing an ISH ) shalt not lie with mankind [ ZAKAR , a male human being], as with womankind [ ISH-SHA ]: it is abomination.
translation of Levitcus 20:13 instructs us:
An ISH ( an adult man ) who lies with a MALE human being (a ZAKAR ) in the bed or couch, as he does with an ISH-SHA (a woman), is an abomination ; both shall be put to death; their blood shall be upon themselves.
The CURRENT FORGED LIE is pointing to an ancient German edition Bible ( likewise a Swedish and a Norwegian translation of the Bible) saying:
The German Bible says YOUNG BOYS ! Men are prohibited from lying with YOUNG BOYS. So it "does not refer to homosexuality as we know it today. "
Now we know what the Bible really says; Thus, a sacred weapon has been FORGED against us , etc. . . according to this Talbot School of Theology, Biola University, Los Angeles, graduate who confesses homosexuality instead of CHRIST'S WORDS:
And HE+ answered and said unto them, Have ye not read, that HE WHO made them at the beginning made them male and female, Matthew 19:4
But from the beginning of the creation GOD made them male and female. Mark 10:6
NOTE: No other creation exists for human beings. Just these two . . . and since GOD HIMSELF did the making of the two, male and female, humans cannot --- are not even able --- to correct The ELOHIM.
FACTS -- not opinion -- trouble this FORGED kind of desperate rationale. The "discoverer" of the YOUNG BOYS theory only scoured the old German and European translations.
ORIGINAL HEBREW says NOTHING about a young boy, in neither
the Masoretic Hebrew text nor the Biblia Hebraica Stuttgartensia.
How do we know this for a FACT ?
We simply look at the Hebrew.
[Strong’s 5288] is used approximately 239 times to mean male children from
infancy to adolescence.
Strong’s 3206 ] is used about 90 times as male off-spring – Yaldah is the
female counterpart -- according to
statistics on the E-SWORD program.
addition to those two, another Hebrew word ( BACHUR) is used about 42 times to
designate a young unmarried man.
Yet another Hebrew word ( ELEM) is used twice in the Hebrew
Scriptures to mean young boy.
these four words are ZAKAR
which is found in Leviticus 20:13 or Leviticus
18:22, the Hebrew word which that well-touted German Bible has translated as “young
In other words, not one of those 4 words which refer to “young boys” is
found in Leviticus 20:13 or Leviticus 18:22.
Yet, another lie being FORGED is that "homosexual" is not in the Greek Scriptures.
statement is mis-leading, even though some have written a book to support that
deliberately FORGED LIE.
The Kosher Apostles Paul, Peter, and Jude clearly DESCRIBE the homosexual ACT, the BEHAVIORS of men lying with other males and / or re-stating that THIS BEHAVIOR is an abomination unto The LORD.
let’s look at the LXX . . .
The Septuagint. ( Actually, we do not have the real Septuagint. What we have available is the Vaticanus, supposedly 4th century AD . . . but before the 1800’s and certainly long before Martin Luther’s German translation. The LXX is an ancient Greek Old Testament.)
Here is
the LXX, the Greek Old Testament of Leviticus 18:22, courtesy of the Apostolic Bible, by
Charles Van derPool, editor-in-chielf, 2006. See: .
2532 και And 3326 μετά with 730 άρσενος a man 3756 ου you shall not 2837 κοιμηθήση go to bed 2845 κοίτην in a marriage-bed 1134 γυναικείαν in the feminine way; 946 βδέλυγμα [3an abomination 1063 γαρ 1for 1510.2.3 εστι 2it is].
Which is:
And with a man you shall not go to bed, in a marriage-bed, in the feminine way; for it is an abomination.
Here is
the LXX of Leviticus 20:13.
should have bedded
a male
as the marriage-bed
of a woman,
[3an abomination
to death
let them be put to death!
ένοχοί εισιν
they are liable.
which is:
"And who ever should have bedded with a male as the marriage-bed of a woman, both did an abomination; to death let them be put to death ! They are liable.”
Scripture --- Old Covenant and New Covenant --- are agreed in this.
Both Covenants DESCRIBE without mistake the homosexual ACT and the setting in which it occurs , regardless if the psycho-analytical term "homosexual" was AVAILABLE in English to be used in the translation.
The homosexual behavior described in Scripture CANNOT BE MIS-UNDERSTOOD. The penalty for participating in the homosexual ACT is death because it is an abomination unto The LORD.
Both Covenants DESCRIBE without mistake the homosexual ACT and the setting in which it occurs , regardless if the psycho-analytical term "homosexual" was AVAILABLE in English to be used in the translation.
The homosexual behavior described in Scripture CANNOT BE MIS-UNDERSTOOD. The penalty for participating in the homosexual ACT is death because it is an abomination unto The LORD.
No, we do NOT preach “put homosexuals to death,” for Followers of The LORD JESUS CHRIST put no flesh to death except our own;
for we are ALL dead
if we remain in our
Rather, we preach REPENT and have your sins washed away by the BLOOD of JESUS.
But death is CERTAINLY promised in Scriptures for those who engage in such behaviors UNREPENTANTLY (as well as all other sins); sinners will never taste of Heaven.
It does
not take a linguist in Hebrew, German, or English, to understand that The LORD
judged Sodom and Gomorrah because their men exchanged the natural use of women
to lie man with man.
HOLY SCRIPTURES have many references to The LORD’S judgment upon such behavior.
And there shall in no wise enter into it any thing that defileth, neither whatsoever worketh abomination, or maketh a lie: but they which are written in the LAMB'S Book of Life.
The Oxford
English Dictionary Notes:
The Compact
Edition of the Oxford English Dictionary, 1971, Oxford University Press;
complete text reproduced micrographically. [ Four micro-printed pages per page.
Page 3990 of the
Supplement of new words; page 472 in the 4th quadrant, third column on that
quadrant-page, bottom.
From the German:
homosexualitat, coined in 1868 by Karl Benkert, an Austrian-German homosexual
psychologist and said to be a human rights advocate and writer.
Karl-Maria Kertbeny or Károly Mária Kertbeny (born Karl-Maria Benkert) (Vienna, February 28, 1824 – Budapest, January 23, 1882) was an Austrian-born Hungarian journalist, memoirist, and human rights campaigner. He is best known for coining the words heterosexual and homosexual.[1]
He settled in Berlin in 1868, still unmarried at 44. He claimed in his writings to be "normally sexed". However, his diaries list a self-censored string of encounters with youths and men (“young barber lad";"very much in love with the lad"; "I have done it"), and recurring fear following the arrest of Karl Heinrich Ulrichs with whom he corresponded ("Awful days!...Horrible nightmares. I have burnt all the dangerous letters"), which suggest he was secretly homosexual.[2]
Karl-Maria Kertbeny or Károly Mária Kertbeny (born Karl-Maria Benkert) (Vienna, February 28, 1824 – Budapest, January 23, 1882) was an Austrian-born Hungarian journalist, memoirist, and human rights campaigner. He is best known for coining the words heterosexual and homosexual.[1]
He settled in Berlin in 1868, still unmarried at 44. He claimed in his writings to be "normally sexed". However, his diaries list a self-censored string of encounters with youths and men (“young barber lad";"very much in love with the lad"; "I have done it"), and recurring fear following the arrest of Karl Heinrich Ulrichs with whom he corresponded ("Awful days!...Horrible nightmares. I have burnt all the dangerous letters"), which suggest he was secretly homosexual.[2]
The first OED citation is this:
1897 H. Havelock
Ellis; Studies in the Psychology of Sex. Note: “Homosexual: is a barbarously
hybrid word and I claim no responsibility for it.”
From Wikipedia, this biographical information. [ My apologies for the uncleanness of this information, but I felt the verification was needed to realize the filthy source, the dark beginning of this very UN-CLEAN and UN-HOLY field of aberrant and demonic sexual behavior. I have included the Wikipedia link below. / SJH. ]
Henry Havelock Ellis, A Filthy Dreamer, ACCORDING TO JUDE 1:8
Henry Havelock Ellis, known as Havelock Ellis (2 February 1859 – 8 July 1939), was an English physician, writer, progressive intellectual and social reformer who studied human sexuality.
He co-wrote the first medical textbook in English on homosexuality in 1897, and also published works on a variety of sexual practices and inclinations, as well as on transgender psychology.
He is credited[by whom?] with introducing the notions of narcissism and autoeroticism, later adopted by psychoanalysis.
Ellis was among the pioneering investigators of psychedelic drugs and the author of one of the first written reports to the public about an experience with mescaline, which he conducted on himself in 1896. He supported EUGENICS and served as president[when?] of the Eugenics Society.[1][2]
Photos of Ron Wyatt's discoveries of Sodom and Gomorrah,
courtesy of this link: REMAINS OF SODOM AND GOMORRAH
courtesy of this link: REMAINS OF SODOM AND GOMORRAH

In 1989, Ron Wyatt discovered the evidence of the ashen remains
of Sodom and Gomorrah. The sturctures were saturated with encapsulated
sulfur balls as remains of the fire and brimstone that God sent. The
Bible states that God rained “fire and brimstone from heaven and
destroyed” the cities (Luke 17:28, 29; Genesis 19:24).
The Scripture tells us the cities were in the plain of Jordan which
is the area surrounding the Dead Sea near Israel. This area was once a
beautiful and lush terrain at 1300 feet below sea level. It is now a hot
and desolate land cursed by God for the sins of its original
Check the archaeological discoveries:
The above photo shows the lighter color of the burned ashen area in
the front in comparison to the darker not burned terrain in the
The ash was tested and proved to be 100% ash and composed of
calcium sulphate and calcium carbonate, which is exactly what one finds
when he burns limestone in the presence of sulfur.
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