

The Angels were WATCHING ...


Photo courtesy of Jacksonville Observer, taken by Ginger Richmond, in skies over Royal Palm Beach , South Florida, on 3.15.2013.

  And as to the angels HE says;“Who makes HIS angels spirits and HIS ministers a flame of fire”.
Hebrews 1:7

        “Who makes HIS angels spirits, HIS ministers a flaming fire”. 
Psalm 104:4 

         Are they not all ministering spirits for service, being sent out because of the ones who shall be heirs of  salvation? 
Hebrews 1:14

       As I was recently meditating upon our LORD’S time in the wilderness following HIS+ baptism,   being sent there by The SPIRIT of HIS FATHER,   it was impressed upon me strongly  that after HIS+ 40 days with no food and overcoming the assaults of the lying adversary, that  immediately the angels were there with HIM+ and were ministering to HIM+ ( Matthew 4:11).
        This says to me that they were there watching all that was taking place, watching their LORD and Commander+, but not interfering in any way. However, when it was over, they were there ministering to HIM+.
At one point our LORD+ said to the Apostles, ” From now on you will see the angels of GOD ascending and descending upon the SON+ of MAN.”  We can know for certain that our elder brothers the Apostles DID see this take place  although the details are not recorded for us. This also says to me that these same faithful beings, faithful ones of the LORD’S hosts — HIS Sabbaoth (Hebrew), HIS armies — were there at the arrest, at the mockings, at the false trial, at the scourging, at the procession through Jerusalem, and at the crucifixion, the nailing of our Precious LORD+ to the wood of the tree.

They were there, watching, holding themselves back in total obedience to the ONE+ they loved, waiting as they were commanded to do. Did not our LORD+ say to the Apostles, ” Do you not think that I cannot now pray to my FATHER, and HE shall presently give me more than 12 legions of angels?”

( As a side note: In 2 Kings 19:35, ONE angel of the LORD went out and struck the Assyrian army of 185,000 armed troops, which had threatened to destroy Jerusalem, and when they arose early in the morning and looked, the whole Assyrian army lay dead. Please bear in mind that the LORD sent ONE angel to do this small task!)

Could it be possible, then, that the angelic warriors were with our LORD+ as  HE+ descended to the heart of the earth  (Matthew 12:40)…  after HE+ bowed HIS+ Precious Head on the Cross and  committed HIS+ Spirit into HIS+ FATHER’S HANDS ?  

For we KNOW it is VERY plain from Scripture,  that they were there when HE+ Arose from the tomb three days later!  (Thank you Heavenly FATHER for Your dearly Beloved SON+.)

 We know that they were there to comfort the Apostles and disciples as  they watched HIM+ Ascend to HIS+  FATHERS’ Right Hand.

This is all to remind us that we are promised that these servants of our LORD+ are also assigned to be ministering spirits and flames of fire around about us, as we walk in the straight and narrow way that leads to Life Eternal with our LORD+ in the Kingdom of HIS+ FATHER.  The heirs of Salvation. (Hebrews 1:14)

Thus…. as we battle the evil that is around us, we do not battle alone. We are led by The Blessed HOLY SPIRIT and accompanied by our LORD’S+ angelic warriors.

        Our work is to remain attached to The VINE+ Who+ is our Life.

All of our strength comes from HIM+ as the LIFE that is in HIM+ flows into us. We are changed into HIS+ image and likeness little by little as we stay with HIM+,  uniting our will with HIS+ willWe must remain attached to HIM+ through an obedient love-faith relationship …   for apart from HIM+ we are not able to do anything.

In the same way that the Divine Heavenly Army was around and ministering to our LORD+, they will be around us as we follow our CAPTAIN+ in the Way HE+ has marked out for us with HIS+ Own feet. ( Rev. 22:9 tells us that the angels of the LORD are our fellow servants.!) 

         How thankful we can be that we do not fight alone!

We have

  • The Blessed HOLY SPIRIT within us, to lead and guide us, to hold us in HIS Arms,
  • The Blessed Eternal SON+ of GOD at The FATHER’S Right Hand, making continual intercession for us,
  • and we have heavenly warriors sent by HIM+ to accompany us, to fight with us and for us as we engage the battle.
We are not alone.
JESUS said, “ I will not leave you orphans; I am coming to you.” (John 14:18 , Greek, J.P. Green’s Interlinear. )

Let us draw ever closer to HIM+ Who is our Life, both now and unto all eternity.   Now and beyond the grave.

        How wonderful it is to breathe HIS+breath
 and to walk in HIS+ Way!

In The Name of The FATHER,

And of HIS Beloved Eternal SON our LORD+,

And of HIS Blessed Eternal SPIRIT our Guide . 

Amen + + +

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