
A Funeral for the UN-SAVED...

...is a hard one to engineer, much less endure.

What do you do when a family member stoutly REFUSES to forgive others for real ( or imaginary ) wrongs ? What is there to be done when the counsel of FORGIVENESS as CHRIST forgave us... is despised and repudiated? When the glare of hatred emanates from the eyes of the begrudger ?


You can but pray for the sinner... and eventually, hurt for the grievous and UN-NECESSARY hurt caused by unforgiveness.

When sudden death claims that begrudger, you are only left holding the hurt... the hurt of your own heart, the hurt of the begrudger, the hurt of the person begrudged-against, and the HURT of the LORD, Who+ loves them all.  

GOD is not mocked; His Word still stands as the ultimate TRUTH. No-one... yes, no-one... escapes the Judgment. And the judgment is this: That CHRIST has been rejected.

YES... When someone refuses to forgive , he/she is rejecting CHRIST JESUS, the author of forgiveness, the living example of forgiveness.

Forgiveness is forgiveness when we pardon someone who has done us wrong, not when someone has done us "right."

So, is a pile of rusty metal taken, perhaps, without permission, worth losing your soul FOR ALL ETERNITY ?

Correctly, then, there is no funeral service for the person holding the grudge. That, however, does not allow anyone in the family to bury their remains. And so, only hurt remains... with no opportunity for healing.

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In the Name of The FATHER, Who created thee;
Who+ saves thee,
And the Blessed HOLY SPIRIT,
Who sanctifies thee
and brings the conviction
of the sin of Unforgiveness
to our hearts.


A WORD from The LORD...

The days are close at hand
when sorrow shall fill this land.

MY+ people are drowning
in a sea of goods,
in a sea of lies.

Their hands are filled with pleasures
and their hearts are full of Self.

No-one shall see GOD
if he does not do MY+ Will.

Gadgets, conveniences, eye-pleasures
are consuming the thoughts of MY+ people.

Learn to live simply.
Learn to sit quietly
in MY+ stillness.

I am the TRUE LIFE...
not modern conveniences !
+  +  +

A Word from Sister Judith Hannah:

Throughout the month of July, I have been away from the computer to minister to my Mother, who has been diagnosed with Congestive Heart Failure.  Although there is no known cure, dietary changes can enable a person to live more active with a better quality of life.

Changing dietary patterns is not a welcome effort, however, amongst the elderly !

I am thankful for the prayer support I had during the time I spent in my childhood home and thus, was kept victoriously during the various spiritual battles that occur in such a setting; my birth family is not saved.  

I glory in The LORD'S  great salvation... so rich and freely given... to every person who humbles himself and repents, whether rich or poor. What a treasure we've been given, in these earthen vessels of ours!

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