is sleeping...
Worthy is the LAMB+... worthy is the LAMB+... worthy is the LAMB+ that was slain to receive power and riches and wisdom and strength and honor and glory and blessing! Blessing and honor and glory and power be unto HIM that sitteth on the throne and unto The LAMB+ for ever and ever. Amen.
What CHILD+ is This?
is sleeping...
What CHILD+ is This?
Are we being a true child of the TRUE GOD.... or a "little god," trying to be equal with GOD in our own little universe?
STOP the Dictator ...
I have.
Working in a public school, has trained well my ears to hear the demanding tone of voice of a little child. My eyes have been well-trained to the body language spoken by these UN-trained little ones, as well. Whining, nagging, and demands... all uttered by a 4 or 5-year-old ... are not endearing.
Does a little dictator delight a teacher? NO. Furthermore, most teachers I know refuse to reward a little dictator with anything close to his request.
. . . . . .
Is there
a mirror
Now, this blog is not about child-rearing.
It is about
dealing with the little dictator within us.
When we start demanding from The LORD what we MUST have in order to be happy, we are as endearing as the little spoiled dictators in the public schools.
Nagging, whining, pouting, being "unhappy" in our inner man is equivalent to those children who use these tactics to manipulate their poor parents, long-suffering grand-parents, and alas, thread-bare teachers.
Yes we DO make our requests and supplications known unto The LORD, with Thanksgiving. But we entrust the disposition of our requests totally in HIS+ capable Hands. Furthermore, we learn to be humble as we yield to HIS+ Will in the matter at hand and await HIS+ good pleasure.
We learn to bind our minds to the Mind of CHRIST+. We learn to bind our wills to the Will of CHRIST+. We accept HIS+ Timetable as our timetable.
If we do these things when the insistence, when the clamorings, when the demands arise in our inner man, then our Self-man will learn submission as CHRIST did when HE+ was in human form... by the things which HE+ suffered.
Even though we are not suffering like HE+ did on the cross, we will wrestle with being unhappy for a season when we don't get our way.
And, some of our insistant requests may seem "good" : our desire for ministry, for more provision, for a Godly-mate, for a child, or for a wayward family member to come to CHRIST+ .
What really matters is that we have put something else in our hearts that we want BESIDES CHRIST JESUS .
The key to being happy
is to let HIM+ be LORD
of our desires.
. . . . .
HE+ has saved us
from our sins;
now let HIM+
save us
from our selves.
Who created thee;
And HIS Beloved SON+
Who+ saves thee;
And the Blessed
Who sanctifies thee.
A VIRTUOUS Veteran of Foreign Wars...
Score: 1 victory for her; 0 for the enemy.
- lead one daughter into Christian school teaching
- another into missionary nursing,
- a son is now in southeast Asia on the mission field
- one son is interested in Christian music, when he is not helping his Dad run the family business
- a studious 16-year-old son not only reads the Early Christian writings, but is making as many sacrifices as he personally can for some native missionaries, preparing his own heart for The LORD'S work.
8 victories for this TRUE+ veteran of foreign wars;
Now, simply because the off-spring are mostly grown and husband is doing well, does this TRUE+ VETERAN of foreign wars think she may rest?
Score: Un-ending blessings for this sacrificial sister and her husband, for all Eternity.
Ah-h, Proverbs 31.
+ + +
In the name of The FATHER,
WHO created thee;
And the Blessed HOLY SPIRIT,