
HE Watching Over ISRAEL ...

... slumbers not
nor sleepeth. 
Will the USA Turn it's Back on Israel 
Prophecy from Due Diligence 
on Tuesday Apr 19 2016 

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The U.N. Security Council members are set to incur the Wrath of GOD against them ...  and their land ... and their peoples... this Passover. 

On Passover 2016, Year of Our LORD, 4.22.2016, the members of the UN Security Council are going to vote on adopting a resolution introduced by the Palestinians to divide Israel ... and perhaps Jerusalem.  Mr. President has declared that he will support the resolution (s). 

This is in line with the Kerry Peace ( Piece ? ) plan.  

There is also a push to FORCE ISRAEL to return the Golan Heights to Syria... the area Israel won while defending itself against the bombs and attacks lobbed at it from Syria, from the Golan Heights in 1967, in a war of annihilation. 

Mr. Netanyahu stated, " NO. We will not return the Golan. To whom should we return it?  To isis ? ? "

Scripture states that those who stand against Israel, DIRECTLY become the enemy of The LORD. 

Woe , woe, woe to the nation and nations who touch the apple of GOD'S eye.  

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HEAR, O NATION of Arrogance... 

HEAR, O WORLD of Iniquity: 

You shall not win.

You have chosen to come against My people in many lands. 

Now you are coming against My People in My land. 

Thus ... I will come against your people in your land. 

You who are leading the campaign to crush My Ancient People, your goal is not hidden from ME. 

Your plots are not hidden from ME.  I hear what you plan in secret, in your secret rooms, with your secret henchmen. 

I see all your secret devices, hidden from the eyes of men, but you forget WHO made the eye. 

Your intricate devices are not hidden from ME. 

You forget that your most clever devices depend upon the Universe which I set in motion... and can change at will. 

Your finely-turned devices shall come to naught. They have no power to stop ME. They will, in fact, be your doom. 

No, you shall NOT have world dominion. 

There is ONE spot in this world where you shall not rule and reign. It is the Apple of My Eye.  I neither slumber nor sleep. 

All who burden themselves with it shall be cut in pieces... lacerated... gashed... torn apart violently. 

I know WHO you desire to destroy in all your exalted weapons of mass destruction... the HOLY ONE+ of Israel. 

You cannot reach that ONE+. 

HE+ can reach you. 

And soon shall.  

The Judgment has been set; the decree written; the out-come sure. 

Thus saith The LORD. 

 [ Zechariah 12:3, Psalm 121:4 , Zechariah 2:8, Daniel 7:22-27, Obadiah 1:3-4 ... and many others. ]


The DEATH THROES of the Kingdom of Evil ~ The Ultimate Resurrection Victory

The Battle Is Won; 
the Victory Is Certain; 
We Are
Watching the Death Throes of the Evil one 
and his fallen angels.

Judgment has ALREADY been given to The Christian Saints.( Daniel 7:22)

RIGHT NOW ... we are seeing the death throes of the creatures of evil.

Like a flailing octopus angry at dying, these evil creatures are  grabbing and grasping ANYONE they can "reach" to take with them into the “everlasting fire prepared for the devil and his angels." Matthew 25:41

They do this through the medium of LIES.

Thus, LIES are permeating ever facet of society. 

There are LIES in the educational programs, LIES in the medical systems, LIES in the financial world ( big, puffy LIES ), LIES running the governing bodies of the world, and worst of all --- LIES in the religious systems. 

And all of these LIES are promoted by man.  Adamic, un-regenerated men who fall for the LIES of the fallen angels. 

No man is FORCED to accept these lies and illusions, but of man's own free will, the LIES are received.

Un-regenerated men turn willingly to these LIES... because their hearts are NOT turned to TRUTH. Men who have both knowingly an UN-knowingly given themselves to these evil, LIE-clad systems ...  CLOAK themselves as doing "good."

Furthermore, as the evil creatures come closer to the Eternal Pit, they become more frantic and more demanding. 

Their human counterparts start screeching at the top of their lungs, world-wide.

Martial law --- and every other kind of "law" --- is established for those who have escaped the grab of the evil octopus.   That is handy.  It makes those Christians who do NOT ascribe to the LIES of the fallen watchers , "law-breakers."

As such, then, they can "legally" be prosecuted, persecuted at will with no protection, and removed from the face of the earth. And the whole world will say, " Good Riddance !"

TRUTH, you see, is the antithesis, the enemy of LIES. TRUTH, you see, is the only thing which stands in the way of LIES taking over the earth.

Now understand this. These LIES are promoted to do only ONE THING:  to destroy man, GOD's highest creation.

This is satan's revenge --- his futile "getting even" with The ELOHIM --- for GOD thwarting his rebellion in the Heavenlies eons ago. 

The LIE is, of course, that "LIES" are beneficial  ... at least for the elite who are running the world's systems.

Alas, they are blinded slaves themselves !  These human controllers are the basest of men and women. They are wooden puppets on a string; they can ONLY move as they are bidden by the fallen angels. They have no power whatsoever AGAINST EVIL. As a matter of fact, they have NO POWER AT ALL, in and of themselves. ( But they do not know it. )

Because they have yielded their lives over to LIES, the LIES control them... be they involved in education, medical, financial, political, or religious systems.  

LIES are 
  • all they can talk about, 
  • all they can promote, 
  • all they can enforce...  for a limited time.

The ELOHIM: The FATHER, The SON+ JESUS CHRIST, The HOLY SPIRIT --- can put an end immediately to these prolonged Death Throes of the evil kingdom... because the battle has already been fought and ALREADY won at the Cross.  

The satanic kingdom was vanquished 
at the Cross. 

Long before the Battle at the Cross, the satan and his rebellious angels were summarily and permanently and forcibly removed from Heaven. JESUS told us, “ I+ beheld satan as lightning fall from Heaven.”  Luke 10:18

The force of that battle that took place when the satan was cast out of the Heavenly realm can be seen in the scars on the planets and moons and in the shattered asteroid belt.  

The satan, like a desperado, was locked onto the earth and its environs, for his last stand. 

Then, at the appointed time, the satan was soundly beat at the Cross and NO LONGER HAS THE FORCE to retain GOD'S people in Sheol. 

And NOW in time, the satan and his creatures are SUBJECT unto man... all men who Follow JESUS, that is.

So now …

Why is it that …our Victorious LORD JESUS CHRIST WHO+ took Captivity captive out of Sheol … 

Why is it thatThe ELOHIM, WHO saw to it that lucifer and his rebel angels were cast out of Heaven ( Rev. 12:9)  …  

 appear to allow the evil kingdom to grow and prosper upon the earth ?

It is to ALLOW
the Kingdom of GOD
to GROW !

During Severe Testing, The Saved are being brought into a deeper maturity in CHRIST. They will lead many to JESUS in the face of terrible hardship… as they always have done during times of persecution

The Seed is planted
deeply and fertilized
with the Blood of the Saints.

During Severe Trials… The Unsaved, in dire straights and hopelessly stripped of earthly comfort and glory, are MUCH MORE open to the Gospel and the Saving Love of JESUS CHRIST.

Hungrily, they lap up the Word of The LORD, the Word of Hope, offered to them. Although they may indeed shortly die, they will awake in the Eternal glories of Heaven.

We see this happening already in the torn-up moslem countries, with dreams and visions being given to those hungering and thirsting for TRUE righteousness, the TRUE and Living JESUS CHRIST.

will occur,
to the glory of the Life-Giving ELOHIM:
and the HOLY SPIRIT.

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The nominal Christians ?  

Well, they will either join CHRIST JESUS for real and cease being a hindrance to the work of the Kingdom of GOD… or they will be SIFTED OUT of the Church proper. 

The dead fish will no longer 
foul the waters of the Living Fish. 

 MATTHEW 13: 40-42

As therefore the tares are gathered and burned in the fire; so shall it be in the end of this world.

The SON+ of Man shall send forth His+ angels, and they shall gather out of HIS+ KINGDOM all things that offend, and them which do iniquity;

And shall cast them into a furnace of fire: there shall be wailing and gnashing of teeth.

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Yet, in the midst of it all, there will be a few SURPRISES coming for the kingdom of evil and its henchmen.  

And such as do wickedly 
against the covenant 
shall he [the evil one[ 
corrupt by flatteries: 

but the people 
that do know 
their GOD
shall be strong, 
and do exploits.

Daniel 11:32


Missionary Report ~ POWER in the Little Things ~ RESURRECTION Season Meditation

Embracing the REALITY of Mission Work 


" I always play Easter music --- loud --- on Easter morning ! " wrote our friend, a young woman who works for the Kingdom of GOD in South Dakota. “ So, I played the HALLELUJAH Chorus ! ”

" Our Sunrise Service was beautiful out here ... and I imagine it was the ONLY Sunrise service in the country attended by drunks!  But thankfully, they did not cause a problem."

Our friend, Shanna, teaches in a small Christian School in South Dakota under the auspices of Olive Branch Mennonite Missions.

Her REAL work, however, is evangelizing the youngsters and adults she meets in this bleak, out-of-the-way place, among the Native Peoples of the Lakota-Sioux tribes on the Cheyenne River Indian Reservation.

Here is her recent report about her experiences.

" GOD is faithful!  That is the first thing that comes to mind when I think about the months I have lived in South Dakota.  I do love it here, the rugged, wild hills... the town with its dear but hurting people... and the many opportunities we have to share CHRIST Who+ is Life.

I can't say it has all been easy.  I have had struggles along the way. But those are what The LORD is using to stretch me and show me that I can't do it on my own.  Since being here, I have seen greater than ever my need of depending completely on HIM+ for wisdom, for strength, for even enthusiasm and love.

I recall one day when I was feeling weary of ministering to people and was frustrated with myself.  I was struggling to even have a love for the girls that I work with in the evening.  Going for a walk, I was headed out of town, but somehow my steps found me turning to climb a hill where some children were sledding.

Soon, I was enjoying being with these youngsters who were doing the best they could with the sledding material they had.  Some were using cardboard and broken sled pieces.

Suddenly... one of the girls couldn't find her glasses.  She had put them in her pocket and went for a slide down the hill and now they were gone. Lost. Probably covered over with the white snow. 

I could tell she was distressed, so I started helping her look for them. As we went up and down the hill, I was feeling less and less confident that we would find the glasses.  I prayed quietly to myself, but a persistent thought told me I should stop and PRAY OUT LOUD with the girl. 

I found my faith wavering under fear. 
What if... 
GOD didn't answer with a "Yes " ?
Then what ?

Finally, I told the sad girl we should pray about it, so I stopped and prayed out loud as I was led to do, asking The LORD to help us find the glasses.

The search continued.  Then I heard a glad cry near the bottom of the hill. The lost was found ! 

NOW I prayed ALOUD to thank The LORD for answering this prayer!   As I left the hill that afternoon, my heart rejoiced ! HE+ had showed Himself+ mighty once again, even in the small things. HE+ cares.

As a teacher, I spend a lot of my time with just a small group of children.  This has its own challenges, but it's also a great opportunity for impact.  I was reminded of this when I found a note scribbled to me in a student's text / workbook:  " I am watching you, Shanna."

Though this student likely did not intend the note to mean what it did to me, I was sobered by it.  

I am being watched by many pairs of eyes. 
What I say, how I respond,
what I laugh at ---
--- all my choices are being observed.

Oh, I long for CHRIST and His+ Kingdom to be exalted here!

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Shanna teaches grades 2-8 through the day in the Mission's Christian school and in the evening, works with the neighbors she meets in this small town... all for the love of JESUS CHRIST .  She has left the comfort of her family home to minister JESUS to these “dear but hurting” people in far away South Dakota. May The LORD reward her faithfulness to Our LORD JESUS CHRIST, as she shares HIM+, in season and out , by both Word and by example. 
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 Matthew 9: 35-38

And  JESUS went about all the cities and villages, teaching in their synagogues, and preaching the gospel of the kingdom, and healing every sickness and every disease among the people.

But when HE+ saw the multitudes, HE+ was moved with compassion on them, because they fainted, and were scattered abroad, as sheep having no shepherd.

Then saith HE+ unto His+ disciples, 
The harvest truly is plenteous, 
but the laborers are few;

Pray ye therefore the LORD of the harvest, that HE will send forth laborers into his harvest.

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RESURRECTION POWER ! Active and Alive in Nepal ~ Report by Asia Harvest.org

Generic photo of a  Nepalese young mother and child.


from Nepal 

“I was born into a Hindu family. We prayed to many idols and also worshipped nature. I had heard about Christianity but didn’t understand why it was any different from other religions.

My wife and I had a son. While I was away working as a driver he fell sick and was admitted to hospital. I rushed back home but by the time I arrived my beloved son had died.

Two evangelists heard the sad news and visited us. In her desperation, my wife asked them to pray for our son so that their GOD might raise him back to life.

Before praying, they asked us to close our eyes. I did not believe, so I kept my eyes open. To my surprise, I saw the two Christians pray very intensely.

When they finished their prayer, my son sat up.

He was alive! My heart leapt with joy to see this great miracle. I left my sins behind and became a lover of JESUS CHRIST.

I committed my life to Him+ and received His+ wonderful salvation. I am now burdened to tell other unreached people what GOD has done in my life.” 
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Surendra is one of hundreds of Asian evangelists we support through the Asian Workers' Fund. We have dozens needing support right now. We invite you to join us as we help them.

Asia Harvest Newsletter #135, April 2016, pg. 9...an exciting newsletter to read ! It is available online.  Look for Newsletter Archives , April  2016 #135. 

Asia Harvest is an out-reach ministry which works with and helps supply Bibles and other materials to house churches in China, Southeast Asian countries and people-groups of Asia.  

Asia Harvest also supports humanitarian aid programs that are ALWAYS ACCOMPANIED BY THE PROCLAMATION OF THE GOSPEL.

Their newest out-reach is very exciting, called “Bless the Children.”  It focuses on reaching the children in the more than one million rural villages of India who are OPEN to the GOSPEL.    

 In India, the population is 40 % children, according to the information in the Newsletter. 
More details of this out-reach at :  www.asiaharvest.org

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