ALL HALLOWS' EVE is coming at the end of this month. Known as “halloween” to most of us, it has become a demon’s gleeful celebration the night before the Church remembered all the martyrs and confessors in Christian history.
[Confessors, by the way, are those who were imprisoned and usually tortured in some way and/or had their goods plundered for NOT DENYING the Name of CHRIST JESUS before men. The only difference between the martyrs and confessors is that the confessors did not die (immediately) from their tortures.
In the process of time, the Church began to remember these saints, these martyrs and confessors on November 1 every year. It was a day for those Christians who remained to give thanks, think soberly upon life, and re-affirm their steadfastness to STAND for CHRIST in this wicked world.
The old English name for saints was hallows… those who were hallowed. Thus, the reprobate world who loves to mock the Kingdom of GOD made a spite-filled, demonic “holy-day” [ i.e., holiday] to commemorate their dishonorable ones and their deeds of tormenting and torturing those WHO WOULD NOT DENY CHRIST.
In the demonic commemoration, uncomfortable tricks and pranks were pulled on others by people in costumes, imitating demonic pranksters… unless the victims paid off the pranksters with a treat; hence the phrase: “trick or treat!”
As children, most of us enjoyed dressing up in foolish costumes. We enjoyed getting candy from relatives and friends. We enjoyed hollering “trikkertreet”… not knowing what we were alluding to… and most of us would not have even thought of pulling a serious prank on our friends or neighbors, with or without a treat.
Yes, ALL HALLOWS’ DAY (All Saints’ Day) is coming, as well as the eve before it. As Christians… and especially, those of us who have children or work with them in some way… let’s be prepared to paint the Blood of the Passover Lamb over the lintels and doorposts of our house. Let’s remain inside, under the covering of the Holy Blood of The LORD JESUS CHRIST, that we may be found to be well-pleasing unto HIM+.
Going one step further.....
Let’s remember the blood of the martyrs and confessors is indeed the seed of the church. Let’s pray that we may be accounted worthy, also.