Showing posts with label Wooden Cross. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Wooden Cross. Show all posts


#3 STRAW for The MANGER... Advent Meditation

For the Joy that was set before HIM+
HE+ endured....

Add straw to the Manger for victory in endurance...

HE+ was laid in a rough wooden feeding trough, a manger,  just after entering this life as a man... and HE+ was laid upon rough-hewn timbers, a cross of wood,  as HE+ prepared to depart this life, as The SON+ of GOD.

Neither items of wood were sanded and polished smoothly. The cross was likely as rough-hewn wood always is... jagged, splintery, knotty. The Romans would not have concerned themselves to sand or plane the crucifixion timbers. Even in HIS+ death throes, there was pain and agony un-imaginable.

But, .... for the JOY that was set before HIM+ , HE+ endured the cross, despising the shame, and is set down at the Right Hand of the Throne of GOD.

For consider HIM+ that endured such contradiction of sinners against HIMSELF+ , lest ye be wearied and faint in your minds.

Ye have not yet resisted unto blood, striving against sin. (Hebrews 12)

Help me to endure when someone crosses me , my words, or opposes my plans. Help me to focus on the FRUIT that I want to cultivate in that other person. Help me do those things that will make him hungry for THEE+,  those things that will draw him unto THEE+,  those things that will make him love THEE+ more than love me.

Then, O LORD, Thy+ Joy  will most assuredly rest upon me and I shall be full.

This I ask in the Life-Giving Name of  The SAVIOR Who+ always saw BEYOND the Cross, keeping that joy before HIM+.
+  +

In The Name of The HOLY FATHER,
Who created thee;
His+ Life-Giving SON+,
Who+ joys in thee;
And Their Blessed HOLY SPIRIT,
Who comes alongside to greatly strengthen us.