Showing posts with label Skellig Michael. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Skellig Michael. Show all posts



The  BEEHIVE....  
Photo from (I think)

Within your Heart...


SKELLIG MICHAEL... A Retreat into Prayer

Photo from
             Skellig Michael- Monastery in the sky-  Ireland

Photo from
Ancient Celtic Monks Living Quarters on Skellig Michael

                 A  Quiet Monk

A life given over to HIM+,
undistractable and focused,
agreed with CHRIST+ Our LORD.

Skellig Michael, an ancient monastery jutting out of the cold Atlantic, about 9 miles from Ireland, was used by a small group of monks for about 600 years. They were stone serious about their retreat into prayer. 
~  ~  ~ 

We hear much about prayer retreats these days. How long do your church brothers and sisters spend at theirs? How much time is spent in prayer during the rest of their lives?

How about learning to feel GOD'S presence? How about learning to BREATH with HIM+ Who+ needs no air, but is the Breath of Life for all who choose to come to HIM+ in repentance and in truth?

HE+ says, "Draw near to ME+ and I will draw near to you."

HE+ says, "If you seek ME+ with all of your heart, you  will  find ME+."

In our very busy, self-oriented world and society, some will feel that they do GOD a favor by taking a few days, or maybe a week, to participate in a prayer retreat of one sort or another. Others will go on a prayer retreat out of a desperate desire to find GOD, to come close to HIM+.  That's commendable.

However, the direct mandate from our LORD CHRIST is to "deny ourselves, take up the Cross and follow ME" ... DAILY.

HE+ says, " Whoever of you that does not forsake all that he has, cannot be My+ disciple." 

We feel that these are hard words and probably not for us.
If they are not for us,
who are they for?

I think that we all are part of "whosoever".  The problem is that HIS+ words interfer with our materialistic western lifestyle. So, we feel that JESUS must have meant someone else other than us, or maybe HE+ was just mistaken, not understanding that we are under Grace!!  However, HE+ is the ONE+ Who+ placed us under that Grace with HIS+ own Body and Blood! HE+ is not likely mistaken.
Let us all take heed to our own lukewarmness, which in another place, JESUS said, HE+ will vomit out of HIS+ Body. JESUS can not be tricked.

There are those now and those in the past who have accepted HIM+ in every area of their lives and have sought to live the ultimate prayer retreat daily, for whatever amount of time they have been alloted in this very short life. The Cross of Christ is more valuable to them, you see, than any material gain or advantage or possession... than any career... than any retirement security. Yes! JESUS is right after all!! 

What is your life?

It is but a mist that appears for a little while, and then disappears. The only thing you really have is what you give back to HIM+. HE+ will keep it for you unto all eternity. HE+ will give it back to you multiplied a hundred times over!!

         " ..... is not My WORD like a FIRE, says the LORD? And like a HAMMER that breaks the rock in pieces?"   

Brother Brendon Patrick, OGS +

In the Name of the FATHER Who created you,
the SON+ Who saves you,
and the Holy SPIRIT Who sanctifies you.

+ + +


Skellig Michael; Ancient Celtic Christian Monastery

a vision from an OGS Monk,
Bro. Brendon Patrick

During times of prayer lately, I had been asking our LORD+ about the huge amount of evil that seems to be multiplying daily across the earth. At one point I asked the LORD+ about HIS+ church being kept in existence on the earth, being kept from the enemies both visible and invisible.

I said, “Lord+, it seems like we need a weapon of some sort.”

HE+ answered and said, “I AM YOUR WEAPON”.

HE+ also sends those of HIS+ Hosts appointed for this work, to be ministering spirits, fellow “combatants” so to speak, for those who are following CHRIST.

A few weeks later this vision came as I waited before the LORD+.

This short vision of the “warrior angel” was encouraging to me.

This angel seemed very large (compared to mortal humans), 8 or 10 feet tall it seemed, with two wings extending up over him another 6 feet or so above his head almost in a straight line ( not out to the side). He looked more or less human shaped, but different, stronger, more perfect. He had no beard. His face was neither happy or sad but was very “single-minded” in countenance.

When he stood still, his color was golden over white, but his bodily “substance” seemed to be swirling or moving, like an “energy” of some kind. (See Ezekiel 1:27). When he began to move he became like liquid fire. He still had his form, but was like liquid fire and had more volume. As he moved faster, the liquid fire became larger and more intense and swirling. The angelic form was almost lost at one point in a swirling mass or “ball” of liquid fire. The more or faster he moved, the more intense the rolling fire became.

Then, as he slowed down, the fire lessened in intensity, and as he settled and became still, his human-like form became visible again, although his body still seemed to be made of swirling energy of some kind, ( known to the LORD+ alone). Even standing still, the “fire” or “energy” swirled and moved constantly. I heard the words, “warrior angel”. The brief vision was over at that point.

I saw no sword of any kind, although I know the swords mentioned in scripture would not be like we think of swords , but something beyond human concepts. He had two wings, not six nor four, as scripture relates of some classes or orders of angels, seraphim or multi-faced cherubim.

In the book of Enoch a class known as ophanin is mentioned. I researched the word and it does have to do with fire, or whirling “wheels” of fire. I could not find out much more.

This was different altogether, than what I had always though of as a warrior angel, but it seems that there are different orders/classes of Warrior Angels among those of the LORD’S+ Hosts.

I had been troubled lately over the great amount of evil that is building in the world. I think the Lord + may have sent this vision to show me that the amount of evil will be easily taken care of; it will be no problem. At the appointed time it will be made plain. (I think of Joel 3; 2, 11 & 12, among others)

He even gives to us power over all the power of the adversary

we walk closely to Him+ in obedience

and abide in Him+
( John 15 ).

We must become skilled with the weapons of our warfare, which are not carnal, natural weapons like those of the world, but are supernatural weapons of the HOLY SPIRIT. These weapons really WORK to demolish the strongholds of the adversary and his minions and strike terror into them.

May HE+ help us to stand firm and to overcome “through the Blood of the Lamb and the word of our testimony, and to love not our lives unto the death.” We take our LORD JESUS CHRIST, His+ Holy Apostles and Prophets, and the martyrs and confessors of the pre-Nicene and Early Church as our examples.

IN THE NAME OF THE FATHER, and of the SON+, and of the HOLY SPIRIT + + +