Showing posts with label HOLY SPIRIT is CORRECTOR. Show all posts
Showing posts with label HOLY SPIRIT is CORRECTOR. Show all posts


Going Forth in Spirit and in Power...

He loves me...  He loves me not ... He loves me...
A Monastic Breviary, Anglican
Prayer Book
pg. 293

ALMIGHTY GOD, THOU hast built Thy Church upon the foundation of the Apostles and Prophets, JESUS CHRIST HIMSELF+ being the CHIEF CORNERSTONE+ :

Grant us so to be joined together
in unity of spirit
by their teaching,
that we may be made a Holy temple
acceptable to THEE;

...through JESUS CHRIST Our LORD, WHO+ lives and reigns with THEE and The HOLY SPIRIT, one GOD, now and forever, world without end. Amen.

 The Secret for Unity of Spirit

If we walk in the Light,
as HE+ is in the Light,

we have fellowship
with one another,


the Blood of JESUS CHRIST
cleanseth us
from all sin.
I John 1:7 

If we walk in the Light, confessing our sins unto HIM+ Who+ knew no sin, HE+ will help us ... assist us...  to amend our ways. WE CANNOT AMEND OUR WAYS WITHOUT HIS+ HELP.

HE+ will bring conviction when we accuse someone in our hearts or speak in less-than-loving ways to someone. HE+ will bring His+ wonderful conviction to us, saying: " WHERE did that remark COME FROM ?" 

Our part is to respond. In humility and in truth, we can discover exactly WHERE such things originate.

if it is not in our hearts,
it won't come out of our lips.

Now practically speaking, what do we do if there is trouble in the camp, trouble in the home, trouble in the church ? 

We take heed to WALK IN THE LIGHT..... OURSELVES. We do not "push" others to confess their sins. We do not "confess" nor "confront" others with their bad attitudes if they do not ASK US TO TELL THEM ABOUT THEIR FAULTS. 

We are not the correctors of the adults in our homes and in our churches IF we are not the pastors or elders. 


All we have to do is walk in the Light ourselves.

In humility, and in Truth, we walk "as well pleasing unto The LORD."  We give ourselves unto prayer.

If there is trouble between you and some other adult, PRAY. Get your own heart right before The LORD. ASK The LORD to "make" things right between you and the other one. 

Then thank HIM+ and listen. Thank HIM+ and walk with HIM+. Thank HIM+ and pray blessings upon the troublesome one. 

HE+ will work it out. HE+ will bring conviction. HE+ will change the situation .... or HE+ will not.... but you will be in HIS+ Peace if you walk with HIM+, in the Light. 

You will have fellowship: first, with HIM+, then with others. You will not have "fellowship" with others until your fellowship is established with CHRIST JESUS.

Unity... Concord... Peace...

all of which begins when we are UNIFIED with CHRIST... 

It begins when we are in accord with His+ Word, having straightened up our hearts before HIM+...

It begins when HE+ can find nothing in us which makes HIM+ ashamed to call us His+ Brethren. 

O GOD, THOU hast taught us to keep all Thy commandments by loving THEE and our neighbor: 

Grant us the grace of Thy HOLY SPIRIT that we may be devoted to THEE with our whole heart and united to one another with pure affection; 

through JESUS CHRIST our LORD Who+ lives and reigns with THEE and the HOLY SPIRIT, one GOD, for ever and ever. Amen.