Showing posts with label 10 Kings. Show all posts
Showing posts with label 10 Kings. Show all posts


PROPHECY SERIES: ISAIAH 24 ~ Did the Prophet Isaiah “SEE” Davos 2023 in spirit those many centuries ago ? ~ or ~ The further EXTINCTION of All National Sovereignty is happening this week.


PROPHECY SERIES: ISAIAH 24 ~ Did the Prophet Isaiah “SEE” Davos 2023 in spirit those many centuries ago ? 

~ or ~

The further EXTINCTION of All National Sovereignty


Move Over, Molech . . . Nashville Pride has vanquished more lives than thou !


Move over, Molech . . . 
Nashville Pride has vanquished more lives than thou ! 


The Judas Pope... A Servant of the 10 Kings of Revelation 17 ?

The Judas Pope…..Servant of The Ten Kings

 A Guest Post by Bro. Brendon Patrick, Order of the GOOD SHEPHERD+


  Taken under a low Januray morning sun (0800). View from the south

No, I am NOT a Roman Catholic “basher”. Just to put your mind at ease.  Just a few points to consider.



The problems in that organization are notorious and rampant. Everyone knows about them and even some Roman Catholics are uncomfortable with some of them.  Too many additions to the Faith ONCE Delivered ( Jude 1:3 ), and too many subtractions from the same Gospel !

But I am speaking here specifically about the continuing stream of  blasphemous and totally NON-Christian remarks coming out of this Pope’s mouth!

He most recently has compared the Daesh / isis, to The Lord JESUS sending forth the Apostles and Disciples into all the world to make Disciples of all nations!! 

This is a completely insane and OBVIOUSLY inaccurate statement!  Even worldly people can see this!

It seems that the Pope is making these statements at the DIRECTIVE of someone other than himself or the “religious” authorities around him.

Wolf prophet

He carries the message even further,  saying that ” it is a good thing for the islamic “invaders” of Europe to cross breed with the European women, both diluting that particular nations indigenous people, but also helping out the declining birthrate in Europe !!! ( Not kidding! )  

These are not normal statements from a Pope, let alone Christian statements.

[ "Do not be UN-equally yoked to non-believers"  must not be in the Bible the Pope reads ? ]

It seems that the Pope is taking orders from another group, and is promoting that group’s agenda for both Europe and for the world. He  keeps making these outlandish statements over and over, the above being only the most recent at this writing.

There is another well known world “leader” that is doing the same kind of actions. This “leader” is across the world from the Pope, but he and the Pope are making the same kind of statements and pushing the same “agenda”. 

Do they have the same “bosses”? 

Are they BOTH Puppets moved by the same sets of “puppet master” strings ? Both are making senseless and bizarre statements, and BOTH are promoting destructive and Evil plans that serve NO GOOD  PURPOSE .

Do they have a “hot-line” to each other?  Or is there a “hot-line” to them from another group of “bosses” which The Scriptures refer to as “The Ten Kings” who make war with The LAMB+ ?

What will be the next wild statement that will come out of the Vatican?  Will it match up with the next statement coming out of the “City of Baal” D.C.?  Both of these men seem to be employees of the same evil group.

There are reports that Mr. Obama is preparing to begin a global campaign to become the leader of the United Nations.  Of course the campaign will be financed by U.S. taxpayers’ money!

If this is successful, what will be the next step for the world as a whole, and in particular Israel and Christians as a people? Scripture is being fulfilled rapidly.


If you happen to be a member of a “religious” organization that is “going along” with the set of “POLITICALLY-CORRECT LIES” which are coming forth from the governments…


that group IMMEDIATELY

for your own safety!

Those organizations are ODIOUS unto The LORD GOD and are in HIS Sight for Judgment and Wrath. They are being gathered together into “Bundles to be Burned,” Matthew 13:30.  And, HE+ is gathering out of His+ Kingdom ALL things that offend. See Matthew 13:41.

The LORD+ will NOT forsake you,

IF you do not forsake HIM+.

Seek The LORD+ for wisdom and discernment in the coming days, and may the Supernatural Gifts of The HOLY SPIRIT / RUACH ha KADOSH, become REAL and APPARENT among the Body of MESSIAH, The Remnant Church across the earth. 

HE+ is our Life.

Because HE+ lives, we Live also!

John 14 : 19


Come Quickly LORD JESUS + + +




The SUPPER of the 7-Headed Beast with the 10 RAVENOUS Horns ...

The Supper of the Seven-Headed Beast with the 10 RAVENOUS Horns...

Its Menu has been Appointed:
the Great Whore
is the Main Course.

Of Seven Mountains, this Seven-Headed beast has 10 RULING Horns, one for each of those hidden but globally-powerful "ten kings" who rule the earth but have NO KINGDOM.  

Who is this Great Whore ?

Her characteristics are found in Revelation 17.

1. The Great Whore rides the beast of the bottomless pit.

1. This filthy creature sits upon many waters. Thus, the Great Whore has contact with the Seven Mountains. 

If the "many waters" are the oceans and the "seven mountains" are the continents of this world, then the Great Whore ENCOMPASSES the entire earthly world.

This filthy creature "sits" upon peoples, multitudes, nations, and tongues. (Rev. 17:15)

2. She gives Wine to the inhabitants of the earth, making them drunk... senseless, incapable of making right judgments.

Thus, she enables them to live in a heightened sense of their own base powers, all fantasy, not based on reality.

3. She is be-robed in purple and scarlet.

4. She is decked with gold, pearls, and precious stones. ( Huge sums of wealth are given to this unclean creature. )

5. This filthy creature fornicates with the kings of this world. (There is close contact with the world’s leaders… indeed, they are bed-fellows, in secret. )

6. She carries a filthy cup, even though made of gold, which CONTAINS the wine of the filthiness of her fornications and abominations.

7. Engraved on her forehead is her name:
·                  Mystery
·                  Babylon the Great
·             Mother of Harlots and Abominations of the Earth

8. Her Wine Cup is filled with the Blood of the Saints and the Martyrs of JESUS.  She is drunk on this "drink" of Blood.

9. This filthy creature, called a Great City, REIGNS over the kings of the earth

.... until...

10. The 10 Kings turn and burn HER, make HER desolate, strip HER of her finery, hate HER, and eat HER .

WHO, then, is that Great, Filthy, Creature called the "Whore" who rides the beast of the bottomless pit?

Could it be Islam ? 

Could it be the oil-rich countries ? 

Could it be Apostate Christianity ?

Could it be Babylon the Great of chapter 18 of Revelation --- the world's greatest power of commerce and military might? 

Could it be ALL of the above since they are in AGREEMENT and work toward the same goal, following the same agenda?

 Revelation 17: 16-17

And the ten horns which thou sawest upon the beast, these shall hate the whore, and shall make her desolate and naked, and shall eat her flesh, and burn her with fire.

For GOD hath put in their hearts
to fulfil HIS will,
and to agree,
and give their kingdom
unto the beast,
until the Words of GOD
shall be fulfilled.

+  +  +

Let this be a warning …

… to all those who agree with the agenda of the Great Whore. 

The Satan always devours his instruments, those he uses to destroy others.

Your Last State will be worse
than your First.

You will have your ever-lasting Portion of Satan’s Judgment in The Second Death in the Lake of Burning Fire … where the Worm does not die and the Fire is Never Quenched.

Thus saith The LORD.


Over-Ruling the 10 Kings... CHRIST the KING+ Ever Reigns on High !

Advent Meditations for 2014
The Star of Bethlehem 

Photo courtesy of  WWW.PRAVOSLAVIE.RU   

Matthew 24: 37-39 
Scriptures courtesy of 

But as the days of Noah were, so shall also the coming of the Son of man be.  For as in the days that were before the flood they were eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage, until the day that Noe entered into the ark,  And knew not until the flood came, and took them all away; so shall also the coming of the Son of man be.

The Days of the Rule of the 10 Kings
of Revelation 17:12 

And the ten horns which thou sawest are ten kings, 
which have received no kingdom as yet; 
 receive power as kings one hour with the beast.

The days of Noah are upon us. 

The darkness of sin engulfs the world. Men's pride is hardening their hearts. Devilish controlling spirits are ruling over the entire globe ~ and men love to have it so. 

The days ~ the season of human history ~ when men love darkness rather than light   because their deeds are evil   are upon us in full force. 

The WORD of GOD says in THAT SEASON, men who love righteousness make themselves a target,  Isaiah 59:15 ,  as in the days of Noah. 

Our LORD JESUS tells us this age will have the same character and consorts as Noah's age:  hedonism to the extreme, base entertainment, lovers of pleasure , lovers of self, lovers of same-sort partners, lovers of wee children, and lovers of beasts... lovers of death.  

Then comes the mingling of human seed with nephillim or animals and the lust for aborted LIVING babies as evil dreamers try to create life at the DNA basics in order to be in control of the universe. 

The 10 Kings of Revelation 17 love to have it so and are NOW DIRECTING these activities across the globe, headed by the richest countries in the world. 

Why ? 

They wish to destroy GOD'S creation, to destroy the human race. 

Why ?

They aim to destroy the human race BECAUSE through JESUS CHRIST, the human race has beaten satan, the nephillim, the fallen watchers .... AND THE 10 KINGS ! ...  when humans obey The LORD JESUS CHRIST in every fiber of their being. 

As a matter of fact, an obedient, faith-filled people who love The LORD JESUS more than their own life is the ONLY barrier that stands between satan and the destruction of the ENTIRE human race. 

For, if left to itself, the human race will destroy itself. 

If left to satan, the human race will be destroyed through lust of the flesh, lust of the eyes, and the pride of life. 

If left to the 10 Kings of Revelation 17, the followers of the LORD JESUS CHRIST would be exterminated --- wiped off --- the face of the globe, along with their Jewish fore-bearers. 

Then the wicked tenants/ husbandmen of the vineyard will think,   after they have exterminated  His+ Servants,   the world will be theirs. 

( This has been tried before. See Matthew 21. )

But... surprise, surprise !

What will the True Owner+ of the world do 
to those wicked ones 
when HE+ arrives 
with His+ armies from Heaven ? 

They all forgot one thing... one MAJOR fact: 

All were created through HIM+
All were created for HIM+
and HIS+ good pleasure ! 

Yes, even the fallen angels, like mankind, were created by HIM+ and for His+ pleasure, to do HIS+ will. 

O, what a fearful thing to fall into the Hands of the Living GOD... when in a state of rebellion against His+ Rule.   

Let us pray: 

CHRIST the KING+ ever reigns on High! 
O Come, let us adore HIM+ !  

O come, let us worship and fall down and kneel before The LORD our Maker...  Our LORD, Who+ humbled Himself+ to take on a robe of flesh in order to rescue us from the slavery of sin, the slavery to satan.

We thank THEE+ O LORD for Thy+ great, well-planned deliverance through Thy+ Incarnation, set in motion from the fall of Adam, promised in the Garden to crush satan's head. 

And, blessed be HIS+ Kingdom, 
now and forever, 
world without end. 