
PALMS of VICTORY ! ~ Palm Sunday 2024 ~ The Day Before HIS+ WEEK of AGONY


Matthew 21:6-9 

And the disciples went,

and did as JESUS commanded them, 

And brought the ass, and the colt, and put on them their clothes, and they set HIM+ thereon. 

And a very great multitude spread their garments in the way; others cut down branches from the trees, and strawed them in the way. 

And the multitudes that went before, and that followed, cried, saying,

HOSANNA to the SON+ of David:

Blessed is HE+ that cometh

in the name of THE LORD;

HOSANNA in the highest ! 


HIS+ Troubled Soul ~ John 12:27 ~ LENTEN Meditation for the Preparation of the LAST PASSOVER ~ 2024


John 12:27 ~ 2024 Lenten Meditation

Now is My+ Soul troubled;

and what shall I+ say?

FATHER, save ME+ from this hour:

but for this cause came I+ unto this hour. 

John 12:27

HE+ did not refuse the Cup presented to HIM+.

HE+ faced His+ FATHER’S WILL , the Divine Will which included His+ Crucifixion.

The LORD JESUS knew  there would be no Resurrection without His+ death. . .  even His+ death upon the cruel, horrible, agonizing CROSS.

It was not “just” a death.  It did not come swiftly, like a guillotine-death.  It was a long, slow, excruciating death, filled with TOTAL PAIN every second of every minute of every hour that it lasted.

Wherefore HE+ was given a NAME above every other name, that at the Name of JESUS every knee should bow and every tongue PROCLAIM that JESUS CHRIST IS LORD. . . to the Glory of GOD The FATHER !

No wonder His+ Soul was troubled. Yet, troubled with anguish of His+ human soul, HE+ embraced His+ FATHER’S WILL.

So that we could live.

So that we could live in Victory

over our problems here on earth.

So that we could live Eternally with HIM+.

+  +  +

For our light affliction, which is but for a moment, worketh for us a far more exceeding and eternal weight of Glory; 

2 Corinthians 4:17

Let us Pray:


Help me to keep in view the cost of my Redemption. Help me to be aware that my  victory was given  to me by YOU+, at the Cross.

I repent of my grumbling, fussing, and complaining spirit.

I have nothing to do but be THANKFUL that YOU+ have made a Way for me to have Your+ Victory daily in every circumstance I face.  Help me to become STILL enough to see that Victory.

And have that sweet anticipation of Eternity with YOU+, Face to Face !


Amen, and thankfully so.