

Welcome, Friends indeed !

This is the Season of Outreach and Evangelism on the Church Calendar. The liturgical color is GREEN... perhaps, for new growth ?

It is NOT the season of political rallies, concerts in the park, and national holidays... for the serious-minded Christian.

The ancient church calendar focused on the events surrounding The LORD JESUS and His+ bodily entrance into the human race and the church calendar  took its shape from those happenings. 

Starting with Abib, the first month in the Jewish calendar, in the Spring of the year, we have the Passover Season. That leads into Passion Week, followed by the Great and Glorious Resurrection Season.

Then, 50 days after Resurrection we enter into the Season of the Pentecost, when the HOLY SPIRIT was visited upon the believers in great power and glory.

After that, some churches call it "Trinity" Season, meaning that now The FATHER, His Beloved SON+, JESUS CHRIST, and  The HOLY SPIRIT have been made manifest unto mankind... the fullness of the GODHEAD bodily, through CHRIST JESUS. 

And as in Acts, the outpouring of the HOLY SPIRIT upon the believers meant that The WORD+ would go forth in power and great glory, bringing others into the flock from every kindred, tongue, people, and nation. 

This is the great, power-filled 
Season of Evangelism
for the Church
following the outpouring
of the HOLY SPIRIT !

Now, the church goes forth in victory because death has no more dominion over it! Death was swallowed up in Victory through the Resurrection of Our LORD JESUS CHRIST ! 

Thus, we boldly and un-ashamedly proclaim the Saving Gospel of CHRIST JESUS to each and every person. His+ love, His+ forgiveness for repentant souls, His+ newness of life offered for each and every one of us  is proclaimed with Resurrection Power of the HOLY SPIRIT during the Trinity Season.  

One of the house group churches in China works out this season by calling it "Evangelism" month. Each person in the congregation is instructed to bring 3 new persons into the fold during the month of July. They go house to house, door to door, to find potential new members of the flock. 

The result? The China house church in that area grows exponentially! 

  • So, let us GIRD UP OUR LOINS.
  • Let us equip ourselves with hearts of joy, spirits of determination, and pockets of tracts, being ready "in season and out" to proclaim the Salvation of CHRIST JESUS offered to all.  
  • Let us claim the Resurrection Power of Our LORD JESUS CHRIST in our prayer closets, over our families, friends, neighbors, and communities.
  • And then, let us come forth out of our prayer closets and spread the Good News: 

you , too, can have a new life,
both now,
and for all Eternity !

Furthermore, this can only happen
when you yield
the control over your life...
your sordid, broken, unhappy life...
over to the ONE+ Who+
loves you best...
+  +  + 

In the Name of The FATHER,
WHO begot thee,
And HIS Beloved, Only-Begotten SON+
WHO+ saves thee, 
And their Blessed HOLY SPIRIT, 
WHO empowers thee
to proclaim the Salvation offered to mankind


Pentecost ! The Power of The Coming ONE+ !

Almighty GOD, on this day THOU opened the way of Eternal Life to every race and nation by the promised out-pouring of Thy Blessed HOLY SPIRIT through tongues of Holy Fire bestowed upon Thy Servants gathered together in that Upper Room so long ago. 

That great out-pouring engulfed Thy Servants and with great and several manifestations of tongues, THOU encompassed them with Thy POWER, enabling Thy Servants to shed abroad the Good News of Thy great Salvation.  

Now, O Great LORD, shed abroad this Gift of Thy HOLY SPIRIT in flames of Holy Fire so that Thy Servants living today may be emboldened to fight the foe of darkness and unbelief in this dead and dying world, redeeming the time and proclaiming the Gospel of Our LORD JESUS CHRIST... using words when necessary.

+  +  +

Today marks the 50th day
in times past 
since the Resurrection of Our LORD JESUS CHRIST.
This day the HOLY SPIRIT
came in fire.
This day HE bestowed
His manifold graces
upon the disciples
and sent them through the world
in great power,
with no fear of death .

Hadn't they just seen The Risen LORD ascend into the Heavenlies in His+ Glorified Body?

Hadn't they heard His+ gladsome words:

"Why are ye troubled,
and why do thoughts arise in your hearts? Behold, MY HANDS AND MY FEET,
that it is I+ Myself+; 
Handle ME+ and see.
For a spirit

Amen and Hallelujah ! 

Baptize us, O LORD,
  • in Thy sanctified water,
  • with Thy Holy power,
  • with Thy Holy tongues,
  • to preach the Gospel,
  • to tell all nations this Truth:  

Believe and be baptized in the Name of The LORD JESUS CHRIST for the forgiveness of your sins... and you TOO will receive the gift of the HOLY SPIRIT.


Pentecost is Coming ! Seek HIS+ Face !

O GOD of the First Pentecost,

Who at that time poured forth Thy HOLY SPIRIT with Power and Might upon those faithful ones seeking THEE in one accord; Grant us a pulling together as one, seeking THEE together in love and unity, to  proclaim Thy Power and Great Glory to the Unreached and Reached alike;

through the merits of CHRIST JESUS Our Risen LORD, WHO+ liveth and reigneth with THEE in the unity of The Same SPIRIT HOLY, ONE GOD, world without end.



Pentecost is Coming! A personal Pentecost...

is available for all ...
regardless of what the Church Proper does or does NOT experience.
That is good news for the hungry of heart. 

Verily, verily, I+ say unto you,
unless a grain of wheat
falls into the ground
and dies,
it remains alone:
but if it dies,
it produces much grain.
John 12:24, NKJV

Within these Words of Our LORD JESUS CHRIST lies the secret to Pentecost, that great movement of the HOLY SPIRIT which engulfed the lives of the once fear-filled disciples.
HE+ tells us how to escape loneliness. HE+ tells us how to bear much fruit. HE+ tells us that HE+ has set in motion the way for us to experience Pentecost.

HOW do we accomplish this?

First, we set ourselves in the way, the path, HE+ directs. That involves some activity... yes, activity... on our part. We must fall to the ground, step 1. How hard is that ?

Then, we make a choice, step 2. We choose to die to Self. How hard is that ?


Indeed, we are willing but the flesh is weak and does not want to die. So... how do we "make" ourselves "die to Self ?"

We call upon The LORD for help. Will HE+ help us die ? YES, most assuredly HE+ will because it is His+ Will for each one of us. [ This is one place that His+ Will is not mysterious nor hidden to us. ]

We are "alone" until we die out to Self. Most of us know that our spouses cannot "fill" us up. Most will come to realize that our children cannot fill us up and will, sooner or later, leave the home nest. Some have even discovered the truth that our jobs, careers, work, education, etc., cannot fill us up. Our identity in these things is vaporous at best.

We sadly discover this when we retire or are forced out of our positions by corporate down-sizing, re-organization, our health, or some other contingency. We discover quickly how important and necessary our skills are to the business, company, agency, organization, hospital, or school: they can survive very well without us.

However, Our LORD JESUS CHRIST never, ever  down-sizes. HE+ does not have a "retirement" package! Even if our health plummets and our circumstances change drastically by events we cannot control, we NEVER lose our importance to our work for the Kingdom of GOD.

Indeed, in many instances of major change, we hunker down even moreso with Our LORD and do the unseen foundational work of prayer and focused, single-minded commitment to Our LORD... so vital for victories in spiritual warfare.

We embrace death to Self. It is the only way given to produce fruit for JESUS our LORD... just like HE+ said.  

+  +  +
In the Name of The FATHER
WHO begot us,
And HIS Only-Begotten SON+
And the Blessed HOLY SPIRIT
WHO sanctifies us.  




of the Living GOD
is seated at
the Right Hand
of The FATHER.


of the Living GOD
ever liveth
to make intercession
for us.


of the Living GOD
is coming again
in flaming fire,
to take vengeance on them
who know not GOD
and obey not
the Gospel of


CHRIST is risen!
is risen indeed!

+  +  +


A Letter to Mom....

Dear Mom,

     I never realized until I wrote in your Mother's Day card that motherhood never ceases.

I always thought that once we children were out on our own, that your "job" was done. Maybe it was, as far as cooking and laundry and cleaning goes. But, motherhood didn't cease; it simply shifted gears.

     I cannot envision a time when you might not be there for us. Even fighting through life together as a family, you have been at the heart of it.

      I am glad you are helping Sammy [ a younger brother, aged 45 ] to survive. I think you will have no regrets on your heart for assisting him however you can. What he does with it is not your responsibility nor accountability; it is his.

So, when you give him --- food, funds, truck, or laundry services --- he stands accountable to The LORD for his use ( or abuse ) of what he has been given. You have done your part as a conscientious mother. If Sammy wastes your gifts, do not worry about it. Your part is to give as wisely as possible in order to help.

     The LORD sees it all. HE+ is like a good parent. HE+ gives to each one of us. Our family in particular, and for no reason of our own, has been blessed with health, enough funds, and many creature comforts of this life. We have never lacked daily food, clothing, schooling, nor many fun things in life... not to mention a roof over our heads.

     The LORD has blessed dear Dad with strength over the years to provide plus a conscientious heart to take care of us all. Many, many families do not have a Dad like that.

   The LORD gives and gives. But, what do we do with His+ gifts? Do we do like Sammy often does and squander it all away ? 

     Like a good parent, HE+ fulfills His+ role in leading, guiding, and providing... even through adulthood if we never leave His+ house. It is not His+ responsibility nor accountability what we do with what HE+ has given us: it is solely ours. Remember the Parable of the Talents, Mom ?

    It brings joy to your heart when Sammy turns to thank you sincerely, with tears in his eyes for helping him, doesn't it ? Your heart rejoices when you see him spend his money on good things: his food, heat and electric bills, paying off obligations.

     How sad you are when he uses your funds for self-indulgence! How sad Our LORD is when we do the same !

You would be over-joyed to give our youngest brother even more... if you could be assured that he'd use it profitably, wouldn't you ?  Our LORD is like that, too. HE+ gives us gifts no money can buy when HE+ is assured we will use them profitably. Otherwise, HE+ simply cannot entrust us with very much.

     Just think about this. We have eyes to see: do we use our vision to read His+ Word ? We have ears to hear: do we listen to His+ music, His+ sermons, His+ words every chance we get? Are our minds given over to His+ thoughts ? 

We have communication skills: do we use our voices to glorify Our LORD JESUS throughout our day ? 

HE+ has granted us family: do we tell them of His+ love through our love, through our kind words, through our yielding to each other? HE+ has granted us a home: is it filled with His+ HOLY SPIRIT and thanksgiving --- especially when things vex us --- throughout the day? Are we training our selves as well as our children to handle disappointment with thanksgiving when things do not go our way ?

Indeed, what have each of us done with His+ gifts to us that no money can buy nor replace should our vision, voice, hearing, or mind be gone ? 

What, indeed, have we done with Our LORD JESUS CHRIST each day... this day

     Like thoughtless, untrained, unruly children have we all behaved, thinking His+ gifts were granted because... well, because we are great. HE+ 's the great one ! HE+ gives when we think it is our own prowess that has obtained what we wanted... giving when we "drink it up" and abuse His+ gifts, using them to support our self-indulgent quest for that elusive "happiness." 

     However, that happiness will never be fulfilled that way. Mom, we will never feel good about ourselves until we "feel good" about Our LORD in a very personal way... so personal that we would rather have JESUS than anything this world has to offer. ( Remember that song ?)

When we would rather have JESUS, then we will have that assurance of a berth in Heaven when we fly away. And, fly away we all must, some day. 

So, do not be weary in well-doing, Mom, even though you are not thanked very often for it... even though your well-doing is used to promote Sammy's bad habits instead of his right living.

You are in good company because Our LORD JESUS CHRIST does the same with our family, and indeed, with all mankind. 

A Man+ of Sorrows
and acquainted with grief
and we hid
as it were
our faces from HIM+
and we esteemed HIM+ not. 

No, HE+ is not shown in Scripture to be a laughing man, but a sorrowful one. 

But, there is coming a day when all that is going to change, Mom ! There is hope for tomorrow and wayward sons repent and return home everyday, like the prodigal that they are. Then there will be time for rejoicing with the angels when one lost sheep is found. 

Hold on to HIM+, Mom. HE+ will never let you down! Walk with HIM+ , His+ way.

Love to you, now...
In JESUS, Who+ alone is life, both here and beyond the grave ....   



I know
that my
and that
HE+ shall stand
at the latter day
upon the earth.
And though after my skin
worms destroy this body;
yet in my flesh
shall I see GOD:
WHOM+ I shall see
for myself, 
and mine eyes shall behold... 

Job 19:25-27 

PRECISELY, there are ONLY two groups of peoples upon this earth: those who know The LORD JESUS CHRIST and have an obedient-love-faith relationship with HIM+.... and those who do not.  

GOD has predestinated those 2 groups; HE determined that HE would have a people upon this earth, even after satan corrupted mankind.  GOD said, "Jacob have I loved; Esau have I hated." Was HE talking about simply two individuals ?  

In the Old Covenant, HE was referring to two distinct groups. HE was referring to the GROUP that would come through Jacob's lineage and carry the promised REDEEMER+, the promised MESSIAH+ who would deliver mankind from satan.

HE was also referring to the group of outsiders who would NOT ADHERE...  of their own will and choosing ...to HIS Covenant nor to its carriers, i.e., the Jewish people. This group came through Esau's line.

Neither of these 
2 groups
is a "closed" group! 
Both groups have double-hinged doors which swing both open and shut, coming and going, two ways. Scripture teaches that "Whosoever Will" may come into the family of The LORD.

"Whosoever Will" may:

  • repent of his sins,
  • convert over to following The LORD JESUS CHRIST,
  • be cleansed in the waters of baptism 
  • love The LORD with all his heart, mind, and soul
  • and be loved in return
That will bring "Whosoever Will" directly into the family of GOD and give him a berth in Jacob's group.

Likewise, "Whosoever Won't" will be in Esau's group. 

isn't it ?

But, think on this:

these 2 group perimeters
are truly and firmly
established by GOD,
group "membership"
is not ! 

At any point in time, a person can leave the Whosoever Won't group and come and be born anew into the other group if he enters in and lives for JESUS as LORD of his life. 

But alas, likewise, at any point in time a person can exit the Whosoever Will group , turn his back on his salvation, destroy his witness, and die in his sins in the Whosoever Won't group. 

"Jacob have I loved;
Esau have I hated."     

Do you stand with Job,
in Jacob's Group,
beloved by GOD HIMSELF?
... OR ...
Do you stand with Esau,
who cast away his birthright
for a mess
of temporary pleasure?


RESURRECTION VICTORY... It's Worth Repeating !

I+ , I+ AM
The Resurrection
he that believeth
in ME+,
though he were dead, 
yet shall he live.
John 11:25 Green's Greek Interlinear

How could those already dead believe in JESUS the CHRIST ?

Some, we know, did: Simeon the devout man awaiting the Consolation+ of Israel and Anna the prophetess of great age, who were both present in the Temple at His+ Dedication, John the Baptist, Joseph, the guardian ( Gowra, Aramaic)  and husband of Mary. Perhaps Lazarus also, Mary and Martha's brother, believed in HIM+ since his sisters evidenced a strong belief in HIM+ as MESSIAH+. These all died knowing HIM+ ...but before Our LORD'S own death and resurrection.

Here, as recorded in John 11:25,  Our LORD is looking ahead at what happened in those 3 days and 3 nights HE+ spent in the heart of the earth. (Mt. 12:40) 

Well, what DID happen
down there? 

Sheol, the Old Testament word for "hell," was divided into 2 parts in the heart of the earth. One part was for the unrighteous ones who died in their sins. The other part was called "Abraham's Bosom" (See Luke 16:22).

[ Now, just a note on Abraham's Bosom. In the Old Testament, the bosom was configured as a CAVITY, a carrying-place. It was where one held to his chest things of value. Womenfolk would carry food and other precious items in their aprons, wrapping up the corners of their aprons around the items like a sack and carry the load CLOSE TO THEIR BOSOM. Thus, "Abraham's Bosom" in the heart of the earth was a CAVITY in the earth, filled with precious souls who had died in RIGHT standing with GOD.]

Our LORD  spent 3 days and 3 nights down there, in the heart of the earth PREACHING to the DEAD who had died long before JESUS Our LORD was sent to the earth.

How do we know this?
Scripture tells us this
in 1 Peter 3:18, 19:

For CHRIST also hath once suffered for sins, the just for the unjust, that HE+ might bring us to GOD, being put to death indeed in the flesh, but made alive in the SPIRIT; In which also HE+ went and preached unto the spirits in prison.

This Scripture tells us that JESUS Our LORD died a natural death in the flesh.  When HE+ died, HE+ left His+ physical Body on the cross to be buried.

Now, we know The LORD JESUS never went into a jail, a prison, to preach. HE+ preached in many places, but never in an actual civil prison run by the Roman government, who had the authority over the prisons in Israel.

But rather,  HE+ HIMSELF+ went in His+ SPIRIT into the heart of the earth... to preach to the dead !  

Now THIS tells us some interesting facts:
  • "Death" was a prison from which no-one EVER left
  • it was located in the heart of the earth 
  • the dead are simply gone unto ANOTHER PLACE ( either pleasant or bad)
  •  the dead are not obliterated even though their bodies of clay are buried in the ground as "lifeless"
  • nor is their consciousness erased
  • nor have their emotions ceased
  • nor is their intellect diminished
Some OTHER Truths of GREAT interest are here also:
  • JESUS was  intensely ALIVE the instant HE+ closed His+ eyes in death because HE+ said... "It is accomplished, FATHER; into Thy HANDS I+ commit My+ SPIRIT."  
  • HE+ left His+ dead, physical Body for 3 days and 3 nights
  • HE+ descended into the heart of the earth, into Sheol ( hell )
  • HE+ was not punished in hell but entered as a VICTORIOUS SAVIOR sent by The FATHER
  • HE+ asked no-one's permission to ENTER into the realm of the dead
  • HE+ asked no-one's permission to LEAVE the realm of the dead...
  • HE+ was busy for 3 days and 3 nights, as The FATHER sent HIM+ down there to preach.

Well, what did HE+ preach to this captive audience ?

HE+ preached
the Good News !

I Peter 4:6 continues from the above Scriptures cited:

For unto this cause ALSO THE GOSPEL WAS PREACHED TO THE DEAD that they might be judged according to men in the flesh, but MIGHT LIVE according to GOD in the SPIRIT. Green's Greek Interlinear

O Great REDEEMER+, O THOU+ Who+ had and still has the keys of Death and Hell, I thank THEE+ for dying on that mean Cross in order to break down the gates of Sheol, Hades, and hell in order to bring Life to those who had not the chance to hear the GOOD NEWS before they died. 

Forgive me for forsaking the task of sharing this GOOD NEWS of victory over death with others. Please forgive me of burying this "talent" entrusted unto me and keeping the GOOD NEWS locked up within my smug heart.

Help me , LORD JESUS, to proclaim this Victory to the Un-saved, the Lost, the Un-Redeemed amongst my family, friends, acquaintances, and even to strangers. Forgive me for fleeing from my responsibility before GOD and man.

Cleanse me of the sin of Self-Preservation and help me instead to labor to Preserve those heading into Eternal Torments in hell and from thence, into the Second Death in the Lake of Burning Fire.



wilt not leave
My+ Soul
in Sheol;
neither wilt THOU allow
to see corruption. 
Psalm 16:10 

Sheol, remember, is ... or rather WAS... divided into two parts, a bad part and a good part. It was the abode of the dead... both the righteous dead and the UN-righteous dead.

They were separated by a great gulf over which none of the dead  could pass over  to the other side, according to Scripture in Mark 16.  Unfortunately, both parts are rendered in the KJV as "hell."

The gates of Sheol were opened by the Victor KING+ during those 3 days and 3 nights HE+ spent preaching to the dead.

Remember: The FATHER gave Our LORD JESUS a commandment that HE+ could lay down His+ life and that HE+ could pick it up again !

So, yes indeed, Our LORD JESUS' body did NOT SEE CORRUPTION in the grave! HE+ left His+ tired body in the grave while HE+ went in spirit to preach to the spirits in prison... that prison being Sheol in the heart of the earth.

Even though the good part of Sheol was pleasant ( see Mark 16 ), the spirits of the righteous dead COULD NOT LEAVE the realm of the dead... until The Victor King+, JESUS the CHRIST, descended into Sheol to set them free !

Where did they go when they were released out of prison  by Our LORD JESUS ?
(more to come...)
+ + +


Wielka Noc... The GREAT NIGHT...

Therefore doth My+ FATHER love ME+, because I+ lay down My+ life, that I+ might take it again.

No man taketh it from ME+, but I+ lay it down of Myself+...

I+ have power to lay it down, and I+ have power to take it again. This commandment have I+ received of My+ FATHER.
John 10: 17, 18

 +  +  +

HE+ is not here: for HE+ is risen...
just as HE+ said !
Go quickly now and tell His+ disciples 
that JESUS CHRIST is no longer dead!
Joy to the world 
HE+ is risen...
HE+ is risen...
HE+ is risen ! 

+  +  +
from the grave
HE+ arose !
With a mighty
o're His+ foes
...and the foes
of all mankind.

HE+ arose a victor
of the dark domain
and HE+ lives forever
with His+ saints to reign.
HE+ arose!
HE+ arose!


+  +  +